Hi WideGlide
I'm new to this stuff also, but here's what I've learned so far. The 16 pars; each light should be plugged into it's own outlet on the DP(dimmer Pack). Most DP's have DUAL outlets on each channel, if you want to have individual control of each par lamp, use "ONLY 1" of the DUAL outlets for each lamp. The Op192 (Operator 192) has 12 fixtures each able to control 16 channels (12x16=192). Fixture 1 can control ch1-16. Fixture 2 can control ch17-32. Fixture 3 can control ch33-48. Fixture 4 can con......(do you see the pattern?)Ok, if you set the dipswitch on DP1 to (1), this DP will use ch.1-4
then, if you set the dipswitches on DP2 (1,3) this DP will use ch.5-8, if you set the dipswitches on DP3 to (1,4) this DP will use ch.9-12,then if you set the dipswitches on DP4 to (1,3,4) this DP will use ch.13-16. Now, fixture 1 on the controller will control all 16 of your PARs. Activate the fixture 1 button, set your bank button (1-8) on your faders, and move the faders you should now have control of the FIRST 8 PARS, set your "bank button" (9-16) now you should have control of your NEXT 8 PARS
If you understand how lighting dipswitches work then you can set the rest of your DMX lights in the same fashion. Each light fixture will use a certain amount of sequential channels. If you don't know how many channels the unit uses check the manufactures website. As long as all of your light fixtures don't add up to more then 192 channels, the Op192 will work fine for your needs. I hope this helped you some.