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Re: enode 4 network connection

Ricardo C. ·
Try resetting the unit to Factory Settings. Go to User Preset menu, and select Factory Settings. After the reset, the IP address will be set to by default. Set the IP address to something unique; something that isn't already being used by other devices in your network.

Re: enode 4 network connection

stageit ·
I have tried resetting to Factory settings. I have setup just the desk and node connected to a router but nothing works I have tried an older enode4 and that works fine.

Re: enode 4 network connection

Ricardo C. ·
If you are running the same settings as your working enode, and it continues not to function, contact US: Europe:

Re: enode 4 network connection

predock ·
did you ever get this sorted? i'm having the exact same problem. i'm on an ETC nomad, the USB dongle works fine, and another 1uni gateway also works fine. i cant get it to work. . . same deal with all the lights but no output.

enode 4 network connection

stageit ·
I have an enode 4 connected to a Strand Palette Vl via a router. Desk is setup to output 4 universes over the network. I have checked all the IP addresses. The node shows I have a network link and when I send output from the desk the activity light flashes. However the output ports I have set up are not being activated. Running dmx universe 1 direct to an input port does activate the corresponding output so it seems I have missed something in the network. Any ideas?