Tagged With "Series"
Programming Martin M2GOHD desk - pointers/training
Hi - my local community organisation has been donated a Martin M2GOHD desk running M-Series OS 3.70.885.0. Whilst I appreciate there are YouTube videos for this and the re-badged NX2, I am just wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of an experienced programmer of these desks who might be able to offer some basic one-on-one training, just to get me up & running and able to programme a straight forward local theatre production? We're only using around 20 LED fixtures, no...
Re: Programming Martin M2GOHD desk - pointers/training
Hi join is here on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OnyxUsers Plenty of users who could take the time to do some training within that group.
Fuze Profile/Spot/Max Series Feature Request
Hi, All! Don't know if this is a forum post or an email, but I would like the ability to turn all of the fans on at full from the menu without having to get the fixture hot enough to turn them on. Right now it seems that the fan settings are referenced when the fixture determines that it is hot enough to have the fans turn on, but if I have the fans set to MAX, I want them to be spinning at max speed at all times and not just when the fixture thinks that it is hot. Otherwise, could we get a...
Re: Fuze Profile/Spot/Max Series Feature Request
Greetings, you are correct the fans are regulated, this is meant to minimize fan noise. also yes it is possible for an affected PCB to produce a "phantom" error as a result however you should be able to confirm Fan RPM via the menu and confirm fans are operational.
Six Par Series Fixture Firmware
Update Tool: CUE Software Uploader SIXPAR 100 V1.16 What's new: Resolved bug with temperature fluctuations. SIXPAR 100IP V1.18 What's new: 1.Lock Screen mode default changed to ON1 2. Temperature reading fluctuates as the display ages. SIXPAR 200 V1.16 What's new: Resolved bug with temperature fluctuations. SIXPAR 200IP V1.21 What's new: 1.Lock Screen mode default changed to ON1 2. Temperature reading fluctuates as the display ages. SIXPAR 300 V1.14 What's new: Software Updates due to change...