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Tagged With "electrical"


Magma Prime will not power on. Suggestions?

Matt in KY ·
I have a Magma Prime purchased second-hand that will not power on. When plugging it in nothing happens. No fan kicking on, no information on the touchscreen, no light on the power switch, no signs of life whatsoever. I've visually checked all of the standard things: Power cable, PWR switch, 9 AMP breaker pushed in. All seem perfectly fine but don't indicate operation. This Magma Prime honestly looks like a brand new unused unit except for a few trace signs of fluid in the tank and lines. I...

Re: Magma Prime will not power on. Suggestions?

Jingles8302 ·
Hello, it seems like perhaps it was plugged into the wrong power source (IE 208V) and fried the PSU of the unit. Look at the PSU and you may find something fried on it.