Tagged With "Spot Pro"
Re: Compu Pro 06
I have the Elation Compu Pro 06. DMX out only. I thought it was the one that had DMX in and out but after I bought it I found out that this one is discontinued and I don't see a DMX in module for sale anymore. Bummer.
Re: gel color in 3d visulizer
For Compu Pro 06 You need to: 1. Open program and 3D visualizer 2. Enter build mode on the 3D visualizer 3. Select the fixture(s) u want to change the color of 4. Select the color on the pallet To help find the buttons...
Re: gel color in 3d visulizer
Thanks! and No Problem. I made a design for a theater I help with, but as it got closer to the show the use of Compu Pro was tossed and I never got rid of the program. Its not very detailed and no lights are actually ploted except the work lights, but it helped who it needed to so I guess its a sucsess after all! -Homeboy
Re: Compu Live Questions
Jingles, Thanks for your help. I tried what you said, and here's what I found: 1. I do have my Cycle created under the Master page, so I tried using the Live Toolbar Button. I do see the size, dimmer and speed controls, but only when I have a scene (like Blue) selected. When I click my "Cycle 1" button, the size, dimmer and speed controls disappear and are replaced with the text: "Cycle: Cycle 1". It's like all of those features are being disabled b/c I'm running a cycle instead of a scene...
Re: Compu Live Questions
Hi John, Thank you for your responses as well. 1. I tried what you said and made my chase a Scene using Easy Step. After that I was able to control the speed via the Live Button Toolbar. So, in other words, I did not need to do anything further using Easy Time. I tried it any way (yellow button making the channels Easy Time), but it just seemed to mess up my chase, so I went back to making all channels Easy Step. I notice that the F7 and F8 keys allow me to adjust the speed up and down. Is...
Re: Comp U Pro questions
John, Thanks for your help,apparently there are several issues running Compu pro on Vista,Bottom line.........too much "hassle for me" The good news is The re-sale value was great & my Brand new Magic 260 meets my needs & learning curve etc VERY WELL !!! Thanks again GARY
Re: Help with buying the best controller
hello, i would apretiate any help from you guys. i have 12 colorsplahjr by chauvet, 8 par cans, and 4 fusion scans. i'm currently tempted to buy the Elation DMX operator Pro, seems it can do all the work, but i'm also looking at a sotware option, easy stand alone by nicolaudie with its cheapest version.... cant really aford any of the other suits. which of those two would you recommend? Thanks, is-REAL
Re: Help with buying the best controller
I think you hit it on the nail with DMX operator pro. I believe this will easily do what you want. Software is ok also, but the easystand alone will not allow you to run your color mixing LED's and have the par cans stay on at the same time unless you program that into the scene. Easy stand alone will probably be easier to get started on. its pretty simple. Best regards,
Re: Design 36 LED
So i guess in the long run i will not find my answer here. How about elation pro you were going to give it a try what did you find?
Re: Design 36 LED
elatin pro and a bunch of the other people from elation and american dj are now in orlando for this week's LDI. so you may or may not get a response from him sometime this week. also it never hurts to shoot a call to our service department and there is a toll free number. give them a call see if they have a Dled they can use while your talking to them and see if they see the problem too. best regards. jingles.
Re: question about mixed lighting
It sounds like you need the DMX operator Pro. It does exactly that. Or the DMX DUO FX, it does the same thing as the Pro but without faders to dimm the pars.
Re: question about mixed lighting
We'll now that I think about it, I don't think the DMX Duo will work. its intended for Intelligent lighting on one side, and effects lighting on the FX buttons. This customer has effects lighting, and par cans.. So his best bet would be Dmx operator pro. He can create chases for his effects lights on one half of the board and par can chases on the second half of the board.
Re: question about mixed lighting
This is probably a stupid question... but since all of the lights we own are not dmx, i have to ask :P What is the significance of whether a controller is intended for intelligent/fx/par cans? For instance, why is the operator pro not capable of running par cans except on the last 8 channels? The operator pro looks like it has a street price close to some pc-controlled systems i've seen. Would we be better off just lugging one of our laptops with us and running things that way?
Re: question about mixed lighting
hey. actually there are no stupid questions here. we try to teach all we can to the customers so no worries about questions ok? also on the op pro the reason the faders are on the right side is just for convience of having two controller sides to the board it doesn't mean they are the last 8 channels. you can assign the pars cans dimmer packs to start at any channel on the board through your dimmer packs. if you wanna go for convience and low equipment carry around try compuware if you want...
