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Tagged With "Pan problem"


Re: gel color in 3d visulizer

homeboy ·
Thanks! and No Problem. I made a design for a theater I help with, but as it got closer to the show the use of Compu Pro was tossed and I never got rid of the program. Its not very detailed and no lights are actually ploted except the work lights, but it helped who it needed to so I guess its a sucsess after all! -Homeboy

Re: need to know???

Jingles8302 ·
is there any way i an visualize the color mixing?? cause rightnow all it does is stay on like light green color?? it lets me move the faders but i cannot change the colors on the 3D window!! or could i maybe add the r,g,b, channels just every other channel so that way i can mix r,g,b on the visualizer?? cause my problem is the lights are in l.a. and i am programming from wisconsin!! that is my job with this guy he wants me to program using compuware and send the files to l.a.! cool huh??

Re: What's a good laptop config to run Elation Sofware

Jingles8302 ·
here are the specs. Best Performance System Requirements: • Laptop or desktop computer with USB port • Windows XP or any up-to-date version • 1280x1024 screen resolution • 512Mb Memory • Clock frequency: 1.5Ghz • 128Mb RAM video card to use the “3D software” supporting Microsoft DirectX 9.0 but i reccomend more than 2 gb of memory and if you can make sure u have 128 dedicated video memory for 3D visualizer best performance. i have an amd turion 64 bit processor and it works good. i say just...

Re: Basics of Compu Live 06

d-rey ·
Ok I have added the 8 fixtures I think there may be a problem with the dmx protocol's the coemar manual shows them as a 13 channel fixture while the ssl file shows it as a 6 channel fixture?

Re: FC-192 Capability?

kkdowning ·
ok. thanks for letting me know... could anyone recommend a lighting control console that is accompanied with a foot controller? i play in a band and would like to have a bank saved for each song. within each bank, i would like to have several scenes... we have no problem switching banks manually, on the board, between songs. but we need the ability to navigate scenes via foot controller. thanks!

Re: Compu Live Questions

matchless1 ·
Hi John, Thank you for your responses as well. 1. I tried what you said and made my chase a Scene using Easy Step. After that I was able to control the speed via the Live Button Toolbar. So, in other words, I did not need to do anything further using Easy Time. I tried it any way (yellow button making the channels Easy Time), but it just seemed to mess up my chase, so I went back to making all channels Easy Step. I notice that the F7 and F8 keys allow me to adjust the speed up and down. Is...

Re: DMX Operator 192

Jingles8302 ·
no problem glad to help. jingles.

Re: Easy Show: Show Video on Second Monitor

elationpro ·
With lap tops its a bit more challenging to do this. The problem with Lap Tops is all graphic memory is dedicated to screen 1. Screen 2 gets practically no graphic memory. For this reason the video screen will maximize on screen 1. Your 1st task is to make the second monitor be the primary monitor, and the lap top screen to be the secondary montitor. You can do this in the Display Property settings.

Re: Compu: RGBMix colorwheels disappearing!!

elationpro ·
Unfortunatly we kind fix it if we can't find the problem. Your case would be the first case with this issue. Before you generate a page, can you save the show, which saves your entire set up, and e-mail it to attn: John Lopez. I'll have to take a look at your work.

Re: Stage setter 8 question

rjw ·
I work with Wayne - FWIW, we fixed the "problem" by powering the dimmer paks off then back on.

Re: compu 2006

evolution78586 ·
Hey Guys, last night i had a show and the compu program ran good! It gave me that shutdown message one time the entire night (3hrs) but im stiil having a problem with one fixture (spot).When i click center so that all the lights can face up, that one fixture faces the front (sound guy)I've tried the RPAN and RTILT and it stays the same.Last night i also ran into a prob. with another spot. I was getting a RSER message from it.I wasnt able to use this fixture last night.Another thing towards...

Re: compu 2006

evolution78586 ·
NO the one fixture is sitting on the floor facing the same direction as the other ones.I'm saying if i fix the problem in the center button it wont fix all the other buttons. This one light is out of sync with all the preset buttons.Yeah i read what the Rser message ment in the manual but i thought just maybe there is an easy fix for this rather then sending it in. The gobos... i just wanted to know of several differnt places to find some good gobos.Thanks Again jingles!

