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Tagged With "V1.10"


Re: scene setter 24 dmx channel addressing

Carl N ·
Luis, I have tried that numerous times. Granted , it has been about 10 years since I have used DMX lighting. My last controller, An Election was a breeze to address. This is my second Scene Setter 24 in four weeks. The first one my salesperson and I assumed was defective. Now, for many years I have used XLR mic cables and I am learning that they may not work with todays new lighting components. I am assuming there is quit a difference between XLR and DMX cabling... So, I presently have...

Re: Compu Pro 06?

ebaclights ·
I am not using any lights yet, just the viewer. I am only working with conventional fixtures on the program right now, so there is no home position. The lights fade out fine when I make a "fade out" button, but changing between scenes is what I cant get to work. Basically Say if I fade up fixtures 1-5 on my first scene, but on my second I want fixtures 6-10 to fade in, but 1-5 to fade out.

Re: spot and wash 250

elationpro ·
Hi Gustavo, The power spots all have a channel that does movement. So if you have 1 fader with a lever of 10%, that fixture may move on its own. On the DMX operator, you need to be in program mode, then reset all the faders. I am only guessing that's what it is. If not try addressing them all to A001, to see if it stops.

Re: pics of my designs on compuware.

Jingles8302 ·
hey flash i was just messing around with like 16 of those demo moving heads. you know the one that load up when you first install the software. i just love those. and i got another 16 performance scans spread out across the stage as well as over 10 (forgot how many lol) par 64's flash let's see some of your renderings my brother!! LOL. i am curious to see others work on compu. peace! jingles!

Re: Compu Live Questions

matchless1 ·
Hi John, Thank you for your responses as well. 1. I tried what you said and made my chase a Scene using Easy Step. After that I was able to control the speed via the Live Button Toolbar. So, in other words, I did not need to do anything further using Easy Time. I tried it any way (yellow button making the channels Easy Time), but it just seemed to mess up my chase, so I went back to making all channels Easy Step. I notice that the F7 and F8 keys allow me to adjust the speed up and down. Is...

Re: Easy Stand Alone SW

tylerherron ·
i think that is correct but ill make sure and get back to you on that. ill reply in 10 mins. jthtiger

Re: Help with buying the best controller

is-real ·
sorry to keep bugging, but i'm new on all of these... can i run multiple scenes at the same time, say, fixtures 1-4 doing something, while 5-10 something else? plus the 8 cans?

Re: Help with buying the best controller

Jingles8302 ·
on the operator u can run your scene and take over a fixture on the fly. and manually run your pars i believe. but about your earlier question about having fx1-4 do something while 5-10 do something else that u can achhieve but would have to program all within the same scene. understand? let me know if u have any more question. peace! jingles.

Re: Need .SSL file American DJ Revo III

elationpro ·
This is an easy one guys. create a profile in the 4 ch mode. ch. 1 = mode.. do you want to be in pattern mode or chase mode. You can select this using ch1. Ch. 2 = the pattern or chase your secting. Ch. 3 = speed of either the pattern or chase. you need to select this after you select a pattern or chase. ch. 4 = dimmer.. if you don't have the dimmer on full then you wont see any pattern or chase. The 10 Ch mode is confusing.. I put a call into the ADJ pros and waiting to here back. Best regards,

Re: Show Designer 3 manual question

davie ·
I have the printed manual that came with it, every page of it has at LEAST 10-15 missing characters, it's very frustrating. Mostly 'r' 'p' 'w' 'y' and 'n' I figured out my problem, settings were carrying over into other presets, but I figured it out

Re: Need .SSL file American DJ Revo III

stevelynch ·
it doesn't work at all... the only button that works is sound active... I don't need the 10 channel, apparently that's just for independant control of each cluster... so forget that... 4 channel is the best way to run it anyway... that being said, if I make a generic 4 channel fixture file in freestyler dmx, I can console it into doing what I want, but that's not the software I want to use... Can't you guys walk next door, grab a revoIII and work out a file on a working unit? I'm not an...

