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Tagged With "Design Spot"


Re: SD3 Playbacks containing presets, selected fixtures question

George Webb ·
Thanks SDMAN. I just tried using Scenes instead of Presets, but Scenes seem to have a few different problems: Scenes sometimes want to cancel each other when turning them on. (Does anyone know why this is?) This makes it hard to turn on multiple scenes simultaneously. When a scene fades out, it fades its channels down to zero, rather than letting them stay at their "color scene". I thought "HTP" would allow the highest value to control the channel, but apparently it means a controller will...

Re: Show Designer 1 Bricked

greetings if you are comfortable working on the unit the try the following: with the units unplugged open it up.. you will see a large PCB with multiple E-proms. make sure they are properly seated then retest.. if successful then close the unit up and enjoy if not then you may need to send it in for repair: for RMA requests email RMA @ELATION LIGHTING.COM

Re: Show Designer 1 Bricked

ProfFilament ·
Thanks for your reply, Ela! I just got off the phone with support and they said something similar about the PCB and sent me a RMA request form. I'm curious though, since that repair sounds like something that I would feel comfortable trying, do you know if opening the unit would void my warranty and make it so that I could no longer send it in for an RMA repair?

Re: Show Designer 1 Bricked

Former Member ·
To whom it may concern, The display PCB's have changed in time but it's the same operating system. It could be either a bad display or a bad PCB inside. If it's within the 2 year warranty your best bet would be to send it in for warranty repair. You can always send an email to to set you up with a RMA to send it in. If it's not under warranty anymore and if you have another working unit with the same color display, you can always start by trying to swap out the...

Re: Roller Rink Wash with LED?

elationpro ·
Hi Mikey, I have a customer who did a roller rink using Power Spot 250's and mainly the power wash 250 and cmy zoom 250 to color the floor. These would normally be ok for 20' distances, We actually recomend 250watt fixtures for up to 35' If you wanted to use LED's the DLED 36 delivers the best light output in LED using 36 1w luxeon LED's with reflectors. Best regards, JL

Re: question about the vision scan 250!

elationpro ·
Hi Jingles, with the Vision Scan 250 out of focus you will still have a spot. However you need to remember that when you project gobos, a lot of times you will want them out of focus to give you different effects. But to answer your question you will still have a spot.

Re: spot and wash 250

Jingles8302 ·
do u have any control over the one that is moving on it's own? is there any type of light that tells u it is recieving a DMX signal? also i just checked and if u have the power spot and washes the spots are 15 channels which would mean the second one should start at A016. and if this is so is it panning and tilting on it own or just one or the other. can u tell me what u have and at what addresses?? i need to know if they are power spots and washes or what. and also if the washes are cmy or not.

Re: Color mixing

Jingles8302 ·
well actually if u look around the web site a lot of them have the color mixing. here are a few of them. the power wash 250 and 575E,the design spot 575E, he power spot 700, design washes. and one or two more im sure. so u have a good array of choices from elation if u ask me. peace jingles!

Re: Color mixing

elationpro ·
Hi Jonathan, I agree, I love the CMY color mixing feature. However this makes a lighting fixture a lot more expensive. Also, its dificult to fit all of these features in a light. So at Elation we are working on incorporating this feature into most of our lights. In the 250 range, if we incorporate CMY in a spot, it will be a bigger light, and be as much as a 575. So if you are already buying a big light, might as well bump up to a 575 fixture. The Elation Design Spot 575e, will be one of the...

Re: powerspot 250 lenses

flash ·
Yo Tap I have 2 power spot 250 and have around 150 hours on them. What lense needs to be replaced after 2 years or does it go by operating hours ??

Re: powerspot 250 lenses

homeboy ·
The instruction manual. I was going to comment, but felt its better for an elation rep to let them know which is right rather then my opinion. It says that then lens should be replaced every two years, but really it only needs to be replaced when it gets cloudy or breaks IMO. The manual is referring to the outer condensing lens, by the way, the one you can touch (but shouldn't) on the front of the head. Overall, you shouldn't need to replace any lens' on your power spot until it breaks. -Homeboy

Re: powerspot 250 lenses

elationpro ·
Alright guys, I read throught the manual and could not find the lens replacement section. The last pages of the manual give a maintanane schedule saying that the outside optical lense should be cleaned monthly, but nothing about replacing lenses every two years. Help me out here. Here is a link to the manual: Power Spot User Manual Best regards,

Re: Design Spot 250 colour wheel

elationpro ·
Hi Toby, I think your question was more in lines of a color wheel with replaceable colors. This was suppose to happen to the Design Spot 250. However as it stands this feature will not be available with the current Design Spot 250. We have talks of a Design Spot 250LX which may be available by LDI in November. Best regards, John Lopez

Re: Basics of Compu Live 06

elationpro ·
You have to create a "switch" and name it follow spot. Then you need to select the "Ok and Edit" button. Look for a tab that says follow spot, and it should look like this. In this window you will see directions. Follow those directions.