Re: Audio

luisramirez ·
When you click the zoom function, do you click the fader and slide it or do you click the pallet then slide the fader? the proper way to do it is click the pallet then slide the fader. If none works maybe you need to go to the fixture and put it on a test mode and make sure that the zoom works that may be the problem, if it does work, then it is in the program, and you may need to edit if it is the program or re install it. As for the special (auto-music) it could be in the editing you may...

Re: RSER message

Jingles8302 ·
no problem i do what i can. it's better to send it in and have the pros fix it. either that or u have a really expensive paperweight. peace! if u need anything else u know where to find me. jingles!

Re: Out of sync Power Spot 250

evolution78586 ·
Ok guys..Heres the problem. I pluged in the one fixture and connected it to my laptop and well the problem is, i have no control of the tilt function (up & down), i can control the pan (side to side) but not the tilt.and this is the fixture giving me the RSER error.Is this something i can fix??

Re: Out of sync Power Spot 250

Jingles8302 ·
even this one?? lol j/k your welocme man. no problem. VERY glad to hear it is all resolved now and u can use your elation fixture proudly and to the fullest which is a lot!! peace! jingles. have fun.

Re: Help with buying the best controller

is-real ·
.. looks like i'm up for a good show. the problem will be hanging the light, since the ceiling is 60 ft .. and cant really count on a truss that high. Nevertheless, my main concern is if the LEDs will do the job, but as it showed in the video ( by the way thanks for the time spent) seems that they'll do just fine. i was thinkin on hanging 4 LEDS on the front corners of the stage, using regular 'trees', the rest on the back, aiming at the drums, and guitar and bass players... hanged by a 15ft...

Re: Design 36 LED

pulighitng ·
I have the same problem when i use a DMX controler. Each program has a strobe at the end

Re: Compatibility Issue solved.

Jingles8302 ·
no problem. see if u can find on old discontinued dr. dmxIII. we used to sell those a while ago but has been since discontinued. if u can find a similar product that would be great. peace! jingles.

Re: Compatibility Issue solved.

elationpro ·
Hmmm.. It sounds like you are having data issues. This means that either one of the cables is not working well. or 1 light or dimmer has a bad output. Here is what I recomend. Try connecting one thing at a time. 1 dimmer, then 1 light, 1 dimmer then 1 light I think you will find the problem this way. As you connect each dimmer, make sure you bring intensities to 100% before you connect the next light. When you find the problem, change the cable. And if all the cables are good, then change...

Re: Design 36 LED

Jingles8302 ·
elatin pro and a bunch of the other people from elation and american dj are now in orlando for this week's LDI. so you may or may not get a response from him sometime this week. also it never hurts to shoot a call to our service department and there is a toll free number. give them a call see if they have a Dled they can use while your talking to them and see if they see the problem too. best regards. jingles.

Re: Magic 260 Issues

gfuller2000 ·
HeyMRD,Guys, Could it be that the "auto pan/tilt correction" function is "ON" within the Design spots? I have had that problem with power spots & my Magic 260.I believe you can turn the auto correction off on your fixtures.(it might not be the controller)Hope that helps. GF

Re: Design 36 LED

pulighitng ·
John and Ron , Thank you for your help on this problem. I am excited to hear that this might have a simple solution. I know that it is hard to please everyone with pre program effects but I feel strongly that this was a design flaw, and not just my picky personality trying to have my cake and eat it to. Given the time I would often write my own effects but when it comes to the people I am renting these units to just having them change colors without the strobing would make life allot easer.

Re: vista......

tylerherron ·
right now i am having the same problem. i have windows vista 64 bit version because thats what the guy installed anyway I NEED ANSWERS!!!! plz! jthtiger

Re: Octopod 80 with Magic 260 profile?

Jingles8302 ·
hello lemon! welcome to the forums. i think the problem your running into is the magic 260 controls only 16 channels per fixture. so if u want to run all the octopods as individuals you would have to buy more pixel drives in order to achieve this. because to control one set of octopods individually u would need a console that allows up to 48 DMX channels per fixture. u see the pixel drive and all 8 pods are considered (as far as your controller is concerned) as 1 fixture in the DMX line.