Re: Wireless DMX problem

tylerherron ·
Ok, I'm assuming you are using the Elation W-DMX products (since your posting in the Elation forums!) The manual is kinda confusing but I think I may have worked it out. Here is the excerpt from the manual that I read and this is where I came up with this fix. Tell me if you have already tried it: So what this tells me (very vaguely) is that to fix it, you may need to do something to your transmitter. Since your receiver is showing solid red, that should mean it is "free" According to the...

Re: Riva 80

rain ·
Also planning on a suggestion of moving the projector up flush with the drop ceiling and brining it towards the screen about 10'. Its currently an older model projector and its 24' from the screen.

Re: Need .SSL file American DJ Revo III

Jingles8302 ·
ok but all i have is the 4 channel mode. i haven't tackled 10 ch. yet cause the traits for it are TOO confusing to me. waiting on elaboration from ADJ! chck your mail soon!

Re: black lights

serraava ·
Continuing on now: The buzzing noise is known as lamp sing, it's caused by the power being turned on and off really fast. The way this is fixed is more expensive dimmers have what is known as a choke after the SCR so the power change is as dramatic as on/off. The better the quality of dimmer, the less lamp sing you will get. Now why non-dim isn't really non-dim. Despite you setting a dimmer to non dim, either via the pack or the console, the power still passes through the SCR and choke. So,...

Re: Demo Download?

ebaclights ·
Hey Jingles, Nice stage! I am wondering if you can design me a stage, that I can import into compu? I would have you build me one with lights and all, but I am looking at doing several different things with the stage, so I will add my own. I don't care about adding all the details, if you could just do the shape and layout it would be great! The stage is 45' wide, 16' deep, the ceiling peaks at 18' and goes down to 10' on the side walls. The only rounded shape is the front lip of the stage,...

Re: Design 36 LED

rain ·
Yea, going in two diff. churches. (order will be for Magnolia Music Center - Gulfport, MS) We are new so I'm sure we have to pay for it all up front a few times before we get "terms". HAHA! 8 DLED 36, 2 DLED MH, and 2 Design Spot 250 fixtures go to one church. 10 DLED 36, and 2 Design Spot 250 fixtures go to another church. Both will go Compu Live for control. (and yes, James has laid out one 3D for me and might be working on the 2nd one soon) Plan on having both installed and trained by...

Re: Design 36 LED

rain ·
Hey John Seems this being our first order, Elation wants a Money Order. So Tony plans on hitting the bank on Monday and getting that mailed off. Alas, these lights need to be installed the week of the 24th. (10 DLED36, 2 Dspot250) Not a large order - sure you have those in stock and ready to ship. Thanks Rain

Re: Design 36 LED

rain ·
Thanks man! We overnighted the money order and will just keep our fingers crossed that these lights will arrive while the lifts are in the church. I'll also be placing an order for another pair of Design250 and 10 more DLED 36 fixtures within a day or two.(FYI) And next week we will be ordering some AMdj LED pars and a DMX controller (the one that looks like a typewriter with scroll wheels on it). Thanks again for your help Rain

Re: basic console programing

serraava ·
Out of order isn't as much a problem on cue lists as one may think. As long as you label stuff and are fast, the 'Go to' button is your best friend. I did a dance concert last year with about 500 cues, and it went in a different order each night. So I named each scene and programed in blocks. Like scene one was cues 10 thru 19 with 19 being the blackout, allowing me to record pre-load cues from 19.1-19.9. Worked well. It also gave each number a block of cues that lined up numerically cue...

Re: SS8 Question

bigbadblule ·
I can not afford to swap this out ... I do this stuff for free. I guess I got bad advise when I bought it. I am going to try to program new chase scenes without channels 9 and 10 and see if that works. Thanks for the help. What should I have bought for a small DJ rig?

