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Tagged With "Advice"


Need Advice with DMX Output on Elation Pro Fixtures After Latest Firmware Update

alexmarshal66 ·
Hello there, I recently updated my Elation lighting fixtures to the latest firmware version; and I have been encountering some unexpected issues with DMX output since then. Specifically; it seems like the fixtures are not responding to commands from my DMX controller properly. Colors; gobo changes; and intensity adjustments are inconsistent, and there are occasional dropouts in the DMX signal. I have checked all the basic troubleshooting steps ensuring all cables are securely connected;...

Re: Need Advice with DMX Output on Elation Pro Fixtures After Latest Firmware Update

Jingles8302 ·
Hello, can you please tell us which exact Elation fixture(s) is behaving like this? Also what is your DMX controller? Thanks!