Re: DMX Operator Pro - Manual Fading
Hi Mcqueena, I got this information from my DMX OPERATOR PRO GUY Yes… but he has to create a show first then follow the instructions below. Select the “SHOW” button that you wish to playback. The selected Show or Shows will begin to run immediately including the originally set speed and fade times. However, the selected Show speed and fade times can manually be adjusted on the fly by simultaneously pressing the “SHOW” # button followed by the “STEP/MIX/SEQ” button. A rapidly flashing Show...
Re: Hey Guys!!! I'm Back . . . again
actually you use the compu pro dongle with no DMX in. not the 2048FC lol
Re: Lighting Newbie
jpal welcome! and merry christmas. you could also try setting the light in the right on reverse pan and tilt. it should be either a feature on the op pro or you can do it on the lights in the system menu aswell. and the par cans was pretty well explained by jthtiger so i will leave it at that. if there is anything you dont understand or need further explaining let us know. peace! sincerely,
Re: Lighting Newbie
jpal you gonna want to program all those looks into the op pro. but what u can do is program those scenes and then add a fade time and hold time and create i think it is either caled chase or show on you pro and then have those run like that. anything else just ask. sincerely,
Re: Design Spot 250 shutter fix . .
Sounds like one of the shutters is bent and is hitting against the other shutter. That happened to me once on the design spots 575, but i just opened the fixture up and bent it back to place and it worked fine. Luis Ramirez Ram Pro Audio and Lighting Lighting Designer
Re: Operator Pro question
you know I'm not too sure as i have never used an op pro before. so i couldn't tell you. so you can try re reading the manual. but maybe one of the techs can hep you out tomorrow afternoon. sincerely,
Re: Riva 80
Just realized what a noob I am. Posted in Moving Heads section.. MODs feel free to put me where I belong if needed. Thanks James. Had some of the guys at the LAB (pro sound web) direct me to you here on the forum. The music store I sub-contact under just spoke with Elation at the NAMM show but I doubt any dealership agreement was finalized. But, I have 2 churches needing theatrical style lighting installs by Easter so I gotta get this stuff moving FAST! Any primers or how-to's on...
Re: DMX Operator Pro
did you address them all according to the channel blocking on the pro? if you need me to elaborate let me know. sincerely,
Re: DMX Operator Pro
I tried doing so but it seemed as though the pro was not recognizing more than one fixture. An elaboration of how to do so correctly would be great!
Re: DMX Operator Pro
OK WELL THE PRO BLOCKS THE FIXTURES IN 16 CHANNELS EACH. THAT MEANS THAT FIXTURE BUTTON ONE CONTROLS CHANELS 1-16 AND FIXTURE BUTTON CONTROLS 17-32 and so on and so on. so if you wanted to put 1 led one each fixture button they would need to be addressed as follows. (assuming they are 6 ch's) led 1:001 led 2:007 led 3:017 (that would be on fixture button 2) understand where im goin with this? if you have dip switches here is a helpfull tool DIP SWITCH CALCULATOR Sincerely,
Re: basic console programing
drew, are you talking about timing the DMX operator pro shows? If so, yes, you have to time it all with calculators and a bit of calculus! Regading live shows, you basically have to have a live operator. That's the way its done in the real world. You have all your cues (scenes) all stacked up nicely in a show (cycle) in the order your going to play them. Then for timing you set them to "GO". "GO" allows the scene to cue up till you hit "GO" again then it take you the the next scene in the...
Re: Design Spot 250 PAN Problem, Help!!
You might want to check the sensor on the actual pan which is located inside the base of the fixture.Like you said when its upside down it shakes and when its upright it doesnt, that sounds like the pan stopper with the magnet on it by the pan wheel is either loose or out of place you might need to adjust The fastner. Hope this helps. Luis Ramirez Ram Pro Audio And Lighting Ld/tech
Re: Design 36 LED
Our rep, Jeff Mathis, suggested that controller. The lights will be 8 Par64 LED PRO and 4 American PAR56 (with a DP20L dimmer pack). Most church will do is change colors on the LED and dim the PAR56 fixtures. True that the Magic 260 will run both kinds of lights?
