I'm just trying to figure out some issues, come up with the best solutions. I am working more scenarios with VERY unfavorabe situations, such as no line of sight between my mix position and the stage. But the jobs are fun, I add a camera into my rig and the issueis resolved. I have another issue which involves me mixing FOH at quite literally the front of the house, making getting sepparation from the stage wash impossible, forcing me to mix on in-ear monitors.
Let's address the second scenario, mixing FOH from the front of the house as that situation is presenting me with lighting issues, which is where I am weak, because I am a sound production company who has to do lights.
So, there I am at the front of the house. Got my laptop, got MyDMX running on it with my DMX Operator as a standby(ready to be plugged into at a moment's notice). I have my 200-foot DMX cable that goes from my FOH position to the stage. Yes, I only need about 50 feet, but my links from stage to FOH are all based on 200-feet(my 56-channel audio whip, and two ruggedized Cat5's, as well as some additional Cat5's for baluns for other transports and some BNC 75-ohm cables for video). Getting DMX to the stage is NOT a problem. And other than not having sufficient short DMX cables, everything else is fine in regards to the stage. These cabling issues can be addressed later.
But the lighting is about to get more complicated out of necessity. I'm going to need to run a lot more lights for this event as what I have been doing is not sufficient. We tried, it sort of worked, but both myself and the promoter were in agreement that more is needed. Most of the issue is the stage area, which is easily addressed: more DMX cabling.
The event is a movie festival event, but they have contests, bands and live entertainment, which definately needs lighting. But I have to remain discrete, so no trusses. T-stands only or floor mounting, which I have no problems with.
But, here's my thoughts: I want to do some front lighting, mainly. 8 64 LED Pros(ADJ), plus a tree of 8 ADJ Par38's on a DP-DMX20L dimmer for more wash on each stage side, and for footlights/low wash, a pair of ADJ Color Fusions. For some penetration or accent, perhaps moving my Chauvent Intimidator Clors to either the back outer edges of the stage, or else using for more front spot/wash. Also, on top of my speaker stacks will be my Chauvet Q-Spot 150's.
At this point, I can't run more power for lights on the stage and be safe, but that's fine. What am I gonna run? 2 more trees of 8 par38's(1 per stage side?). So, I need my 2 follow spots, which are going to be located at the back corners of the stage, which MAY or MAY NOT be manned. I have to plan for manned operation being secondary. It's OK, they are DMX capable and they can be over-ridden. And thus the situation starts to get ugly.
Reading another thread here, it appears that restoration of power to a popped breaker can result in transient pulses of power sent down the DMX cable and possibly damaging the dongle, but the use of an Opto Branch 4 seems to rsolve this problem.
Another advantage of using the split is I can do a front of stage DMX run and a rear of stage DMX run, keeping cable mess minimized and on one side of the stage. I'm not seeing an issue there. In fact, this works in my favor.
But, what about the spots? I'm gonna be short on time, but I bet I could get the crew to run cabling from stage to the first spot, then chain to the second spot. Just seems a lot of effort to haul another split from the stage, DOWN the aisle between the outside section and the middle section(taped down of course), then across the rear to the second spot. However, wireless seems to be cost prohibitive and would require 1 transmitter and 2 receivers, which in turn burns that split port anyways. But if I go full wireless, then I need 3 receivers and well, mega ouch. So I think wireless isn't practical. I know I am allowed to run additional cabling while the movies are being shown, which gives me an addtional 100-120 minutes of "silent set-up" during the first segment to get the spots wired up for both power and signal. Are there any 2-way DMX splitters, even if not in a rack-mount format? I could still do my spotlight spit at FOH and avoid having to run yet another run up and down the stage. I can't find one at the moment.
My only limitation is that it needs to be an ADJ or Elation product that I'll consider. I like my Chauvet stuff, but I like my ADJ stuff better.
I bet I could get Accucable for a good price, then make my own cables like I did earlier this year. Making DMX Terminators is NOT an issue, I have 3 and will make more as necessary as I have like 90 properly spec'ed resistors.
My other concern involves a lot of my regular shows, where I can usually try to steal a circuit for the follow-spots, but those would be located close to FOH. I'd want to split those DMX signals right away, then send the main run up to the stage, to split again at the stagefor a front truss run, a front floor run, and a rear truss run. Worse case is I go MyDMX to spot 1, then out to spot 2, then out to the stage.
Any suggestions? Trying to save money, ensure reliability and making figure out any weak points. Money has to be spent. Cables have to be built. It's the nature of the beast. DMX will only be transported on Accucable DMX 3-wire cable, so that's one issue I don't have to worry about.
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