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Tagged With "Par L Fixture Firmware"


Re: Individual fixture colors

sasquatchproductions ·
James, Sorry I didnt get back to you last night, ran out of time Anyway, I sort of have it fgured out now though, got into the fixtures page and started making groups with the help of the manual as well. I have 2 scenes so far and have just been trying to get used to it. Im having trouble getting used to unclicking certain buttons to make changes, etc. etc. I was wondering, can you tell me why when I have the far right button active, any effect I click gets a little L in the lower left...

Re: Individual fixture colors

Jingles8302 ·
Hey hiker, I am available 11am-7pm Central time monday-friday. I know what the "L" is. it is saving that preset on;y for the fixtures you are using and it "L"ocks it down for just those fixtures. When your clicking around in the fixture group and you select your fixtures that you want to over ride always make sure the moving head with the Red crossed out circle on it is selected. the very first button on the left side. That is disable mode. If you make sure disable mode is on the "L" won't...

Re: E-Node 8

lutejang ·
Hi,Gines thanks for quick answer What do you need of Information from me looking forward Jean Jean Brücher Production manager 7, rue Dideschpont L-3622 Kayl Luxembourg E-mail: Phone: 00352 621 160 320

Re: Introduction and basic questions

indycolter ·
Thanks for responding, that's what I'm looking for. On my Operator and OpPro I have 8 scenes readily accessible with buttons. Seems that a color or color combo could be chosen for each song and use that in the BANK settings, then I'd just change scenes during the song. Here's what I've got on paper. Going to grab some fixtures from band today and practice programming. 1- quiet basic color scene for between songs, after blackout, quiet songs. 2. Aud Left 3. Center stage 4. Aud Right 5 slow...

Re: Expolite TourSpot 60 personality file

JWPardee (Guest) ·
Hello S&L here is a link to the requested profile. Please let me know if there are any other profiles you need built. Thank you

Re: Expolite TourSpot 60 personality file

JWPardee (Guest) ·
Hello S&L the issue sounds like your Emulation builds are different. Verify that your version of emulation is the same on both computers. a saved show file should open correctly between both mac and pc. When you have a new version of Emulation and save the show, then open it with an other version (say on your PC) there will be issues because the new version has bugs fixed and updated profiles. So, your first step is to make sure your versions match...This should clear up the problems you...

Re: Platinum Spot 5R problem

fslp1 ·
Rest lamp time .Page 16 manual .Go to info/time info/L-time password then enter code 038 then enter follow pronts .

Re: ADJ Mega Par Profile Lights

thex-man ·
So I had to Give you the Praise Due. Your a life saver! I had the 6 Mega Pars and the 4 Color Strip Minis. I used the Profile for Mode/Chanel 4 with the Mega Pars (can't figure the mode thingie for the Color Strips so I use that regular Profile insted of the Mode Profile you have for them). That was the only one that got to work right, tho. I used the Chauvet Wireless Trans/Rec DFI Plus and ran everything from the Back Table where that followspot is. I'm Running a Dell Latitude 600 with...

Cameo Flat Par RGBW 7x4W

Skorpio31 ·
Hi Leute, wie bekomme ich ein Fixture für den CFP RGBW ? Kann mir jemand hier im Forum helfen oder muss ich mich an Elation wenden? MfG Chris Hi guys, how do I get a fixture for the CFP RGBW? Can someone help me here in the forum or must I turn to Elation? Kind regards Chris Cameo_DMX_Controle_Table.pdf

Color 5 and CW Current Firmwar

Frogger ·
Could someone please tell me the latest firmware/software for these units? Thanks

Fuze Par Z60 Fixture Firmware

elationservice ·
Firmware Tool Required: C-Loader II Fuze Par Z60 Firmware V1.06 What's new: See release notes included in the download. This update resolves intermittent flicker issues. You should not attempt uploading the firmware to the fixture unless you have read and fully understand the instructions that came with the relevant Fixture firmware uploader for your fixture. Clicking this link will take you to the Software uploader section of our website so you can pick the correct uploader tool for your...

Need profile for Chauvet Intimidator SPOT 350 please

lambchop ·
Hey was wondering if anyone could help me on getting the profile for the Chauvet Intimidator Spot 350 LED? Please and Thanks Adam L

Design Spot 575 Problems

luisramirez ·
My 1'st problem is, My gobo wheels are always getting jammed with that braking system that is on the wheels, Its always making contact with the nut behind the rubber and if you look at the gobo wheel itself, you can see the gobo wheel's all scraped up from all the rubbing on the nut, . 2'nd There are screws coming off of every part of the inside of the fixture and when they come off they damage other parts. 3'rd The magnets that are on the the effect wheel's of the fixtures are coming off...

