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Looking for Par64 Replacements, sort of

I have 8 ADJ 64 LED Pros, which I like. The director for a show is saying they aren't bright enough. I can sort of concur. But, seeing as how it's my money, it's a bit harder of a bite to chew, especially since I'd also be buying the additional lights out of my pocket.

The 64 LED Pros were pre-existing items.

Now, I have these 4 Chauvet Intimidator Color units, which I am not pleased with. To be nice, we'll leave it at that. One failed at my last show. These fixtures have less than 50 hours of total usage in the 3+ years I have had them, and despite being out of warranty, there are not enough hours to justify failure. These lights have to go.

What I am looking for is not really a replacement for my 64 LED Pros. What I want to find is a LED fixture that is affordable(to me) that I can use that would be a fairly suitable replacement for a 500-watt Par64. I'm thinking of getting 4, but 8 would be better. I can then use the LED 64 Pros to replace the fixtures I'm replacing.

All I need want is LED that has the following features:
RGB mixing
I do need strobing.
Sound active in DMX would be nice.
Color macro function would be nice.

That would pretty much be a 7-channel like for like to the 64 LED Pro. Combination of some functions to a single channel would probably be OK.

A frequent poster here posted on the ADJ forum about the Opti Tri Par, the ELED RGB ZOOM and the DLED PAR ZOOM. As far as affordability, the ELEDT RGB ZOOM seems like it's more in my price bracket, but even so is quite a hit even at street prices for my limited wallet. Are there any other fixtures I should be considering?
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