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Tagged With "Opto Branch"


Re: Need help w/ DMX Operator

elationpro ·
Hi DJ, Yes it could be bad. If the DMX driver chips are damaged, then they will still work sound active. Try using your friends board and a light also to see if both your lights and controllers work. If it is DMX drivers, then you will have to send it in for service. No other way around it. Elation makes this device. DMX Branch 4. It is created to supress over voltage to the DMX signal. Once overvoltage goes through the line it takes everything out. However most people don't sell this or...

Re: Opto Branch

elationpro ·
TAP is correct. However you should have both 3 and 5 pin outputs. If you get a 3 to 5 pin turn around you can actually use all 8 outputs making it an OPTO BRANCH 8. works great.

Re: dxm operator pro

tylerherron ·
Welcome to the forums Snakeman! All you have to do is daisy chain all of your fixtures together. It doesn't matter what order you do them in, just try to find the shortest path. If your DMX run is longer than 100ft it is advised to terminate the last fixture. You don't need a DMX branch or opti splitter. Just come out of you board into the first fixture, out of that fixture and into the next, etc. etc. Also you may want to take of your e-mail address or seperate (robjan AT telus DOT net) it...

Re: dxm operator pro

Jingles8302 ·
actually jthtiger we tell all of our sales guys to spec. in a DMX opto branch for almost every rig they sell. why? cause it is always best to have your lights electronially isolated. say there is a big thunderstorm that hits and lighting strikes the building im willing to bet you that one of the first things to fry out would be the DMX driver chips in the lights cause they were not isolated. think of it as a surge protector for DMX. snakeman welcome i agree with what jthtiger said i was just...

Re: dxm operator pro

tylerherron ·
I guess I misread. I was thinking the branch was something else. oops! I'll have to look into getting one! jthtiger

Re: dxm operator pro

snakeman ·
Re: dxm operator pro

Re: dxm operator pro

serraava ·
If you are running DMX 500+ feet, I would highly recommend a DMX Branch or Opti Splitter of some sort. More then 1000' and you will need one because the signal drops off at that point. An opti-splitter does more then isolate. It also helps amplify DMX signal like a DA (distro amp) does for video. The isolation also isn't for lighting strikes, it helps if you have faulty power or your console and fixtures are running off of a different ground. This can cause problems just like in audio,...

Re: Compulive works, but no output from Dongle, Please help!

elationpro ·
You know, I looked all over the place in the new user manual and could not find a disclosure. Past user manuals had this, and It should be in the current user manual. Please read carefully the following preventive measures carefully: 1. Place a DMX insulator between interface and DMX fixtures (e.g. DMX branch 4, Opto Branch 4) in order to protect them both from any interference and from overvoltage. 2. We advise you to have an available spare RS485 driver IC. This is an 8 pin electronic IC...

Re: Octostrip II questions...

Jingles8302 ·
Are you using any sort of dmx splitter? ot help boost the signal? like a opto branch 4? How long is your cable run? Sincerely,

Re: Opto Branch

skote ·
I realize this is an old thread, but in talking with a pro lighting guy from Nashville last night, I've come to believe that both "tap" and "Elation_Pro" are incorrect about the Opto-Branch 4. 1. You CAN use the DMX Thru port to continue on to other DMX receivers, but standard DMX rules apply (no more than 32 devices on the line, terminate the last fixture on the link, etc). The splitter is just seen as a receiver on the line; nothing more or less. However, if something takes this line down,...

Re: Opto Branch

serraava ·
I have to agree with you stoke. If I had been on the forums when you wrote this, I would have posted otherwise. You are correct in that the thru port can be used to add other DMX devices, be it dimmers, movers, leds, or another split. You are also correct in that you can use both the 3 and 5 pin outputs in a pinch on the same 'branch'. I have done it myself a few times, but would not recommend it. It was a last minute add of some equipment and no time to get another split.

Re: Opto Branch

elationpro ·
Here is an answer I recieved regarding the OPTO branch 4 In regards to the Opto Branch-4 and DMX Branch-4, it should be no problem to use all outputs at the same time. Yes, there are 4 opto-couplers that isolate each output but there are individual DMX drivers for each 3 & 5 pin XLR output connector… 8 total. So it is not the same as using a DMX “Y”.

Re: Opto Branch

djphenom ·
Hello, i know this is an old thread but rather than start another on i figured i could piggy back onto this one. I recently had a problem with my compuware dongle and from that i learned about using a dmx opto splitter / booster. I ran across 2 elation products that seem to be what i need, just wondering what the difference is between the opto branch 4 and the dmx branch 4 ? Both from elation, the specs on both appear to be the same. Only obvious difference is one is a single space 19" rack...

