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Reply to "Chauvet Scorpion LG-60 and Colorstrip"

everything works on the COLORStrip except RGB mode, which normally I do not care about mixing the colors myself, but that means I cannot dim that fixture either when using the static color macros and that I do care about

The colorstrips are not set up to dim UNLESS you ARE using the RGB mode. There is no separate dimming/intensity channel on them as you have found out.

I had the same issue. My fix was to set up a scene with the strip channel 1 at 210(RGB Mode)and the other channels 2,3,4 RGB respectively at full. I the added a dimming fader in the button settings. Now i can dim the RGB individually. I haven't tried to dim any RGB mixing yet though.

Also you may want to change the profile for the strips. I have noticed that there are more than one profile in the library and and some of them may be incorrect. This may also be an issue with the RGB mode

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