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Tagged With "reseting"


Re: KL Fresnel 6 Reset.

Zach.S ·
We do not have updates for the unit. Please feel free to contact me at so I can run you through some troubleshooting, if you have not already taken care of this.

KL Fresnel 6 Reset.

ECSlighting ·
I just purchased a handful of KL6 and KL8 fixtures. They've been great for the last week but we just had one completely freeze at full on us. We've taken it down for testing and it doesn't respond to DMX or manual control. It can be seen through RDM and we can use the menu on the side just fine but the light just sits at full intensity. The other 20 we have are just fine. Is there a way to globally reset the fixture? Does it need a firmware update? Or is this our first (and hopefully last) RMA?

Re: movers reseting positions when fading into other scenes

bubbajoe ·
Ok I will do thanks

movers reseting positions when fading into other scenes

bubbajoe ·
Hi! Whenever I try to fade some scenes and switches on my design spot 250 pros they do a position reset before going to the next position. Now, most of my scenes do these but two of them don't. This happens when my pan changes but not my tilt in these scenes any help is appreciated.

Re: movers reseting positions when fading into other scenes

Jingles8302 ·
hi when you say position RESET do you mean like when they first power on? Like a full XY re-home? or they just lose their position for a bit then they fade into the set Pt position?

Re: movers reseting positions when fading into other scenes

bubbajoe ·
i mean they do their position reset whenever I turn them on. then lets say I want them to go to the drums. They go to the drums but then if I want them to go to the keys and I press the keys scene instead of just fading to that position they fade to their home position then to they keys scene. but they do not stop at the home position they just fade into them home position and continue to their next destination. Usually the same thing for tilt

Re: movers reseting positions when fading into other scenes

Jingles8302 ·
Hi, do you have a fade out time in use? Try it with 0 fade out time, cause i think that it is fading out to your home position and then going to the position you clicked on.

Re: movers reseting positions when fading into other scenes

bubbajoe ·
Ok I figured out the problem. Apparently something was wrong with the fixture settings thanks