Re: Opto Branch

serraava ·
Correct djphenom. They are the same unit, just one is compressed into a single space rack mount. The Opto Branch is rack mountable as well, it comes with the ears. But it takes up two spaces, and the DMX in and thru are on the side as oppose to the front of the unit.

Re: Weird behavior

Jingles8302 ·
How long is your cable run? Are you using a DMX splitter such as the opto branch 4? Are you using actual DMX cable and not Mic cable? These are all things that could cause data problems. Sincerely,

Re: Weird behavior

Jingles8302 ·
that may work. Or a opti branch 4 will aswell. Sincerely,

Re: Weird behavior

iguana ·
It may work? I was hoping for a more definitive answer. Financially, the opti branch is out of the picture right now. I just put all my money into the scanners and the DMX cables.

Re: Weird behavior

iguana ·
Before I run out and buy the opto branch 4 can you tell me why this is necessary? What exactly does it do? I tried an experiment today and just hooked up the LED's. Everything was fine. Hooked up my show with all the lights and the same blinking thing was happening. If the computer software via USB is not up to a complicated run of lights why not have that caveat on the products information on the website? Why doesn't Elation say anything about this in the Compulive literature? I am now sort...

Re: Weird behavior

Jingles8302 ·
Like John said. the dmx going out of the dongle can be weak. the opto branch boost this signal and stabilizes and optically isolates it per output on the optobranch 4. This is really usefull as now you can run four dmx lines if you ever need to split you rig up and also if a surge or power failure ever occurs nad a spike gets sent down the dmx line it will only take out the DMX driver chip in one of the outputs on the opto thus saving your dongle. And after that you still have three outputs...

Re: SD3 losing control of LED 36's

elationpro ·
Could be a bad DMX cable. Change the primary DMX cable going to the first fixture. you should also have installed a Data Splitter/booster as a DMX branch 4 to improve you data to fixtures and to help identify any signal loss if there is any.

Re: Clueless newbie w/ scene setter 24

serraava ·
That is a common problem with off brand stuff. The DMX drives in them don't play well with others/cut the DMX signal down. Some Chauvet stuff has this problem as well and wants to be first or last in the DMX chain to play with others. With that many fixtures, I would recommend getting a DMX Splitter. It would help boost the DMX signal and you can put problem fixtures on their own line so they don't effect other fixtures. Elation makes two, the DMX Branch 4 and the Opto Branch 4 . They are...

Re: Chauvet Scorpion LG-60 and Colorstrip

Jingles8302 ·
We always recommend a DMX branch 4 for compu live users. it boost the signal coming out of the interface. Makes it more stable. Since the interface is USB powered it will not be at the same "Speed" as if it were a console plugged into a 120V outlet. So you can try and opto branch 4. Or buy the Dc power adapter at your local electronic show and externally power the interface. Sincerely,

Re: Chauvet Scorpion LG-60 and Colorstrip

davidpatton ·
I tried both a 9v and a 12v adaptor (both at 500mA) to no avail I also tried putting the LG-60 first in the chain, making it the only thing connected and terminated, no difference I will have to investigate getting the DMX Branch 4; I don't wanna get stuck with it, if it's not going to have any effect thanks for the help, James

Re: Chauvet Scorpion LG-60 and Colorstrip

davidpatton ·
thanks for the comments, Mark yeah, the flicker with the ColoStrip is the intermittent type I checked with the local Guitar Center's and they said a DMX-Branch/4 would be a special-order part, so no return Musician's Friend didn't have them, either so for the sake of ease I got a Chauvet DataStream-4 splitter hoping that it might make the Chauvet fixtures happy, but no luck; so I suspect that the DMX-Branch/4 would have also had no effect, as I now believe that these fixtures just have a...

Re: Opto Branch

serraava ·
I would say do what is more convenient for cable runs. 180' is too bad but can get weak on a dongle which is why you are looking at getting a branch anyway. As for terminating, doesn't hurt. Again, termination is something only needed in longer cable runs.Around 300 feet plus is when reflections start happening that a terminator can solve. For as cheap as they are however, think of them as cheap insurance.

Re: Opto Branch

elationpro ·
NH, The Ideal situation would be to have a 19" rack opto near your Compu. Then a DMX branch 4 box style on the stage. Now you have amplification, protection and breakouts at the source, and break outs where your lighting is. I don't think you can ever have to many DMX outputs. Best regards,

Re: Opto Branch

studio42 ·
I got an Opto Branch/4 over a year ago, maybe almost 2 years now. What a major logistics issue resolver as well as addressing other issues. I also make my own terminators, only cost me around $5 each when I make them myself because I use expensive Neutrik connectors! I can easily shave $2/terminator by using cheaper stuff. I currently have 5 terminators and 1 terminator/basic tester in inventory. For the shows I am doing these days, I would need a lot more cable for DMX and it would take a...

