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Tagged With "USB"


Proteus Smarty Hybrid Firmware

elationservice ·
Upload Tool: E-Loader III/ USB Proteus Smarty Hybrid Firmware V1.3.0 What's new: CHANGES NEEDED DUE TO IC SHORTAGES ADDED ETHERNET UPDATING FUNCTION ADDED SUN PROTECTION MODE IN THE “NO DMX STATUS” MENU IS AS FOLLOWS SUNPROT/CLOSE/HOLD/AUTO DFSE WILL DEFAULT TO “SUNPROT” If your fixture does not include a USB Service Port which is used to upload software updates, click HERE to select the required uploader tool to update your fixture. Please contact for further ...

Smarty Hybrid

elationservice ·
Upload tool: E-loader or fixture has a USB service port. Smart Hybrid Firmware V1.4.1 What's new: Added focus compensation function as well as optimization to the logic for detecting ballast malfunction. You should not attempt uploading the firmware to the fixture unless you have read and fully understand the instructions that came with the relevant Fixture firmware uploader for your fixture. Clicking this link will take you to the Software uploader section of our website so you can pick the...

Operator 192 USB stick and U link cable.

ThomasD ·
Hey, I know this is a blast form the past but I just picked up an Operator 192 that was in a show room for all its life. I have a question about the back up of programs. It say the USB stick is a proprietary device and the u link cable can be used. You need to have a program on your PC to save and restore the files. It won't load on my not too new PC , I think XP is maybe the required version. Seems odd in this age to now be able to plug in a stick and save your files. Any body have...

Re: Operator 192 USB stick and U link cable.

Jingles8302 ·
You have the cable and the program? Try running it in windows compatibility mode? It's so old i don't think we can make any promises.

Re: Operator 192 USB stick and U link cable.

ThomasD ·
I don't have the cable or the USB, I'm going to try and load the program on a laptop with XP. I see the cable is still available from some supplies. I'm in Canada and the shipping for something that small can be real stupid lol

Re: Operator 192 USB stick and U link cable.

Jingles8302 ·
Ok, well go ahead and give that a shot and keep us posted here. and yes, Canada really has some crazy shipping and import stuff going on.

Re: Operator 192 USB stick and U link cable.

ThomasD ·
One thing after another lol. I have a laptop, old, Had XP on it and upgraded to 7, Wanted to load the U link software so down graded to XP, now it won't copy some files during the install. WHAT? it was install previously. What would be a more current controller in the same vein as the 192 that can be backed up by a simple USB connection. I have been using the original MyDMX on the old laptop. Part of the reason for the change is i want to have Audio triggering, not all the time, just for...

Re: Operator 192 USB stick and U link cable.

Jingles8302 ·
Seems like a lot of hasell just for a silly old back up program.... I would try MyDMX 3.0, that has the ability to let scenes run according to a beat or a pulse and you can chose per scene how it runs too.

Re: Operator 192 USB stick and U link cable.

ThomasD ·
UPDATE: I got the U-link cable that I ordered off Amazon, won't scare you with what it cost. I was able to get the software installed on both Windows VISTA and 7. Getting the drives installed was a bit of a pain on 7, but it worked and I was able to down load and back up my work. So I'm happy.

Seven Batten 42 no response to firmware upgrade

Tyson ·
I have a 7Batten42 fixture that stopped responding to DMX and after some troubleshooting it was looking like more like a fixture issue rather than a connection, DMX controller or programming issue. I was going to reflash the firmware but it doesn't recognize the USB stick, further reinforcing my theory that it's a fixture issue. I tried it in another fixture and it works fine so it's not the USB stick. Is there a way to reset the fixture that would maybe get it to respond? I've already tried...

Re: Seven Batten 42 no response to firmware upgrade

Tyson ·
DMX works to another unit with the same cables, etc. Are you suggesting taking the display from the working unit and using it in the faulty one as a test?

Re: Seven Batten 42 no response to firmware upgrade

Greetings, most likely the DMX driver (located on the display) has been compromised. if possible test with a display from a known good unit.

Re: Seven Batten 42 no response to firmware upgrade

Jingles8302 ·
Yes, that's what Gines means, label each fixture with tape or something, and swap the displays and see if the issue follows the display.

Re: Seven Batten 42 no response to firmware upgrade

th ·
If resetting defaults didn't do the trick, maybe try a power cycle? Turn it off, unplug for a bit, and then fire it back up.