A general reverse button, as in color chases, dimmer chases, movements, etc. I can easily make a second switch that goes in the opposite direction but if it is simply reversing the same switch, then it cuts down half of the switches I have to make and makes for a smoother transition.
If you use any nicer board, they have the ability to reverse the same effect. It really shows the smoothness of that transition whenever you reverse a movement, because it simply starts going in the opposite direction in mid swing. When you make two switches, even if the movement is the same thing but going in the opposite direction, the lights have to reset the starting point first.
The way the program is done, it might make more sense to limit the reverse buttons to movement effects and color mixing effects. I would picture these reverse buttons next to the speed, dimmer, phase, size knobs at the top menu part that comes up on each switch or scene you make; and have the ability to embed them in the switches the same way.
In a nutshell, take the same reverse buttons that are located inside the movement effects and color mixing effects and put them on the outside so you can change it live.