Re: Scene Setter 48 issues, less than 1 year

tylerherron ·
Oh No, We have had this controller for over 10 years (i think. . .at least 7). The problem is that when you push some of the faders up to 100% it skips down to 30% and flashes around. It is kinda hard to explain. You push it up and it hits 100 then jumps back and forth between 30 and 100. Does that make sense? We just need another one. About the 192 not being satisfactory, you would have fast control over lots of faders. All you would do is it one button, and then change the faders. There...

Re: Riva 80

rain ·
I wanna see em! Have a small church (stage may be 10' across and drop ceiling is 9' high) that I think a Riva system would be PERFECT for. About to send them pricing info this week. Thanks Rain

Re: Newbe Question

djopt ·
Great! Thanks. You shouldn't of offered for me to call, you may have to block me!!! Lol I am not new to Intelligent lighting, but new to DMX. I have always owned Trackspots and other High End Systems fixtures that had dedicated controllers. So I am starting forom scratch here. I would like to get a good basic show down before Prom season for me starts which is the 2nd Saturday in April. it doesn't have to be extremely detailed, just about 7-10 different looks. I look forward to talking with...

Re: General uplighting for sanctuary - suggestions?

rain ·
Its the emmanuel baptist install. at cathedral peak the ceiling is 27'. would guess on the sides it was 10-12'. (the church with the vaulted ceiling - remember?) Wonder how much spread a PLED36 would give at that distance.... more of a wash than a pin spot perhaps.. trying not to break the bank here

Re: General uplighting for sanctuary - suggestions?

Jingles8302 ·
are you looking for a wash type light? and i understand your throwing them 10-12 feet? if u want im on my usual instant messenger servies. hit me up lol.

Re: What are some other uses for moving heads at weddings?

serraava ·
I don't know if I really should since I technically wire it so it can run 10 amps over spec, even though it would be impossible for me to pull a prefect 60 amps on each leg, let alone 50 amps per leg. But with those specs, I am sure you can find out what it is, lol.

Re: Newbie looking for help/advice

serraava ·
Yes, you have 96 pages that you can add to 8 different books in different ways for each book. The console doesn't say how many pages per book, so I assume you can use as many as you want. Don't quote me on it though. Sometimes you will see something like number of steps per show or chase. So if it says 40 Steps per Show, that would mean each of your books can have 40 pages in it, but you can make up 96 different pages to use in the case of the DMX Operator Pro. Don't think of CompuLive so...

Re: lighting intensity and throw distance

serraava ·
Well, that all depends on beam size and throw distance. How bright something is over distance is can be determined by lumen's. How bright something is over a given area is foot candles or lux. Foot candles are lumen's/ft^2, so it is a more actuate method of how bright something will be over just lumen output which is based off of a single point instead of actually beam size. FC is considered old, but one FC equals 10.764 lux, though some just use a factor of 10 to simplify things. Warning,...

Re: Fading to black

jaym ·
Thanks Chris, The only DMX channel I was adjusted was the DIMMER channel (channel 7 according to Magic-260). All other channels remained the same. The piece that eludes me is how do I get a slow fade between the scenes from full illumination to a black out and unfortuately the fade time did not appear to work. I did some experimenting and the only time I got the fade time to work is when I was repositioning lights from point A to point B. In this scenario I could use the fade to say do it in...

Re: design 108

serraava ·
I think your best bet would probably to go with DLED36s since they come stock with the 39 degree beam angle. You can also get roughly 2 for the price of one DLED108. Have you looked at the Opti RGB with lens kit? This might be an option since it is cheaper then the DLED36s, with the lens kit. Here is another idea, look at the Opti 30 RGB. You should be able to get between 10-15 at that price range. You can use those 10-15 Opti 30s to replace the DLED36s for your back drop wash and move the...

Re: design 108

serraava ·
Yes it does. I am still wondering if they are going to make different plates for them like Coemar has for their ParLite LED series, which is the direct comparison to Elation's DLED36. I have actually found that musicians love the LEDs over conventionals do to the lack of heat. They also love that I can get 'high' powered lights into a space with little to no power and not have to worry about tripping breakers. The nice part when someone thinks something is too bright, dim it. And then when...

