Wondered if this profile for some cheap fixtures I bought can be found in a similar profile from another existing fixture. Bought these cheap and they don't have a brand name..
Any help?
Ch 1 - 0-255 - MAIN CONTROL
Ch 2 - 0-255 - Strobe (slow to fast)
Ch 3 - 0-50 - Enable Ch1-ch7
51-100 - Program color selecton
101-150 - program change gradually
151-200 - program impulse change
201-250 - program jump change
251-255 - sound activated
Ch 4 - 1-255 - gradually change from dim to bright (sound activated)
Ch 5 - 0-255 - Red Dimmer
Ch 6 - 0-255 - Green Dimmer
Ch 7 - 0-255 - Blue Dimmer
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