Pitman's idea I understood though and was able to try out. It's just like he said though- a rather sideways way of doing it. If I were a permanent install it would be different and I would customize the movement buttons to point @ the dance floor like I want but being mobile, each setup is different and customizing each movement I want to use (times each fixture independently... and not knowing if they have the same exact movement bounds either) is not an ideal situation.
I'll probably stick to my current method- which is to make 2 overlapping pages. When I want to do that one odd ball cue, I go to the page without X-Y bounds... when I want to have movements pointed at the dance floor, I go to my page which has X-Y bounds setup from the wizard at the beginning of page setup. Only reason I asked was because there's a second of stutter/weirdness/blackout when I switch pages like that!
I'll look into compushow a little bit more though

Thanks everyone for the help.