Re: Hey Guys!!! I'm Back . . . again

tylerherron ·
Hey John, James told me to tell about this. It is a quick story that I experience on tour. Our lighting guy is 16 (yes they put a 15 and 16 year old in charge of all that equipment, scary huh?) He really isn't a lighting guy he just knows how to run the software. He really just wants to play in a band. Anyways for awhile I have been learning from him, but now it is different. Since I've been on these forums as well as the ADJ forums I have learned ALOT. Well at one of our shows we had the...

Re: Magic 260 Issues

elationpro ·
Hey guys, when you talk about auto correct, are you reffering to position correction? the feature that brings the light back to original position? If so let me know, I've never heard of such an issue from being used outside or with a specific lighting console. Doesn't make sense to me. From serra's original post if it works fine with a 16 channel generic and not with the profile, I will point to the profile for the problem. let me know

Re: Magic 260 Issues

colorpalv10 ·
Lopez, Don't know how much field experiance you have had with elation lights but yes, we are referring to position correction. The little sensor that elation uses for all of its position correction... moving heads position correction, gobo homing, color homing, proton color wheel from high humitity. Most elation users that are 5 or less miles from the ocean will be extremely effected. Especailly if there is no outdoor housing for the light. The salty air will destroy the sensor...

Re: Magic 260 Issues

serraava ·
Nah, I just haven't had a chance to take out the PS 575s with the Magic 260 recently. I have been using a Hog 1000 or IPC instead. Only take the Magic with them when I have a request to do the PS 575s in a large club. Or I have to do something very simple, like a repeating program loop all night long. When I do take them out again with the Magic 260, I will do as gfuller said and turn off auto correction to see if it solves my problem. If so, I will post again saying so. If not, I will post...

Re: Show Designer 3 manual question

davie ·
I have the printed manual that came with it, every page of it has at LEAST 10-15 missing characters, it's very frustrating. Mostly 'r' 'p' 'w' 'y' and 'n' I figured out my problem, settings were carrying over into other presets, but I figured it out

Re: Octopod 80 disaster

elationpro ·
Dear Ben, All Elation lighting fixtures are covered with a 2 year limited warranty that cover “manufactures defects”. The nature of the problem with your lights is not a manufacturers defect, it is corrosion cause by salty air near the ocean. This is caused with any lighting fixture not IP 65 Rated. In your case the installation was indoors, yet was proven to have been damaged as if they were mounted outdoors. Neither you, the installer nor Elation could have predicted such an outcome...

Re: Octopod 80 disaster

ben ·
I was the customer rely on professionals and paid for. It is the installers first duty to care what you now want to say. It is the manufacters duty to describe his product e.g. "depend on certain invironment conditions". Your product is offered with guaranty and is to build into the ceiling. The ceiling always has different invironments. These lights were delivered to Florida, what would you expect in Florida at the coast line - dry air like the dessert or cold like Alaska or even rainy as...


serraava ·
Thanks John. They are great little lights. The internal programs in them are fantistic. They are also very easy to set the mode and go to internal programs. They are a great price too, offering a lot of bang for the buck. I don't think I personally would ever use an Opti RGB because of the size of them. I would just rather spend the extra money and get DLED 36s instead. They are much smaller and more powerful. The problem I have with DLED 36s however, is they are dip switches unlike the Opti...

Re: Wireless DMX problem

tylerherron ·
Hey joey, Im going to look into your problem but I couldn't help but realize that you work at JPAC. My brother goes to OBU and will graduate in May. I love that theater and I want to get in there and see what you guys have going on in there. I've been to numerous Tiger Tunes and some Festivals of Christmas. Great thing you have going down there. Ill try to have an answer for you tonight hopefully! jthtiger

Re: EasyShow

nickcarbone ·
IBM Thinkpad 2.4Ghz CPU 1GB Ram 40gb HD barely used Video Card is onboard and probably crappy Windows XP 2005-ish 12-21-07 CompuLive The show ran great yesterday as well, playing through 3 different shows changing tracks no problem with no glitch or skip... just that one time it happened worries me.

