Tagged With "pixel driver 4000"
Re: BlueScreen after installing Cue-Cable-Driver :(
ok. you wouldn't by chance be trying to install the 64 bit driver would you? I'm still looking into this. Sincerely,
Re: BlueScreen after installing Cue-Cable-Driver :(
No, I can't isntall it, then I will get a message, that it is a 64bit-driver... And I get each time a Blue Screen. In the meantime: 8 tries, 8 Blue-Screen. So there is no chance to get it on run currently with this driver
Re: BlueScreen after installing Cue-Cable-Driver :(
Hi, I tried it onto a Windows 7-64 Bit system, but there I can't intstall the driver. But for one thing I was wondering: In the 32-Bit system, I get in the system-manager "unknown Device". In the 64-Bit system, I get in the system-manager "Cue-Cable" Both with the yellow exclamation mark
Re: BlueScreen after installing Cue-Cable-Driver :(
I didn't think it is broken. Because on the 64-bit-system I see, that it is the Cue-Cable. Bot in both times I can't install the driver. In Cologne, Germany. Can I send you a mail over this forum? Best, Marco
Re: Elation Design Wash 250 troubles
try swaping cables around first and see if the trouble follows. if not you can swap displays then see if the trouble follows the display. if so you may have a bad display or DMX driver. let me know. thank you
Re: AR-32C
Can I also get the file for this error? Also I recommend this driver be posted on the Elation product site for download. thanks! josh at gilsontech dot com
Re: Intimidatorâ„¢ Scan LED and SD3 not working
Hi J Scott, well since the SD3 works with Power spots then we know its working fine. I think at this point the those intimidators wont work with any controller. it could be the DMX driver chips are burnt. your only other trouble shooting option is to test them with another console. if they still don't work then you know for sure its the lights and you need to send them in for service.
Re: Magic260Rev1.20: "Run-time error: '5'
hui - version 1.20 of magic 260 program uploader seems to have a lot of problems. i now found the version 1.09 (which is only found on the product overview page!) and it seems to work on that one. i can now create profiles without crashing when i save the profile. i am not a vj but a am a software engineer and sorry but I have to do some review: supplying (very) instable software (i'd call v1.20 alpha -if not pre-alpha) as main download to a product like the mega 260 is NOT acceptable,...
Re: Need a profile for ADJ Vizi LED Spot
Thanks for the reply and I will visit that forum if I can ever get the software to install. Constant driver out of date errors and the software won't run. Thanks anyway.
Re: Problem with Midicon and submaster page up
This is a new out of the box Midicon. I/ve come to the conclusion that the unit itself is the source of the problem. After a Windows boot and without any light software running the blackout light toggles when I press the playback page up. To eliminate a driver issue or defect I connected the Midicon to an Apple Mac Mini I have and got the same result. I'll be following up with the Elation warranty support people.
Re: AR-32C
Thanks for the fast reply the softwere seems to be working ok now not getting any errors now but still haveing problems with the driver im running windows 7 64 bt it see's the device as a ncw-dmx20 but wont install drivers for it even if i select the folder that came with the file u sent me? any ideas?
Re: AR-32C
I just sent you the new driver files I just received. Try them out and let me know how it works out. Thanks!
Re: AR-32C
I'm running version 3.05. When the device is plugged in it also says it is missing the driver for device ncw_dmx20 in device manager... I have also tried uninstalling and reinstalling. Any more suggestions?
Re: Design Spot 250 Service Manual
hi Beth it sounds like you need a new dmx driver, you can order one from our parts website. part# Z-75184.
Re: AR-32C
PW, I apologize but I have been in and out of the office the past few weeks. If you need quicker assistance in the future feel free to contact our Elation Customer Support directly at 866.245.6726 ext. 593 (8AM - 5PM PST.) If you send me your email address I will send you some new driver files.
Re: design spot 250 overheating stepper motors?
i tried another head pcb, and it still does the same thing, the problem is not the pcb in the head. could it be the main board or a dmx driver problem?
Re: Compu Cue Basic Siudi 8c Driver?