Re: Basics of Compu Live 06

d-rey ·
i did that, when i setup that switch it just moves to 4 different points in a cycle, the type of spot i was looking for is one that focuses on a certain point stays there until i move it. i was able to achieve this by setting a scene with with 2 fixtures pointed to the same spot and then moving them with the x/y preset button but i'm only able to control one fixture at a time. is there a way to have them both follow one mouse movement?

Re: Basics of Compu Live 06

elationpro ·
You need to keep working with this follow spot section of the software. I have done it and it works good. The key is use all the points allowable. Keep working with this and you will get it going.

Re: "SNapping" Objects in 3D Visualizer?

Jingles8302 ·
once ur in construc mode u can right click a seires of truss or lights and move them all together or make em all in the same spot then spread them out one by one. don't know if this helps. jingles!

Re: Design Spot 250 Fade Issues

joeytech87 ·
i just tried what you suggested and still no luck... here are my steps first on the design spot page i set what i want.. so positions.. and colors..gobo's then i do the same for the other pages.. mostly LED lights once im done setting the scene up i click on the master page logo and press Save Scene.. using the scene fade toolbar i set my fade time.. to 2 seconds.. scene is programmed.. starting on init i click on the scene.. and this is when the strobing occurs.. it isn't a fast strobe..

Re: Compu Live Questions

matchless1 ·
John, Thank you and Jingles for your help. It all really helped! I actually went ahead and ordered the program about a week ago. Today was the first chance I've had to make sure what I had programmed matched what actually happened. I have figured out most of the bugs, but there is still one I can't quite get: My 4 moving heads (Design Spot 250) initialize to a different position than what is shown on the visualizer. For example, in reality when I look at the MH's they sit on the ground in...

Re: Compu Live Questions

elationpro ·
Hi Matchless, Yes, I know what your talking about.. and you have a few simple modifications to work with. 1. The Design Spot 250 has two pan degree settings. The degree is the amount of spin from left to right that the light can move. It should be set to 540 degrees on the light to match the 3D window. 2. Once this is done, then on the 3D window you may want to invert the pan and tilt to match the direction of the actual light. Here is a picture to help you find the pan and tilt inversion.

Re: compu 2006

evolution78586 ·
Hey Guys, last night i had a show and the compu program ran good! It gave me that shutdown message one time the entire night (3hrs) but im stiil having a problem with one fixture (spot).When i click center so that all the lights can face up, that one fixture faces the front (sound guy)I've tried the RPAN and RTILT and it stays the same.Last night i also ran into a prob. with another spot. I was getting a RSER message from it.I wasnt able to use this fixture last night.Another thing towards...

Re: compu 2006

Jingles8302 ·
well u can edit the center button to ur needs. in fact most or all buttons on compuware u an edit to fit ur needs.what u want to do is hit ctrl-alt left click on the center button and a window should come up so u can edit it. now take the one spot that is out of place and put it in place wit hthe rest. should work. what fixture was giving u the RSER message? could be reset error. im not too sure on that so don't quote me. for the lamps u couldn't get them on by hitting the lamp on button? or...

Re: compu 2006

evolution78586 ·
Thanks jingles.First of all I have 6 Power Spot 250 and 4 Power Wash 250..Is there anyway to edit that one fixture when I'm creating the page for the spots? you know, after it ask me to enter the DMX address and the # of fixtures then it takes me to the next step that asks me if all the fixtures are on and facing up. My concern is, if i edit just the center button once the page is created,the fixture s still gonna be out of sync with the other pre set cycles/scenes. The fixture giving me the...

Re: compu 2006

Jingles8302 ·
is the one power spot in a different position or orientation then he rest that would make the center buton different? like where is it mounted? no if u mess with center it just changed the setting in the center button it shouldn;t effect other buttons unless they ae included in the scene. like i said after you create ur fixture page and thern mess with center just fix the one that you are having problems with. also here is what the manulasays for RSER "RSER This message informs you that one...