Re: problem

Jingles8302 ·
It sounds like your DMX run is just too long for the USB to supply sufficient power to the USB to DMX cable. Take a look at our opto branch 4. It is a splitter/booster. We recommend these to anyone who purchases a Lighting control software/hardware solution. Reason for ti is because the signal strength just will not be the same as if you were plugging in a console to a 120 Volt wall outlet. Make sense? Welcome to the forums. Sincerely,

Re: One but not both

Jingles8302 ·
How long is your cable run? If it is over 100 feet you might need a splitter/booster like our opto branch 4. Reason for this is, the cue cable is getting power from a USB port. It just isn't the same as a console plugged into a 120 volt wall outlet. Your dmx signal could be getting weak. This is amplified if you use mic cable instead of dmx also. Sincerely,

Re: Light doesn't work

studio42 ·
34 lights seems a bit much on a single run. I would recommend the following: 1: I always recommend a terminator, but this along is most likely NOT the problem. However, how long is your total cable run? Along with that, how long is your run from your interface and your first fixture? 2: I recommend(again, always) the inclusion of an Elation Opto Branch/4 or Multi-Branch/4. I own the Opto Branch 4. I don't think the Compu SD-series of interfaces have the lower signal strength output that the...

Re: Wierd bugs with SD3

chrisk ·
Honestly, I'm probably complaining a little. But really why wouldn't you just make it so you could use a simple flash drive to upload profiles and save programming instead of a CF card? I'm completely ignorant on the actual manufacturing process of devices like this but I know that the higher end ETC boards have this feature and Elation is a branch off company of ETC isn't it?

Re: Freeze ups and Lag

Jingles8302 ·
First question, are you using a DMX splitter/booster? Like a Opto Branch 4 or 8?


briansavage ·
Hey everyone. So, one of my churches called me for service because compulive is crashing every time they try and edit the X/Y parameters of their Elation Espot movers. I am on-site now and have confirmed, every time I left click anything to do with the X/Y grid the software just closes suddenly, no crash report or warning. I have tried the following. Clean install of software, making sure I deleted the existing SL2006 folder. Started a new show file and used ONLY the espot profiles. Thinking...

Opto Branch Questions for Elation Tech Guys

madmikey ·
I just received an Opto Branch 19" rack mount unit. My question is this ... opto branch implies that there is optical isolation involved same as opto splitter. However, the electronic schematics on the top of the unit show transformers for each branch leading me to believe that it's actually galvanic isolation instead of optical. Can anyone confirm which it is either optical or galvanic. If it is in fact galvanic I would strongly urge you to change the name of the product as it will anger me...

Opto Branch

mbsoundco ·
I was wondering if i could use the DMX-THRU output on my opto branch-4, as a "5th" output send along with the 4 iso split outputs without causing problems with signal???

DMX/Branch vs OptoBranch

soundstormnl ·
Are there any differences between the DMXBranch and the OptoBranch, other than 1 is rack mountable?

DMX Branch/4 Question

scccjoel ·
The manual states the LEDs (red and green) are used to show polarity of the pins. What does it mean if one plugs in DMX to the "in" and both pins light up? A short?

Bored, so I figured I would post some photos

serraava ·
This is actually from a few months ago when our company did Saves the Day/Day 26 (very odd combination I know). Specs are as follows (all Elation show minus front light, the Moles, and my console) 24x Opti Pars 3x RMD 620 Dimmer Racks 6x ETC ParNels 2x 2x2 Mini Moles 2x DP-640B Dimmer Packs 8x DLED 36 MHs 2x DS 575Es 2x PS 575 IEs 2x Antari X-310 Fazers 2x DMX Branch/4s 1x HES Road Hog All DMX Accu Cable 2x Motion Labs Power Distros First shot is FoH Second shot is the stage from FoH Third...