No, you don't need to put in any serial number. So windows detects the interface fine but the program does not? Also you are never running tools with the compu show program open at the same time right? Because the USB driver cannot be split between two programs at once. One needs to be closed and not running in the background for the other to see it. I would try to see if tools will detect it with just the tools app running and try updating the firmware if it does. Sincerely,
Re: AR-32C
I seem to be having the same driver problem every one else is, no working driver supplied with software package. Could someone please send me a driver? OS: windows xp 32bit software ver: 3.05 my email address is:mmclean98359@gmail.com
Re: Magic 260 Ulink Driver Error
This may sound stupid but make sure you plug the dongle end into the PC. I actually did it backwards and plugged the USB plug ito the PC and had the dongle end at the Magic 260 USB port but clearly that isn't right and won't work. he dongle is really a USB-to-Serial adapter and you'll hear your computer "ding" when you plug it in (correctly, as described above) as the driver loads, it doesn't matter if the Magic 260 is plugged in or not, the "hardware" is the cable, not the Magic 260... Jack
Re: Magic 260 Ulink Driver Error
If the computer "dings" then the USB dongle is detected, do you know if the driver is loading, does the hardware show up in Device Manager with a yellow "!"? The light does not flash or glow at all on mine, I assumed it should as well but nope, it doesn't and still works fine. Assuming the driver is loading and the device is recognized by Windows, insert the dongle into the computer, then insert the other end into the Magic 260. Open the ULink software, can you receive from the Magic 260...
Re: Building Profiles
Hi Joel, Thank you for your quick response! At this point I think I have bigger issues then I thought. I tried connecting the M360 to my PC and I keep getting a message that reads, "USB Device Not Recognized. One of the USB devices attached to this computer has malfuntioned, and Windows cannot recognize it". I tried using the CD that came with the controller, and I also downloaded the Ulink driver from the Website, but nothing seems to help me.
Re: DS 250 focus issue
it sounds like you have a bad driver on the head pcb. do you have another one you can try off of another unit?
Re: DS 250 focus issue
I have the sevice manual of the spot 250. Can you give me the # part of the "head PCB" ? What you mean by head PCB ? Is it part 203010009 "PCB ASS'Y" or 203010122 "PCB" ?
Re: Compu 2002 software download
well, i got it to work again. seems to be doing fine. However, I am trying to get it to work with a new windows 7 computer who's stats are: windows 7 home premium 64-bit AMD E-450 APU with Radeom HD Graphics (2CPUs) ~1.6GHz 4096MB Ram DirectX version 11 I installed the DAS-OCX first, then the drivers, and then the program. The problem that I am running into is that it keeps reporting that there is not a driver for the USB to DMX. I have tried uninstalling and re-installing the program...
Re: Dongle not working?
Of course, this type of problem occurs some times, to solved it install the dongle' driver again and then restart the PC. After doing it connect your dongle again to your PC.
Re: No interface detected
No. Interface not connected I have noticed during setup, when installing drivers only one driver is being installed. See this screenshot - only one green checkmark. According to manual there must be two check marks. True? https://dl.dropbox.com/u/50157...20Show%20Drivers.jpg Have also tried to install the program in XP compatible mode and in Windows 7 mode. Makes no difference what so ever. I have two laptops running Windows 7. Same behavior on both. Software AND the same USB interface runs...
Re: Fixture Profiles needed for Magic260
I got the file, tried to load it and .... wait for it ..... nothing, nada. Seems the versions of the u-link driver and Magic 260 software are old enough that I can't use my MacBook Pro. So, i pulled out the trusty old Dell laptop, got them downloaded and put them into the file to transfer and ... guess what ... nothing. It's like these things just don't want to play nice with each other. In my opinion, if you purchase a new Elation Magic 260 it should have every Elation and American DJ...
Re: Elation 2004 usb dongle driver for XP
Hi again Sorry for delay in reply, Checked out computer, definitely 32 bit,m any help on next step to get driver and install for software operation thnx brett
Re: Elation 2004 usb dongle driver for XP
in australia,usual company importing and distrib Elation products here have dropped out and no support w this prob thnx Brett
Re: American DJ Mega Tri Bar
has this interface worked before? how old is this unit? there might be a problem with the dmx driver chip inside the unit. one way of making sure is by going into the tools.exe and test the dmx channels to see if the dongle is sending out a signal.
Re: Dongle Incorrectly Recognized by Software
You may actually have an issue with the light itself. Is the display on the none responsive unit solid or blinking? If it is blinking them Youar have a bad DMX driver on the unit.
Re: Dongle Incorrectly Recognized by Software
Well issue or no issue, the dongle is still incorrectly recognized by the software... The light does blink however, once I start adding components to the chain like an LED, the blinking light on the light with v1.1 stops blinking and just stays solid... Is there a way to install v1.0 on this light? I read I need an extra device. I do live in Studio City, LA though so if theres a place where both the light and the dongle could be checked out than awesome, Ill take em!
Re: PLatinum 5R question. New to Forum.
what you can do to be sure that it is that part, swap it from a working one into the one that isn't working. that way you will know for sure. you can take a look at it from the front and the back. if its burnt, you will see brown marks under the driver. and this could come with age. also depends on how the units are installed and being used. do you cut power to these at the end of the night? or do they receive constant power at all times?