Re: Out of sync Power Spot 250

elationpro ·
It really does not make any sense. Have you tried addressing it the same as one of the other Power Spot 250's? This way you know if its the light or the controller?

Re: Design Spot 250 Color Correction

elationpro ·
Hi TW, The Design Spot 250 does not have color correction. The easiest solution would be to have a 32K dichroic filter cut to the size of a Gobo 26.9 x 23mm viewing. Your best bet would be to contact Rosco or Apollo to get the best filter. Best regards,

Re: Out of sync Power Spot 250

Jingles8302 ·
it could be. but lets try it and see if it does anything ok? now maxamize ur 3D viewer and enter construction mode ok? then once u see the tabs. go to ur fixture tab and then open ur power spot folder and turn all the pan/tilt speeds off and see if it does anything ok? here is a pic to help ya out.

Re: Design Spot 250

Jingles8302 ·
hey esteban can you tell me exactly what values channels 11 and 12 are on when u progrma this black out? also about the CMY, on the design spot 575 elation offers CMY mixing. i don't believe they have CMY as a option to be put in on the design spot 250. thanks. jingles.

Re: Nedd Help with scene transitions Newbie needs help

Jingles8302 ·
you could just program a blackout scene in the sequence befroe you want it to be on. just put it on a short hold time or fade time. also im not too sure about the power spots but in some lights there is whats called a "vector mode" which if u have that value selected it will black out when a either pan or tilt motor is moving or even color/gobo wheels moving. it is a cool effect, but again i didn't see it in the values of the power spot 250. peace! welcome to the forums. jingles.

Re: Need Help Elation DMX Partner & ADJ Delux scan 250

elationpro ·
Hi Sparky, This is not possible with the dmx partner. Its the simplest controller made and in order to be able to spot light, you will need to upgrade to an actuall dmx controller. Best regards,

Re: Design Spot 250 Fade Issues

ebaclights ·
Sorry this is a little late... What you need to do is; if you are gonna be starting on the INIT scene you need to go in to edit on that scene, and set the shutter channel to open. To do this, just left click on the shutter channel and it will give you the option to set it. That way it does not go through the strobe section upon fading up or down. Another thing you should do is right click on your design spot section on the page box, and go to settings. When the box opens, click on "channels"...

Re: Design spot 250

elationpro ·
That's what I was thinking you were doing. The Design spot 250's have 2 different pan rotation settings. 1 is 540 degrees 2 is 630 degrees I believe they are set to 630 degrees from us here at the factory. this 630 degree pan setting makes alot of things not match very well. So look for the degr setting on your fixtures and set them both to 540 degree's. See how that works for you. Best regards,

Re: Hey Guys!!! I'm Back . . . again

tylerherron ·
Hey John, James told me to tell about this. It is a quick story that I experience on tour. Our lighting guy is 16 (yes they put a 15 and 16 year old in charge of all that equipment, scary huh?) He really isn't a lighting guy he just knows how to run the software. He really just wants to play in a band. Anyways for awhile I have been learning from him, but now it is different. Since I've been on these forums as well as the ADJ forums I have learned ALOT. Well at one of our shows we had the...

Re: COEmars and elation fixtures on the same control???

ybravo89 ·
I forgot the exact model of the controller, but i know for a fact it is a universal controller. The coemars are 16 channels each and the Elation Focus Spot 250R are 11 channels each. Can you tell me how i can set them up? Thank you very Much

Re: Lighting Newbie

tylerherron ·
Welcome to the forums! For the dimmer packs, whatever address you set it to (129 for your example) tells you all the address for each light. light one will be 129 and light 2 will be 130, 4 - 131, 5 - 132. so just use the faders (channels 129 - 132) to turn on the par cans. Make Sense? For the ADJ Accu Spot 250 II's, I'm not entirely sure how to do what your thinking but what I would suggest is to set some scenes and just recall your scenes. Set the first light to the left of the runway and...

Re: Lighting Newbie

estrello ·
hello I need to know if the DMX Partner works wid 2 american dj moving heads 250 spot

Re: Lighting Newbie

tylerherron ·
@JPal Congrats on getting you accu spots working. now for the dimmer pack. This particular pack has 3 modes (as you already know) 1 channel, 2 channel, and 4 channel. Here is how they work: 1 Channel This setting allows all the lights plugged into the pack to be turned on/off using one channel. Meaning that if you set your pack to 1 channel mode and the address is at A129, when you turn on that fader all the lights will come on. 2 Channel This setting allows the four channels to be turned on...