Needed Profiles

royrhodes ·
James, Just bought the emulation software. Need profiles for the following fixtures/dimmers. Elation Stage Color (non led) You guys have the manual Lightronics RE-121 dimmer NSI DDS 9800 dimmer Thanks, Roy Rhodes

Emulation for me?

music2joe ·
Hi folks OK - so i have been battling this for over two years. I started with an Elation Show Designer 1 - decided i need to go to a PC. My brother bougtht ADJ MyDMX. He says no good. I buy Martin Light Jockey. I don't know about you - but VERY clunky and outdated?? SO is Emulation my answer? I have a rig with 40 Par cans (non LED) 8 Martin Roboscans (i know - old) 6 Elation Focus Spots and a few LED fxtures. I need a system to pre-program sequences (bands) . Can I program "presets" with...

Compu Live Fixture Grouping Problem

briansavage ·
I have 14 of the same fixture (ADJ Flat Par Tri 18's) that I patched at the same time (all independently addressed). When I separated them into fixture groups I had separate group control over the On/Off but not the color mixing. Am I barking up the wrong tree here? I'd like to be able to separate them into zones (Drums/Stage L/Stage R..etc) and have complete quick access autonomous control over them. Thanks, Brian Savage

After update emulation software problems with Clay Paky G.S.3

r2d2 ·
Hello to the forum, this week I start working with Emulation to replace my very old R2D2 lightcontroller. Working with emulation is very easy but I missing the possibility to create own fixture. Actually I have problems with two products. Clay Paky Golden Scan 3 8 channel High End Strobe AF1000 Using the install CD software version( 117 ) it works not perfect but okay. G.S.3 Only prisma function not complete. Using newer version 317/318 fixture doesnt work G.S.3 function Shutter, strobe, is...

ProColor not responding to DMX

whitesites ·
I have an Elation ProColor that is not responding to DMX signals. When I turn it on, the lamp fires up, and the shutter wheel and Color wheel auto adjust. I am pretty sure its not my dmx controller as it worked great with many other fixtures I worked on today. The only theory I have is that this fixture was sent off to be cleaned and when they put it back together they plugged the DMX connector into the wrong three pin slot on the Board. There are 4 spots where this 3 pin plug could possibly...


ansgar ·

Re: 3D visualizer.

Jingles8302 ·
it's in the profile creator. Click on the part in the red circle where it tells you what type of fixture it is. now it will let you adjust the L,W,H of the fixture in cm. Let me know if you have any questions. P.S. check out this new video. Sincerely,

Re: Are Playback Faders HTP or LTP + More

michaelmoore ·
Hello Lighting Guy, How the playback faders / buttons respond to color mixing is an option within the program. You can enable or disable HTP. This option will affect the way all cuelists respond. Your mega panels do have Intensity and strobe controls. These options are in the Beam tab of the programmer window. Strobe option is abbreviated ST L (for strobe linear) and the intensity is abbreviated DIMM. This software gives you up to 48 fixtures (this is a relatively new feature, as it used to...


strangedesign ·
Is there anything in the program now for fixtur cloning? Would be sweet to tie in to whatever house lights I am at on a given night and add to my rig without having to program. ????

Re: Elation Event Bar - alligning the spots

guttalaser ·
Hi two questions 1) is the firmware on my Event Bar upgradable... and how and where can i d/l the new firmware 2) I control the Event Bar with an ENTTEC DMXIS usb2dmx interface... and randomly the Event Bar stop responding. The refresh rate of the DMX signal from the DMXIS interface is 40Hz. what refresh rate il the best for the Elation Event Bar? TNx

Re: Follow Spot Function

Jingles8302 ·
Followspot function: Phase allows you to control the offset of any effect made in Easy time or Easy Step. check it out. PS, we have a nice user community on Facebook, check it out here:

Re: SD1 and Generic Dimmer pack programming

SquireDude ·
Hi, After multiple tests using either of the Generic Dimmers definitions… I found that one definition is only 2 chnl and the other definition is 3 chnls. Instead of defining it as a Generic Dimmer pack I used RGBW and now I have all 4 channels working fine. Thanks, Phillip

Re: Problem with eNode 8 Pro / sACN and ETC Gio Lighting Desk

Jingles8302 ·
Hi you need to update the Enode 8 PRO to firmware 2.8, attached is the user manual. you may need to email to get the firmware.