Re: Compu 1024EC Interface Driver not Loading in XP
hello, it sounds like the interface might have been plugged into a different USB port and the drivers got uninstalled. what you need to do is uninstall the interface from the computer and try reloading it. you can go to the device manager and right click on the unknown device and uninstall the drivers. once you do that go ahead and restart your computer. when it comes back on plug in the interface and it should reload the drivers automatically. make sure that the driver folder you downloaded...
Re: Compu 1024EC Interface Driver not Loading in XP
Thanks Jesus. When I tried that, the OS finds the new device and installs it as an Unknown USB Device without ever going through the add new device wizard. there's no prompt during device detection to point it to a driver, it's automatically choosing the unknown USB device. When I try to update the driver manually in DM, and point it to the folder with the downloaded driver files (extracted from the zip file), I get the message the location doesn't contain information about the hardware.
Re: Randomize Triggering Scenes in master page.
I understand the feature I am looking for does not exist, however is this something Elation would consider adding? Is it possible to program the midi commands to work with midi yoke? I've asked you this before but you said something about the midi commands being tied to a driver specific to a particular controller. I haven't had the opportunity to test this. If so, I could use Pangolin Quick show to send midi commands to Compu show and trigger the Scenes in a random fashion. Does anyone have...
Re: DLED 60 Strip WA help!
ok. it sounds like its going to be the led driver pcb. is it on all colors or just one in particular?
Re: Jan 2013 Compu Live software
OK I have that version. Thanks. I have a new machine and it came with Windows 8. Can't find drivers for the DMX Intelligent interface.... I installed the new software, that was just released in January of this year, and that also didn't have the driver for Windows 8... Am I needing to downgrade the OS?
Re: formatting a usb for a ROBE 1024 DMX controller
what would you suggest? there is a USB slot but it just keeps saying the disk driver is not installed, how would I get hold of this?
Re: Issues with driver on Windows Vista
Its giving me the same error of 'The device driver installation wizard did not update any of your software for your hardware device because it was not better then the software you currently have installed' Driver name: Visual Production (VPCueCAble) USB (01/06/2011 Then I click finish and I get 'Failed to install drivers. Did you connect CueCable?' Same thing I have been getting, and yes the cue cable is in place.
Re: Issues with driver on Windows Vista
Sorry for the delay on this. Do you have a yellow cation mark next to the driver in device manager? Perhaps post a screenshot? Thanks!
Re: sd2 software
The update to the latest firmware should work. To switch to the flash card, you would need to get the card socket and the driver board that would replace the disk driver board. The opening on the back will be much larger for the disk so I'm not sure how you would mount the flash socket.
Re: Freeze ups and Lag
hey there, I dont think that it depends on the laptop or any DMX limitations I got the same issue and can say a few things why I think that there is some code thats not ok. 1) I ran about 20 shows with the same (installed) setup, same laptop, same showfile, and with less than 32 fixtures (about 22 + 24ch dimmer and tour hazer) never got one single issue about freezing lagging or worse collapse. Exactly the first show after I updated to the release which included the 64bit drivers for first...
DRIVER PCB GUIDE Helpful guide that may help you identify the Driver PCBs in your SEVEN BATTEN 72.
Chorus Line 16 LED Driver Replacement
Replacing the Drivers can be a little confusing. The left and the right drivers look Identical, but there are resistors on the boards to distinguish the placement. Here is a little cheat sheet that can help out. LED Driver Placement
Blizzard HOTBOX exa Profiles
Are there profiles available for the Blizzard Hotbox exa LED PAR for the Emulation controller? I am especially interested in the 10-channel version.
Pixel LED IP120
Hi, I was just browsing the new products, and the Pixel LED IP120 looks really cool, but do you really need the Pixel Driver 4000 to control it, or can it run off of DMX on a computer using Lightjockey, or one of the other programs? Can't seem to find an answer.
Connect Pixel Driver 4000 to Chamsys MQ40
Hi All, I'm going to apologize in advance for my ignorance, as I'm sure what I'm asking about is a fairly rudimentary problem, but I'm having trouble connecting my pixel driver 4000 to my Chamsys MQ 40 light board. Both the board and the driver are connected to the same network switch, but I don't quite know enough IT to be sure what I should do next to be able to control my pixel bars from the Chamsys. If anybody has any tips on how to ensure these two devices are talking to each other, I'd...
Platinum 5R Pro simultaneous pan tilt failure-not pcb/driver
I have a 5R pro spot that a cust brought to me with what he said was a simultaneous failure of pan and tilt. I naturally began to search for driver, pcb issues, but cannot isolate the problem. I part swapped with a good fixture , swapping first driver IC then entire PCB. (PCB 0530 with V1.1 driver) Problem same. Donar fixture still worked fine after part swap. Pan will not move at all, and tilt "struggles" and will not reach home. Have also check for mechanical issues, belts. magnets,...