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Reply to "Elation Magic 260 Data Wheels Stop Responding"

Thanks, Chris. I actually did that and it still does the same thing. After leaving if off for several minutes I go back and it works again for one, maybe two scenes, then stops responding again. The room is cool and the controller is on a separate circuit to ensure ample power. I cut the rig down to just 8 ADJ Spot 250 movers and 4 P64 LEDs, ample power and all lights are on independent channels (1-8 spots, 9-12 LEDs). I have an Obey 70 and have no issues with the current rig. It's just not big enough to run my band's full show for New Year's Eve (24 channels). All my cables are DMX, btw. Any other ideas? I'm pretty savvy with controllers and lighting, so starting to worry my controller is on the blink and hoping to rule that out. Red Face