Re: Operator Pro question

bigworld ·
I mostly program individually, but now I do see a problem... If the fixtures were stacked this way, grouping the lights for on the fly manipulation would be pretty impossible. I use that function quie a bit to cut down on programming, and the fact that there are only 8 fixture chases. You can use the same chase with a different color and/or gobo and create a very different effect. One more question while I am at it. Is there any way to keep the lights grouped while changing scenes? With one...


serraava ·
Problem is jingles that your middle men don't do their job real well. I can tell you I ordered a PS575, within one month, the lens in the front had fallen out, and the dimmer didn't work. It also had a few other issues. They sent my advanced replacement out late, despite saying it would be there a certain day, and because it that, it hurt a show I was doing and lost money on it. About 6 months later, I ordered 2 PS575IEs. One light, 2nd show I used it for, about 3 weeks old and under 50...

Re: Riva 80

Jingles8302 ·
No problem. let me know how it goes.

Re: DMX Operator Pro

Jingles8302 ·
no problem. my pleasure!

Re: Riva 80

rain ·
Tony left him voice mail. No call back as of today. Hear he is doing a demonstration in jennings,LA on Tuesday. May try to crash that!

Re: Compu live Dec. 21, 2007 version; movie record error

Jingles8302 ·
No problem. I will being it up to the higher ups. Will keep you informed.

Re: black lights

pacman ·
How would this damage the dimmer or the light? We have a neon light on one of our dimmer channels (new ETC rack) and the technician didn't have any problem setting up non-dim channels, plus the dimmers actually have a fluorescent setting on them that does the same thing. For the light, what does it care if the power is "switched on"?

Re: COEmars and elation fixtures on the same control???

ybravo89 ·
So i went out and bought the Compu 1024EC program, the programs is great, however i am having a little problem. My Focus Spots 250 move extremely slow. The Coemars are not as bright as they are suppose to be (they move good though). The manual doesn't give much help. Any suggestions on how to fix this problem. I have them set as 1,17,33,49,65> (thesse are the channels for the coemars) then the focus spot 250 continue as : 81,92,103,114. Am i seeting the channels wrong. Please help if you can.

Re: problems with power spot 575?

dannyb ·
I forgot to ask you about the power wash that i have i have 3 machines for the stage everytime i use the chase for the colors the color wheel of one or another gets a mix of different colors. so when i finish using the chase and i want to wash the stage with just one color.. one or two machines will give diferent colors.. i have to reset the machine get all the colors back to a regular order.. is it a signal problem or the machine itself?

Re: Design Spot 250 PAN Problem, Help!!

rain ·
So has this been an common problem? Should I see the same error if mounted on its side?

Re: basic console programing

serraava ·
Out of order isn't as much a problem on cue lists as one may think. As long as you label stuff and are fast, the 'Go to' button is your best friend. I did a dance concert last year with about 500 cues, and it went in a different order each night. So I named each scene and programed in blocks. Like scene one was cues 10 thru 19 with 19 being the blackout, allowing me to record pre-load cues from 19.1-19.9. Worked well. It also gave each number a block of cues that lined up numerically cue...

Re: SS8 Question

serraava ·
The problem sounds like the chase is effecting the channels your strobe is on. You need to edit the chases so they only include the PAR channels. Not sure how to do it on the SS8. Look at your manual. If you still can't figure it out or you are confused, drop another line and I will try and help you out. A strobe isn't really an intelligent fix, just easier to control with an intelligent controller is all. Should see some of the crazy things I have to do. For example, I am running an all LED...

Re: Request for basic newbie info...

tylerherron ·
wow! nice job! The only problem is no warranty now! oh well! I like the idea! I'm working with midi a little bit and if you need some help with that then ill be glad to help! jthtiger

Re: dxm operator pro

serraava ·
If you are running DMX 500+ feet, I would highly recommend a DMX Branch or Opti Splitter of some sort. More then 1000' and you will need one because the signal drops off at that point. An opti-splitter does more then isolate. It also helps amplify DMX signal like a DA (distro amp) does for video. The isolation also isn't for lighting strikes, it helps if you have faulty power or your console and fixtures are running off of a different ground. This can cause problems just like in audio,...

Re: Scene Setter 48 issues, less than 1 year

worldcreator ·
Well if you're starting to have fader issues just after 2 years then I'm thinking this might not be a dud. How many faders are you having a problem with? And what exactly is the problem?