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NEED RGB Profile, American DJ Mega Pixel LED BARS, pre-programmed buttons?!!

I'm in Wilmington, NC and i'm running a dance club, i've used CompuLive Software for the past couple years. I have 19 American DJ Mega Pixel LED BARS, up and down, with 10 on the front of the booth, and 9 behind the DJ. I have an RGB profile set up on my current show that controls all the bars, the way they are numbered is staggered, so first light would be behind the DJ, second light in order is on the front, so the lights essentially produce the same button front and back....what i'm attempting to do now is have the front do something different from the back lights...but when i create a new RGB profile the only pre programmed button i'm getting the @COLORMix1 as opposed to the numerous buttons on the previous RGB profile, like Matrix effect, lines, circle, countdown, etc....i need the profile that has all of those buttons...the profile i'm currently using is found in the generic folder, and it's called RGB...any help would be much appreciated, thanks.
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