Fuze Par Z60IP Firmware V1.07

elationservice ·
Firmware Tool Required: C-Loader II Fuze Par Z60IP FW V1.07 What's new: Changed the term Master/slave to Primary and Secondary. You should not attempt uploading the firmware to the fixture unless you have read and fully understand the instructions that came with the relevant Fixture firmware uploader for your fixture. Clicking this link will take you to the Software uploader section of our website so you can pick the correct uploader tool for your needs and fixtures. If you do not see your...

DW Par Z19IP Fixture Firmware

elationservice ·
Upload tool: C-Loader or USB Stick DW Par Z19IP Firmware V1.06 What's new: Changed the term Master/slave to Primary and Secondary. You should not attempt uploading the firmware to the fixture unless you have read and fully understand the instructions that came with the relevant Fixture firmware uploader for your fixture. Clicking this link will take you to the Software uploader section of our website so you can pick the correct uploader tool for your needs and fixtures. If you do not see...

ACL Par 200 & 200IP Firmware

elationservice ·
Upload tool: C-Loader or USB Stick ACL Par 200 Firmware V1.08 ACL Par 200 IP Firmware V1.03 What's new: Changed menu text from Master/slave to Primary/Secondary. You should not attempt uploading the firmware to the fixture unless you have read and fully understand the instructions that came with the relevant Fixture firmware uploader for your fixture. Clicking this link will take you to the Software uploader section of our website so you can pick the correct uploader tool for your needs and...

Gigbar Move & Gigbar 2 Profiles

smundy ·
I've been trying to get the profiles for these 2 units. Can anyone help?

Seven Par 19IP Fixture Firmware

elationservice ·
Upload tool: C-Loader or USB Stick Seven Par 19IP Firmware V1.113 What's New: Improved thermal protection. You should not attempt uploading the firmware to the fixture unless you have read and fully understand the instructions that came with the relevant Fixture firmware uploader for your fixture. Clicking this link will take you to the Software uploader section of our website so you can pick the correct uploader tool for your needs and fixtures. If you do not see your fixture listed, please...

Fuze Par Z175 Firmware

elationservice ·
Firmware Tool Required: C-Loader II Fuze Par Z175 Firmware V1.07 What's new: Improved thermal efficiency. You should not attempt uploading the firmware to the fixture unless you have read and fully understand the instructions that came with the relevant Fixture firmware uploader for your fixture. Clicking this link will take you to the Software uploader section of our website so you can pick the correct uploader tool for your needs and fixtures. If you do not see your fixture listed, please...

Fixture Profiles for Chauvet Fixtures

Joe@arbc ·
Can we find Profiles for Emulation ver 1.4.3 for these ChauvetDJ Fixtures? 4 Bar Quad 6 Spot Colorband T3BT Geyser P5 we've attached manuals Thank you!!!

Fuze Par Z120IP Firmware

elationservice ·
Firmware Tool Required: C-Loader II Fuze Par Z120IP Firmware V1.16 What's new: Superseded IC Chips. (Not a critical update.) You should not attempt uploading the firmware to the fixture unless you have read and fully understand the instructions that came with the relevant Fixture firmware uploader for your fixture. Clicking this link will take you to the Software uploader section of our website so you can pick the correct uploader tool for your needs and fixtures. If you do not see your...

Re: Fuze Par Z60IP Firmware V1.07

Yuuji ·
Hi I have one trouble about FuzePar Z60IP Firmware Update. I updated my FuzePar Z60IP Firmware, original V.1.03 to latest V1.07. I did it with C-Loader2, and got it successful, and It showed V.1.07 on fixtures display. but I operate with my console, each time move colors(RGBW) encorders up and down, FusePar flash, I can't get exact level and smooth fade. without console, I tried by manual mode, it also happened same flash. I wonder what I should do next. Could you advice me how to deal with...

Re: Fuze Par Z60IP Firmware V1.07

Greetings would you be able to send us a video?? if so please send to support at elation lighting dot com

C. L.


Re: Fuze Par Z60IP Firmware V1.07

Yuuji ·
I tried V1.06 on your web already, but it didn't improve. If you have older version of firmware, V1.05,V1.04,V1.03, send me somehow. V1.03 is original I'll try them one after another.

KL Par Firmware

elationservice ·
Uploader Tool needed: C-Loader Or USB KL Par V1.04 What's new: Update needed due to IC change due to supply issues. Update not needed/not critical. You should not attempt uploading the firmware to the fixture unless you have read and fully understand the instructions that came with the relevant Fixture firmware uploader for your fixture. Clicking this link will take you to the Software uploader section of our website so you can pick the correct uploader tool for your needs and fixtures. If...