Re: Compu Live Question

ebaclights ·
No you can't use faders with the Compu Box. It simply senses the momentary closing of the switch to change the presets, it will not allow you to manually fade. You can get the low voltage buttons at Radio Shack, and MAYBE they can order the 10 pin IDC connector.

Re: Scene Fade Suddenly Not Working

matchless1 ·
John, My Page Settings were correct...Fade option was checked on every scene. I eventually determined that the problem had to do with my fixture patches, and now I have a new (bigger problem): I am totally baffled by how patches work in CompuLive. It seems that every time I open a different show, then try to open the 3D viewer for that show, it says the patch has changed, then it asks me if I want to update automatically. If I say yes, it totally jacks up the positioning of my fixtures. If I...

Re: Haze question.

serraava ·
How long haze sticks around depends on a few factors. First, oil based or water based. Oil based tends to linger longer then water does. Second, what is the air flow like in the room in question? If you are moving a lot of air, haze won't linger as long. Poor air flow and haze will stay forever. So if the room has poor air flow, some fans drawing air in and out (like a wind tunnel) would help quite a bit. As for a good, small hazer, I would recommend water based due to the need to clear the...

Re: Scene Fade Suddenly Not Working

matchless1 ·
John, 1. Ok, I checked the Page Settings like you said and all of the "channels" do have the FADE function enabled. They're grayed out, but they ARE checked. I'm using DLED36's (8), AMDJ P64LEDPros (8), and DS250's (4). 2. You say, "If you have more than one page, then you will have conflicting issues". I do have more than one page for each type of fixture. Is this a problem? If so, how can I possibly add fixtures without adding pages? 3. I'm fine with saving it in the default...

Re: newbie question

bige ·
I really need some help from someone Maybe one of you knows someone who would be willing to help me by drawing out a wiring diagrams of the dmx cale and how to set channels in the show designer 3. We have to mount 10 more lights this weekend and have 3 saturdays left till our first Sunday service and I need help This is what I have Show designer 3 12 -Elation Cyber Pak 4 channel dimmer 32- American par cans 16- Altman Ellipsoidals 6 -chauvet Colorado 3’s led cyc light 8 -chauvet L.E.D. par...

Re: Scene Fade Suddenly Not Working

Jingles8302 ·
Matchless. i tried loading the 9Mb file unfortunately it did not load on my machine after waiting 10 minutes! haha. so i checked out the smaller stage that looks really nice. i would recommend getting rid of the floor texture and simply pick a wood type color. and also if you want to choose no walls and no ceiling. this may help or may not i am not sure. you definitely have a weird issue going on with the increase in file size. if it persist i can send your file to our developers and they...

Re: Haze question.

serraava ·
If the space is small, the X310 will have no issues hazing the room out at about 10%. Running at 10% constantly, I have ran the machine for as long as 12 hours and used maybe a quarter of a tank, so he won't run out of fluid fast. Even running at 100%, it still takes a couple of hours to burn through the tank. The X310 is very efficient in its use of fluid.

Re: Haze question.

elationpro ·
Again.. Serra is right on it.. Whenever I use the X-310.. I always run it between 10 and 17% continuos. Over 20% and that thing is blasting. I also agree with EBAC... don't use FLG. Actually FLG is a fluid from Antari that we don't import. Elation makes X series Fluid. X-Fog X-Fog Pro X-Fog Ice X-Haze Oil X-Haze H20 X-Bubble X-Snow All I can say is that this is the fluid I use, and wouldn't recomend a fluid I've never used on the X-310II. Maybe EBAC and Serra have used different fluids on...

