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Tagged With "4"



predock ·
having trouble getting my enode4 configured for artnet with an ETC Nomad EOS console. cant get output. from the DMX ports. IP address on the console: IP address on the eNode: subnet: ports set to output. i can get it to work with Madrix but no luck with the ETC console. anyone have any tips? thanks

Re: Enode4

Jingles8302 ·
Try the 2.x range instead? Some consoles prefer that, or try the sACN options if your console has it. sACN is far more robust than artnet and works great on the Enode 4.

Re: Enode4

Dave Nelson ·
Why would Elation choose a default IP address in the subnet? That address range is assigned for ISP and corporate usage through RIPE. Wouldn't one of the reserved private network blocks, such as have been a better choice?

Fixture Profile Needed for ETC Color Source Spot v1.7 that will work with Emulation V1.4.3

Joe@arbc ·
Hey can we get a Fixture Profile for a ETC ColorSource Spot V1.7 that will work with Emulation very 1.4.3. We will be replacing our lighting control system in a couple of months - but need this during transition for 6 fixtures

Re: Fixture Profile Needed for ETC Color Source Spot v1.7 that will work with Emulation V1.4.3

Jingles8302 ·
Hi, i do not believe this will be a problem, please email me the DMX chart for the fixture and we can probably have something made within 2-3 business days.

Re: Fixture Profile Needed for ETC Color Source Spot v1.7 that will work with Emulation V1.4.3

Joe@arbc ·
Attached are copies of the users guide Thank you ______________________________ Joe Sinclair | Minister to Students Aversboro Road Baptist Church | 1600 Aversboro Road | Garner | NC | 27529 919.779.0434 | mobile 919.417.6140 < > | < > [Text Description automatically generated]

Smarty Hybrid

elationservice ·
Upload tool: E-loader or fixture has a USB service port. Smart Hybrid Firmware V1.4.1 What's new: Added focus compensation function as well as optimization to the logic for detecting ballast malfunction. You should not attempt uploading the firmware to the fixture unless you have read and fully understand the instructions that came with the relevant Fixture firmware uploader for your fixture. Clicking this link will take you to the Software uploader section of our website so you can pick the...

Artiste Davinci Fixture Firmware

elationservice ·
Upload tool: E Loader III Artiste Davinci Firmware V1.4.0 What's New: UPDATED IC’S DO TO GLOBAL SHORTAGES NEW DISPLAY MENU LAY OUT EHTERNET UPDATING FUNCTION CORRECT BUG DUE TO IRREGULAR FAULT MESSAGES VIA DISPLAY You should not attempt uploading the firmware to the fixture unless you have read and fully understand the instructions that came with the relevant Fixture firmware uploader for your fixture. Clicking this link will take you to the Software uploader section of our website so you...

KL Fresnel 6 FC Firmware

elationservice ·
Firmware Tool Required: C-Loader II and/or USB KL Fresnel 6 FC firmware V1.04 What's new: Reset Default via RDM added. You should not attempt uploading the firmware to the fixture unless you have read and fully understand the instructions that came with the relevant Fixture firmware uploader for your fixture. Clicking this link will take you to the Software uploader section of our website so you can pick the correct uploader tool for your needs and fixtures. If you do not see your fixture...

Proteus Odeon Fixture Firmware

elationservice ·
Proteus Odeon: Proteus Odeon Firmware V1.4.1 What's new: Initial Release. If your fixture does not include a USB Service Port which is used to upload software updates, click HERE to select the required uploader tool to update your fixture.

Proteus Rayzor 760 Firmware

elationservice ·
Uploader Tool Required: Proteus Rayzor 760 Firmware V1.3.4 What's new: Critical update; fixes bug when updating to V1.3.3, calibration and time data is cleared upon updating. You should not attempt uploading the firmware to the fixture unless you have read and fully understand the instructions that came with the relevant Fixture firmware uploader for your fixture. Clicking this link will take you to the Software uploader section of our website so you can pick the correct uploader tool for...

Re: Proteus Rayzor 760 Firmware

drootb ·
Random parts of the update (e.g. 3u/4u/etc.) fail when doing the final part of the update. I have one fixture of the 5 I've done thus far be successful on all counts, but the other ones have failed one or more aspect of the update. Why is that? TIA.

Re: Proteus Rayzor 760 Firmware

Jingles8302 ·
Hi, try the update on "Slow" mode and see if that helps the issue. if not let me know in this thread and i will put you in touch with our service team directly.

Re: Proteus Rayzor 760 Firmware

drootb ·
Where can I select "slow mode"?

Re: Proteus Rayzor 760 Firmware

Jingles8302 ·
Hi, email Alejandro at and he can assist you with this.

KL CYC Series Fixture Firmware

elationservice ·
Uploader Tool needed: C-Loader Or USB KL CYC S Firmware V1.0.4 KL CYC L Firmware V1.0.5 What's New: "NET ERROR" and sACN bug resolved and stability improved for KL CYC S, New for KL CYC L: Data processing optimization. You should not attempt uploading the firmware to the fixture unless you have read and fully understand the instructions that came with the relevant Fixture firmware uploader for your fixture. Clicking this link will take you to the Software uploader section of our website so...