Re: Need help programming operator pro
isreal do you have or have u requested a instructional DVD from us yet? i dont really know how to use the op pro so my advice for you for now is dont give up it will come to you soon. we wouldnt put out a controller if it couldnt be operated! lol. sincerely,
Re: Couple quick questions..
As far as computers are concerned, there are generally two fronts. The first is the ability to run your lights entirely from a software-based controller (like CompuWare), connected to a USB widget/dongle to send the DMX signal to your fixtures. The second one is the ability to trigger your regular DMX controller/console trough the use of MIDI triggers from a computer. In this situation, everything is programmed into the controller just like you would do for normal operation via the...
Re: Newbie looking for help/advice
Sorry, but I have another quick question. What are some dmx 512 controllers that you would reccomend for my application? I don't need a really pro set up, but I would like one that is of good quality. Thanks
Re: Newbie looking for help/advice
I will try out the compulive software thanks! I would also like/need a dmx unit to control all of it though. Woould you recomend one for the movers and one for the wash lights or both in one unit? How is this model : Elation DMX Operator Pro Controller? It seemed to have good reviews on other websites. Or is there one specifically that would best suite my needs. I need one that would simply turn everything on and off at this point, and a dimmer would be nice (But I believe you purchase those...
Re: Newbie looking for help/advice
Yes, what you are describing are what a console would call a scene. A Scene is just a bunch of lights recorded (saved) to look a certain way when you bring up that scene. So for example, if you made scene 1 nothing but blue lights, when you hit scene 1 the blue lights would come on. If you made scene 2 red lights, the red lights would come on with scene two. If you made scene 3 red and blue lights, both the red and blue lights would come on when scene 3 is up. A series of scenes is called...
Re: Newbie looking for help/advice
Thanks for the explenation, it really helps me understand this stuff better, and what I need to get. so does this mean that you have 96 pages for each book or 96 pages total for all 8 books put together? And you mentioned the DMX opereater Pro. Is this a good controller? It seems to have everything on it that I would need. And how hard is it to program these "pages". Does it require the use of a computer program such as compulive or can I do it simply and manually? (I understand if you don't...
Re: Newbie looking for help/advice
Yes, you have 96 pages that you can add to 8 different books in different ways for each book. The console doesn't say how many pages per book, so I assume you can use as many as you want. Don't quote me on it though. Sometimes you will see something like number of steps per show or chase. So if it says 40 Steps per Show, that would mean each of your books can have 40 pages in it, but you can make up 96 different pages to use in the case of the DMX Operator Pro. Don't think of CompuLive so...
Re: Compu Live Question
I don't have an answer for you. I am new to this type of lighting control. I can't find out how to get started with the basic programing for 15 par cans, 3 RGB and 2 Elliosodials. Help. I also receive a message about a faital error. A second install have a problem with a flickering Pro Bar. It seems to destroy the bulbs. Any recommendations? Partime
Re: Compu Live Question
fishing.. when its a new install and you have all the demo pages still on it. The 3D window will always open up automatically because its in Demo mode. you need to delete all the Demo pages. this will stop 3d window from opening automatically. Partime, Jingles is your man to get started on the basic programming. send him an e-mail. Pro Bar flickering.. I would call our customer support department. 323-213-4593. sounds like a tech issue with the bar, not with the software. How much wattage...
Re: DMX Operator Pro question
JJ, I am sorry to say that there's no way to do this with the Operator Pro, but there are other Elation playback controllers with this feature. Here's a few that you can choose from. DMX DUO or DMX PARTNER or AR-32RM or DR 512 Hope this helps
Re: Octopod 80 or 36?
Thanks for your help. The 80's are perfect for our group. I'll run the presets at a slower speed until I figure out the DMX dilemma. Both ideas have merit. Thanx Jingles and elation pro. Jazzman
Re: Compu Live Question
July 14, 2008 Help! I am sending this to 3 or 4 people I hope can help. I have installed a lighting system utilizing the following components: 1. – Acclaim s-fade6 at the entrance door 2. – Elation Compu -1024c 3. – an A-B switch 4. – Elation RMD620 Arc dimmer for house lights 5. – 6 Elation Pro Bar 4 – for an assortment of pars and ellipsoidals. 6. – 3 Elation RGB LED at various points in the path - They are addressed as 101, 108, 115 Problem: When the x-fade is operational it controls more...