Splitting? Wireless? Long Cables? More than 1?

studio42 ·
I'm just trying to figure out some issues, come up with the best solutions. I am working more scenarios with VERY unfavorabe situations, such as no line of sight between my mix position and the stage. But the jobs are fun, I add a camera into my rig and the issueis resolved. I have another issue which involves me mixing FOH at quite literally the front of the house, making getting sepparation from the stage wash impossible, forcing me to mix on in-ear monitors. Let's address the second...

dxm operator pro

snakeman ·
hello i just received my new board i just have a question do i hook up my lasers ,moving heads ,and scanners,first by daisy linking then go to my dmx dimmer packs for all of my par cans and terminate the end or do i have to get a dmx branch or opti splitter to do what i want to do if anyone could help me that would be so awesome if anyone wants to email my to leave a message or help me that would great thank you very robjan AT telus DOT net this is my email address

Have Show Designer 1 and thinking about Compu 1024 EC or FC....

bdunard ·
I currently have: 6 - S4 (4 of which have color scrollers) 6 - Elation DLED 36 RGB 1 - Elation Show Designer 1 - Elation Opto Branch I am going to be adding rear truss and will be placing 4 - Moving Head Spots (probably Design Spot 250) 6 - LED cans (probably ADJ64P) 4 - (Really would like to add 3 or 4 of the Tri64Brick but this is ?) I currently can make the show designer work by grouping some fixtures but I am wondering if it will make sense to jump to a PC based program such as Compu...

Opto Branch

nhnaz ·
My lighting system is expanding and due to the length of the cable run, I am considering adding an Opto Branch. Reading several threads on this forum leads me to believe I should have added one a long time ago. Anyway, I am using compu live in a permanent installation and would like to run from the back of the room to the front (180 ft) then attach the Opto Branch to split between ceiling light racks and floor lights. Should the Opto Branch be as close to the DMX interface as possible or am...


iguana ·
I have used a hard controller for years and am now using the 1024. I just can't seem to wrap my head around switched rather than scenes. Anyone in the Baltimore region want to help an old dog learn new tricks? I have a band I do shows for on a regular basis and have created scenes specifically for their song list. I want to be able to branch out to other bands and need to create "generic" stuff. Rather than scenes with specific colors, positions, and gogbos, I want to be able to use the...

Emulation not working

jarrell ·
Hello I want to kind of do a run down of the issues I'm having so that you maybe able to help me out. I currently have 18 par 64 LED fixtures (Venue) I have 2 intimidators (chauv) 2 mega strip LED (chauv) 2 moving heads 1 dimmer pack with 3 par 64 cans (elation) 1 Fogger hurricane 1800 (chauv) I would estimate that our distance is 275 feet of dmx cables. I have bought the opto branch dmx booster and splitter. I am running emulation on a mac mini. I have updated to the most current version...

Re: Stage Setter 8 new user

thatguitarguy ·
Thanks dj, that did the trick. How do I keep from doing that or something like that in the middle of a show? Is that a trick of being in 1x16 mode or are there things like that that happen in the other modes? Is there a more detailed manual that tells you these things or do you have to figure these things out by trial and error? I hooked up my keyboard and did the midi programming dance and everything works as advertised. Hooray. I'm doing a one man show so this is where I'll be most of the...

Re: I need HELP!!

Jingles8302 ·
hmmm weird. If both the 3D and real lights were doin it sounds like a data issue. But I'm not 100% on that. Report to me any and all bugs as they occur please. Tell me do you have like a dmx branch or splitter? How many intels is you usual rig? Thanks dunn. Sincerely,


studio42 ·
By an opto-splitter or isloator, are you refering to the Opto Branch 4? Along those lines, would a DMX-Branch 4 be a suitable or accptable replacement? Its not so much a matter of money, but more a matter of what scenario works better for me. I've got some scenarios I'm trying to address and a splitter solution seems to be the correct solution to address part of the issue. Wireless may be the rest of the solution. But, if I'm going to buy something, I might as well get as much "additional...

Re: Splitting? Wireless? Long Cables? More than 1?

studio42 ·
That's kind of what I was thinking. Put an Opto-Branch 4 in my rack above my DMX Operator at FOH, move the DMX Operator down a tiny bit to sneak the cable through(for back-up). Run a split off MyDMX through the FOH splitter BACK to spots, then FRONT to stage. Another Opto-Branch 4 in the stagebox rack and do the stage splits from there. Kind of pricy, but still less than wireless and makes the most sense. Makes logical sense. Data paths isn't any big deal to me. Networking is a second...

Re: Splitting? Wireless? Long Cables? More than 1?

studio42 ·
Well, I've got a show coming up in 10 days, but I don't have the time to come up with new hardware to facilitate this one, but this is more of a straight up concert/talent show(fixed band, multiple/rotating front/feature.) I think my best option to save money is to get an Opto-Splitter for my FOH rig for now. Splits to front and back. Sufficient for now. Add to that plenty of fresh and new AccuCable 3-wire DMX cable and I'll get through my December 6 event. If I get into a budget crunch,...

Re: Elation LED's acting up

Jingles8302 ·
Yes But explain to me the distro. is it a Opto Branch 4? Or DMX Splitter? Cause just a terminator and DMX cables may not be enough depending on how long your DMX cable run is. Sincerely,