Tagged With "6"
Re: KL Fresnel 6 Reset.
We do not have updates for the unit. Please feel free to contact me at santanaz@elationlighting.com so I can run you through some troubleshooting, if you have not already taken care of this.
KL Fresnel 6 Reset.
I just purchased a handful of KL6 and KL8 fixtures. They've been great for the last week but we just had one completely freeze at full on us. We've taken it down for testing and it doesn't respond to DMX or manual control. It can be seen through RDM and we can use the menu on the side just fine but the light just sits at full intensity. The other 20 we have are just fine. Is there a way to globally reset the fixture? Does it need a firmware update? Or is this our first (and hopefully last) RMA?
CW Profile HP Fixture Firmware
Uploader Tool required: E-Loader CW Profile HP Firmware V1.1.6 You should not attempt uploading the firmware to the fixture unless you have read and fully understand the instructions that came with the relevant Fixture firmware uploader for your fixture. Clicking this link will take you to the Software uploader section of our website so you can pick the correct uploader tool for your needs and fixtures. If you do not see your fixture listed, please contact Firmware@elationlighting.com
Artiste Monet Fixture Firmware
Uploader Tool needed: None, fixture has a USB service port. PLEASE NOTE THERE ARE 2 VERSIONS OF THIS UNIT V1.3.X & 1.4.X. 1.3.X SERIES CAN NOT BE UPDATED TO V1.4.X SERIES. FOR 1.4.X FIXTURES ONLY Artiste Monet Firmware V1.6.0 FOR 1.3.X FIXTURES ONLY Artiste Monet Firmware V1.3.7 Please ensure you read the included release notes document in the zip file. What's new: UPDATE NEEDED DUE TO IC SHORTAGE/CHANGES CORRECTED BUGS IN DISPLAY (IRREGULAR FAULT MESSAGES) OPTIMIZE RDM FUNCTION ADD...
KL Fresnel 6 FC Firmware
Firmware Tool Required: C-Loader II and/or USB KL Fresnel 6 FC firmware V1.04 What's new: Reset Default via RDM added. You should not attempt uploading the firmware to the fixture unless you have read and fully understand the instructions that came with the relevant Fixture firmware uploader for your fixture. Clicking this link will take you to the Software uploader section of our website so you can pick the correct uploader tool for your needs and fixtures. If you do not see your fixture...
Proteus Lucius Firmware
Proteus Lucius Firmware V1.6.3 E-LOADER TOOL ONLY What's new: Resolved a bug, Random flash that would occur in Extended mode. If your fixture does not include a USB Service Port which is used to upload software updates, click HERE to select the required uploader tool to update your fixture.
KL Profile FC Fixture firmware.
Uploader Tool needed: C-Loader Or USB KL Profile FC Firmware V1.0.6 What's New: Fade Optimized. You should not attempt uploading the firmware to the fixture unless you have read and fully understand the instructions that came with the relevant Fixture firmware uploader for your fixture. Clicking this link will take you to the Software uploader section of our website so you can pick the correct uploader tool for your needs and fixtures. If you do not see your fixture listed, please contact ...