Ordered a replacement driver board for Fuze Max Spot. Original board has printing on it, S74003-04A. Replacement board number is S72702-04A. Replacement board looks like it should work, in/out connectors in the right place although filter caps and driver ICs are different (which in my mind shouldn't make any difference). With new board, pan movement is incorrect. Am I missing a step? Is there an address or initializing process to be done? Any advice would be great.
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What is the part number of the replacement board?
On the information menu, does the software version match on all the PCBs listed? What software version is the display PCB (1U)?
Thanks for the reply Ricardo C. The part number for the replacement board is, 8010102355V100FUZ528. I don't know what the original's part number is. I'll check in to the software version numbers. I'll post what I find.
You might have to update the light to make sure all the PCBs have matching software version.
That sounds like a good idea. I'll work on running an update as my next step.
Checked the unit software version, 1U-7U are running V1.0.7. Looks like the replacement board just won't run in this fixture. I have another Max Spot (good running) that won't pan or tilt with this replacement board installed. When I take the old board from that fixture and put it in the 'problematic' Spot, everything functions normal.
If I had a SWD (standard wire debug connector) and supporting software, I could compare the STM32F103 ICs and have a go at the component level. For now, I'm just a board swapper.
Do you have a picture of the original S74003-04A PCB?
S74003-04A board.
It's possible that the replacement 2U PCB might be defective.
Yes, I was thinking the same thing. It's rare but not impossible to have an entire run of bad boards. Unfortunately, the LA store doesn't have a fixture in stock to test these boards nor would they have a reason to unless brought up by someone.
Thanks for your response, Ricardo.