Re: Lighting Newbie

estrello ·
Thank's Then what is the controller that you suggest for 2 moving-heads 250 spot american dj?

Re: Lighting Newbie

elationpro ·
Hi Jpal, That's what the guys were trying to explain to you. Your controller does not have pre generated movements. The feature you are asking about is only found in the Showdesigner series controllers and Compu live software. In your situation you will need to record multiple scenes. for example, if you want a circle on the wall or cieling. you need to position the light in one spot..then record that position into a scene, you then follow the same process till you have made about 4 - 8...

Re: Lighting Newbie

elationpro ·
Not sure.. the accu spot is by American Dj.. you would have to hop on that forum or call ADJ support.

Re: A couple of questions about design spot functions

stevelynch ·
Okay... I know how to program scenes and such, It was just that the design spot is my only light that resets when you switch parameters.. My accu scans and accu spots never did this... I'll get with James! Thanks!

Re: Magic 260 Issues

serraava ·
I thought I made that clear in my first post that the issue is with the Magic, not the lights themselves. It could be that the auto correct and the Magic don't get along, who knows. I just know that general channel personalites work fine, or I have to off-set the channel count by 2 so the lights don't pan randomly with the Power Spot personalites. The lights themslves have no issues.

Re: Stage Pak 1 how to set up?

Jingles8302 ·
on a side note. your spot 250 uses 6 DMX channel and the vue 3 uses 9. 9+6=15 DMX channels total. so you only have room for maybe one or two pars on the stage setter 8. might want to look into a bigger controller. like jthtigers DMX operator 192.

Re: Riva 80

Jingles8302 ·
Cant go wrong with a few sets of the riva 80's and about 4-6 design spot 250's and we even have them in a white case to help them blend in to your celing. my two watts. you could even get white truss.

Re: Riva 80

rain ·
Just realized what a noob I am. Posted in Moving Heads section.. MODs feel free to put me where I belong if needed. Thanks James. Had some of the guys at the LAB (pro sound web) direct me to you here on the forum. The music store I sub-contact under just spoke with Elation at the NAMM show but I doubt any dealership agreement was finalized. But, I have 2 churches needing theatrical style lighting installs by Easter so I gotta get this stuff moving FAST! Any primers or how-to's on...

Re: For Rain

rain ·
FAR OUT! yes, with that stage (Northside Assembly) I will have 2 Design Spot 250 lights out front and a pair of DLED 38 MH lights as well. The stage might get 8 DLED fixtures but I'm pushing for a grid of 12 Acclaim X-EYE HD lights(RGB and a few Cool White). Thats the start anyhow. LOOKS GREAT!

Re: Demo Download?

rain ·
WHEW - Im a bit overwhelmed but I think its because Im on a tiny notebook. Gotta hook up to a couple of 20" flat panels to get all these windows open. Will the demo let me put the 3D model you made in it? Client wants to use Design Spot 250 (2), DLED 36 (8), DLED MH (2) and Im working on getting him to use the software over the ShowDesigner board. (I'm also trying to get him to drop the DLED fixtures in favor of Acclaim X-EYE HD lights too.. about 12 of them) Will the demo let me put these...

Re: Demo Download?

rain ·
There was a list of MASTER and about 4 or 5 other fixtures below that. As I double clicked each one, a list of Custom, Elation, and a few others came up. In the Elation list I saw the DLED lights but not the Spot 250 or the Acclaim lights. Did see the RIVA80 lights though, which are similar to the X-eyeHD lights from acclaim.

Re: COEmars and elation fixtures on the same control???

ybravo89 ·
So i went out and bought the Compu 1024EC program, the programs is great, however i am having a little problem. My Focus Spots 250 move extremely slow. The Coemars are not as bright as they are suppose to be (they move good though). The manual doesn't give much help. Any suggestions on how to fix this problem. I have them set as 1,17,33,49,65> (thesse are the channels for the coemars) then the focus spot 250 continue as : 81,92,103,114. Am i seeting the channels wrong. Please help if you can.

Re: COEmars and elation fixtures on the same control???

ybravo89 ·
No, all the preset movements on all those switches (i think thats what they're called)have been set to go as fast as they can, but the focus spot still moves slow. When i activate the Circle Swtich, The coemars move fast, but the focus spot move slow and i moved the speed on the bottom of the circle switch to as high as it goes for both pages. Even when i use my mouse to move them, the focus spot still rspond a lil slow, the move faster with the mouse but not as fast as they suppose to. Help?