Re: Octostrip II questions...

stiffler ·
ok, i have went back through and tried a few things, with moderate success. but first, i'll answer some of your questions: i am using martin lightjockey to control all of the moving heads & led fixtures. there are 7 pixel drive 60's operating a total of 51 lights. i am using a generic led profile on lightjockey to control the packs, and i have rgb control of every fixture individually. after doing some rummaging around, i can only locate an additional 10 octo strips & 3 pixel drive...

Re: COMPULIVE: Quirks or bugs, and some recommended Enhancements.

Jingles8302 ·
Misbeam wassup? you know i dont even get bug fixes updates for these things. ill ask tomm and post my findings. as far as i know from my personal findings it seems there is an updated driver. so if your driver date was 10/17 it should now be 5/30. i will do my best to confirm all this tomm. but so far no crashes on my end. Sincerely,

Re: Resetting a Scene Setter 24CH Dimmer Console

surgeprotech ·
Alex, This is how to restore the password to factory default. Press and hold the following three buttons, "Record", "Edit" and "Hold". Then sequentially press FLASH keys 5, 10, 15, 20 and release the first three buttons. Also make sure that you have the correct power adapter. Let me know what happens

Re: Driver for USB DMX Box

elationpro ·
Hi Jason, This symptom usually sounds like the DMX Driver in your interface is no good. You may not be using an OPTO isolator for protection. You can buy this chip for $10. - $15.00 to replace it or send it in for repair. However i would 1st recommend downloading the NOV 4 edition of compu live using the line Norona posted. This edition installs the driver together with the software, so they are always in the computer. If doing this does not solve you issues, then your interface would have...

Re: Newbie w/ Scene Setter 24

surgeprotech ·
Mattrix, The T16F works a little different from the Dp-Dmx4B, so you'll need to assign each pack it's own address. The T16F uses 5 channels of DMX and is automaticaly assigned to channel 1 when placed in slave mode. Raising slider 1 to value 255 will allow you to have control of the 4 channels on the pack using sliders 2-5. The Dp-Dmx4B will need to start at channel 6 (dip switch 1,2 and 3 to the on position). You can assign the same address to the third dimmer pack and control them together...

Re: Newbie w/ Scene Setter 24

mattrix ·
Sergio, Thank you, that works great, with one notable exception. Channel 6 does nothing except when I flash channel 10, which turns on both channel 10 AND channel 6??? Everything else is cool. Cheers,

Re: Using Cycles for Song Cues

elationpro ·
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Matchless1: John, When I say "Chase Cycle", what I mean is I have created a Cycle that contains a series of Scenes or steps (i.e. Red Scene, Blue Scene, Green Scene. etc.) in a certain order. Each step is defined as "GO" (instead of a prescribed time) within the cycle to activate it . As you know, the PAGE DOWN button acts as the "GO" command when working with Cycles. So knowing that, you helped me a while back to link the PAGE DOWN command to a MIDI note/signal...

Re: Using Cycles for Song Cues

matchless1 ·
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Elation_Pro: OK.. So you have 1 cycle. This cycle seems to have all of your scenes for all of your songs in the order you want them to play. (For the sake of understanding.. lets not use the word "chase".) Smiler This means that you have all 10 of your songs in one cycle? (No) What i'm figuring your trying to do is have 1 cycle per song, where you can activate that cycle for that song (Yes) , but you want them all to be in 1 big cycle? (No) Am I on the right...

Re: Problems with Softward on Mac Parallels

elationpro ·
SD that's what i meant by it will be a tough one. The developers are PC engineers that are not familiar with the MAC OS. Since this is the case it is almost impossible to know what the problem would be becuase it would have to be withing the MAC OS. The only thing I know is that I personally know about 10 people running Compu on a MAC using Parrallels and it works fine. I am glad VMware worked for you. Either way I will post any response I get on the parrallels

Re: pan tilt speed & amplitude during playback

cyberdhine ·
Ok, scroll wheels will be fine, but this is also adjustable duringlive playback? And these shapes, is there a possibility to add a delay over multiple fixtures? So in example 10 heads make a circle, but each with a second delay or something?