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Reply to "HZ-500 Mini Review"

Way outside my budget, but a still rather fair review. I think the DMX in only is a shortcoming. I bet most people put these units at the end, but what if it's not at the end of a run?

For 50 hours and that much fluid, that's like nothing at all. Wow. I "broke in" my HZ-300 last Friday. Show is Saturday with a "family and friends" performance Friday. Won't compare, but condering my focus and budget, it's OK.

So, the HZ-500 LIVES in the case? The web photos(not yours) indicated it was integrated into a case. Minor detail, especially if it can function inside that case anyways. Add some locking casters and you're good.

I do see the need fo the X-310 in my inventory now though.

It is best to get a dedicated hazer AND a dedicated fogger, the results are most ideal by using the right hardware for the right job.