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Tagged With "step"


Chase doesn't loop

ncremeans ·
I have a Elation DMX operator Pro console. When I manually create chase scenes, ( meaning I am not just setting up chases from existing scenes that are saved) lets say 10 steps. After saving and hitting the play back, it cycles thru the 10 steps and stops on the last step instead of starting back at the beginning of the chase. This is just on the moving light section, I am not using any par cans. Just moving heads and 4bar L.E.D.'s. In addition, when i program a chase that is built from...

Re: Chase doesn't loop

Jingles8302 ·
Hi, check your method against the official tutorial videos:

Re: Chase doesn't loop

ncremeans ·
Yeah I watched tons of videos on this including the one you sent. They only explain how to do scene chases.