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Hello, I have trouble controlling my six+ Bar L. I have it on an sACN network. All was set up correctly and the fixture worked. But suddenly after this Friday switch-off and Monday switch-on, the fixture's display blinks as if it has no Dmx signal. However I can see it as a network device on my nx2 active network devices list. Can't figure out what the trouble might be. Tried everything but I don't understand it as I haven't changed anything since Friday. Same setup same console, same wiring, same software setup. Any thoughts?

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Hi as an update, i asked some of our product managers about this issue you reported and they said they are aware of an issue where if the fixtures are kept on but the console is powered off, the fixtures will not resync to the network from theconsole being powered back up. You can reset the network on the fixtures but be sure to turn the lights off first, then the console if you can to avoid this happening again.
That being said there is a fix coming for this, but we don't have a set ETA on that, but it is coming.
you can check if theres an update by emailing anytime. Or reply here.

Hi. To answer: Yes I do have a node in between. It is netron ep4. It is quite weird that the node works perfecty.... anyway i will describe my setup in more detail:

consoles: nx 2 and ETC Apex 5.wired directly to netron ns8 ip. To the same switch i have connected some random cheap DHCP router. Now the funny part: one port of ns8 goes straight to ep4 - thru to elation rayzor 760 (works correctly) - thru elation pulse panel fx (don't work) - thru elation pulse bar L (don't work) - thru elation six+ bar L (don't work).

it all started happening this Monday. Previous Friday we were fiddling with our new etc Apex5 but later in the evening I switched it off and turned to nx2 where I patched everything correctly and all started working, as well as pretty nice pixel stuff.On Monday morning Apex was only started and six+ bar L wasn't responding at all. On Tuesday I switched nx2 first and whoop - no response from both bars neither panel fx. I tried to replace hell every single cable and even bypassed everything and went straight from the switch to sixbar. Nothing.

today when I went on with investigation I have found out that my nx2 sees both bars and also panel fx, but all have strange ip address 2.x.x.x. Weird because on a display, all devices show an ip address that I have set up manually lying in my network range 10.0.0.x. So the ip address on display differs from what I see in nx2 device list.

i will try to follow up your proposals and hope it'll work. Btw I have no response even when I plug back our Apex. Seems the inner network cards gone completely mad. If I do factory reset, fixtures go to some default 2.0.0.x but when I set the ip address again, it again differs on device list of nx2 and actual fixture display. Weird.

thanks for assistance!


Hi there! I tried those steps and well and I am still having the exact same issue. I’m using MA3 onpc on macOS and I have tried removing all devices in line to isolate the issue. I also have an en12 node and en4 node that are working flawlessly. Even when directly wired to my console computer the six bar doesn’t show any kind of dmx input. I used sacn view to verify that sacn data was making its way across the cat cable and all is working correctly on every different network setup. Also tried all of the same things with artnet with the same results.

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