Elation 5R Tips and faults from experience using/working on them

Plew ·
Elation 5R defects and Tips Heavy strobing : If the lamp hours are high enough, at some point over 200hrs, it gives a warning and strobes constantly. Eventually won't light unless timer is reset, simply replacing the lamp won’t resolve it because it doesn’t know you replaced it. Lamp shuts off while running Check to make sure head FAN isn't defective or intermittent. Problem does not show up with covers off because of radiant cooling (when I have test running anyways). Whenever it has...

Profile for Showtec Shark One scan

Peter Geluid ·
Hi i need a profile for a Showtec Shark scan for the emulation software (old) I added the manual Thanks in advance Peter

Re: Elation Proteus Maximus not working with Avolites T3

cbot ·
Thank you for the reply. After wayyyyy too much troubleshooting it was eventually brought to my attention that the lights were actually the proteus lucious, not maximus; it was not my best moment lol. Charlie Botwin L i g h t i n g D e s i g n e r Levitt Pavilion / Ophelia’s Electric Soapbox / Z2 Entertainment Denver, CO 913-220-7441 / From: Elation Lighting Sent: Friday, July 28, 2023 12:01 PM To: cbot Subject: [New Reply] Elation Proteus Maximus not working with...

Proteus Blade S & L Firmware

elationservice ·
Proteus Blade S & L: Firmware Version V1.2.2 Blade S Firmware Version V1.2.2 Blade L What's new(for both): CRITICAL UPDATE, fixed bug in sACN where it would not work properly when addressed above 001. If your fixture does not include a USB Service Port which is used to upload software updates, click HERE to select the required uploader tool to update your fixture.

Pulse Bar L Fixture Firmware

elationservice ·
Upload tool: C-Loader Pulse Bar L Firmware V1.03 What's new: Resolved bugs: 1) Network sACN random Flicker 2) When screen lock is enabled, self-test mode freezes. 3) When set to all control parameters of RGB strobeline, it should switch to CW Strobe control. You should not attempt uploading the firmware to the fixture unless you have read and fully understand the instructions that came with the relevant Fixture firmware uploader for your fixture. Clicking this link will take you to the...

KL CYC Series Fixture Firmware

elationservice ·
Uploader Tool needed: C-Loader Or USB KL CYC S Firmware V1.0.4 KL CYC L Firmware V1.0.5 What's New: "NET ERROR" and sACN bug resolved and stability improved for KL CYC S, New for KL CYC L: Data processing optimization. You should not attempt uploading the firmware to the fixture unless you have read and fully understand the instructions that came with the relevant Fixture firmware uploader for your fixture. Clicking this link will take you to the Software uploader section of our website so...

KL Par FC Firmware

elationservice ·
Uploader Tool needed: C-Loader Or USB KL Par FC V1.09 What's new: Color fading bug resolved and fixed "Update software" added to fixture menu. Color tuning DMX trait function revised to match written DMX chart. You should not attempt uploading the firmware to the fixture unless you have read and fully understand the instructions that came with the relevant Fixture firmware uploader for your fixture. Clicking this link will take you to the Software uploader section of our website so you can...

Six+ Bar L no DMX input issue

Dzony ·
Hello, I have trouble controlling my six+ Bar L. I have it on an sACN network. All was set up correctly and the fixture worked. But suddenly after this Friday switch-off and Monday switch-on, the fixture's display blinks as if it has no Dmx signal. However I can see it as a network device on my nx2 active network devices list. Can't figure out what the trouble might be. Tried everything but I don't understand it as I haven't changed anything since Friday. Same setup same console, same...

Re: Six+ Bar L no DMX input issue

Jingles8302 ·
Hi, do you have any sort of node in between the NX2 and the Six+ Bar L? Like a ethernet node? If so what is it?

Re: Six+ Bar L no DMX input issue

Dzony ·
Hi. To answer: Yes I do have a node in between. It is netron ep4. It is quite weird that the node works perfecty.... anyway i will describe my setup in more detail: consoles: nx 2 and ETC Apex 5.wired directly to netron ns8 ip. To the same switch i have connected some random cheap DHCP router. Now the funny part: one port of ns8 goes straight to ep4 - thru to elation rayzor 760 (works correctly) - thru elation pulse panel fx (don't work) - thru elation pulse bar L (don't work) - thru elation...