Hi, thanks for your reply.
The downloaded library files in the FLIB folder are all having no extension as far as I can see. I see almost no TFF files over there.
By the way, I also downloaded the Strand 200 plus creator, same program it seems but also the same problem...
But, I renamed an existing light profile from the FLIB folder to TFF, opened that one in the creator, adjusted it to my moving head specs, saved it and removed the TFF extension afterwards again. And kind of surprised but it worked and the controller loaded the profile.
I must admit I am pretty newbie again with this stuffs, I believe you can do nice things with this controller but for me it seems now that it is all pretty complicated.
For example my preference would be to have the most channels (gobo, shutter, etc.) from the ML lights assigned to a own fader. Seems that the controller don't like that. Anyway I need to try something more with making programs and see for the results.