Re: Okay, I think this is a bug. (cycles)
Hi Jingles, I do not get ANY screens, or anything when I double click on the step or "On/Off" (in either versions march, or july). Also I noticed, that even scenes I changed to go, keep reverting back to time, and those are the ones listed as "OFF" right now. When I changed the time to "Go" it still says off. My specs on my machine are: gateway M685e Windows XP pro XP SP3 Duo 1.8 2 gig of Ram @ 1.32 FSB 160 Gig hard drive.
Re: lighting que fades
The system was already in place when I came into the position. I'm still working out the specs, but I can tell you that the software is Compu Pro 2006 using all hot keys and buttons in the program. So what basically happens now, is when I switch from one que to the next, instead of a smooth fade from a bright que to a dim one, it an abrupt change. There's no subtlety to it at all.
Re: DMX Operator Pro and MIDI
I have read that it the Mydmx software doesn't like to run in the background (let me know if that isn't true). We are triggering from Ableton Live and we have a live operator who is running that (contains harmonies, background guitar parts, etc). That brings up another point, can you trigger from a software program to the MyDMX on the SAME computer? I would hate to have to get another laptop just to run the lighting rig when we already have a Magic 260 or if the DMX Op Pro would fit out...
Re: DMX Operator Pro and MIDI
I've been asked to jump since I did a LOT of testing with MyDMX and MIDI and had documentable and repeatable results. Issue 1: Does MyDMX respond to MIDI triggers? Yes, it does. This has been resolved and in the latest version, you can use MIDI triggering, so we can just move forward from that. Issue 2: How easy is it to trigger MyDMX? Well, it really depends. Overall, the answer is yes, since most people are going to use MIDI NOTE ON commands for triggering scenes. Once a triggers are...
Re: DMX Operator Pro and MIDI
thanks everyone. I am going to really dig deep into the mydmx software tonight. I am fairly familiar with the compuware software so I hope it isn't to different. I would still like to have a couple questions answered about the operator pro though: Can you independently choose par scenes/chases from moving light scenes/chases? Is this the case with MIDI as well? If so, doesn't that give you thousands of combinations to choose from via simple midi notes? i.e. this par scene with this moving...
Re: Colors locked out (solved)
i think you msy need to delete those settings on the color presets. but here is the thing i can figure out how to delet them myself! haha. it is a feature i never use and ALWAYS forget how to use. also this feature does not work the best way it can. ill see if i can get elation pro to respond he knows how to get rid of them i believe. Sincerely,
Re: Haze question.
Again.. Serra is right on it.. Whenever I use the X-310.. I always run it between 10 and 17% continuos. Over 20% and that thing is blasting. I also agree with EBAC... don't use FLG. Actually FLG is a fluid from Antari that we don't import. Elation makes X series Fluid. X-Fog X-Fog Pro X-Fog Ice X-Haze Oil X-Haze H20 X-Bubble X-Snow All I can say is that this is the fluid I use, and wouldn't recomend a fluid I've never used on the X-310II. Maybe EBAC and Serra have used different fluids on...
Re: Haze question.
Only other type of fluid I have used in an X-310 is American DJ Fog Fluid, and the stuff is pretty much the same as X-Fog (Same family of companies). X-Fog Pro will hang in the air longer then regular X-Fog will, and X-Fog Ice evaporates even faster then X-Fog. Other then that, I always try to use the fluid from the manufacture just to be on the safe side. Don't feel like replacing heaters and pumps on fog machines costing as much as these machines do. A little extra cost is worth it in my...
Re: DMX Operator Pro and MIDI
I use the DMX Operator Pro with Midi trigger. It works great. I am actually trying to run a local band R n R show using a Guitar Pedal, but don't know if they actual have programmable Midi send notes to foot buttons (like a Midi keyboard.). Anyone know? NOTE NUMBER FUNCTION 23-34 FIXTURE PAGE 1-12 35-50 PAR PAGE 1-16 51-58 MOVING LIGHT SCENE 1-8 59-66 MOVING LIGHT CHASE 1-8 67-72 PAR SCENE 1-6 73-78 PAR CHASE 1-6 79 PAR STANDBY 80 PAR FADE + SPEED 81 FIXTURE BLACKOUT 82 FIXTURE AUDIO 83 PAR...
Re: dmx operator pro CF
Fryedman, Unfortunately the Dmx Operator Pro will not work with just any CF card, it requires a proprietary card made by Elation. Please call 800-322-6337 to place an order for this card.