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Tagged With "eNode 8 PRO"


Re: scene setter 24 dmx channel addressing

Carl N ·
Luis, I have tried that numerous times. Granted , it has been about 10 years since I have used DMX lighting. My last controller, An Election was a breeze to address. This is my second Scene Setter 24 in four weeks. The first one my salesperson and I assumed was defective. Now, for many years I have used XLR mic cables and I am learning that they may not work with todays new lighting components. I am assuming there is quit a difference between XLR and DMX cabling... So, I presently have...

Re: scene setter 24 dmx channel addressing

Luis ·
Carl, If the steps provided did not work, I suggest reviewing the instructions found printed on the bottom plate of the controller to verify that the steps provided match the "DMX CH. Assignment" setup, which is what you are trying to configure. Also, although XLR cables are physically an exact replacement of DMX cables, we do highly recommend using DMX cables, strictly for lighting. As far as addressing these lights, considering that the Scene Setter 24 is only a 24-Channel controller, it...

Re: scene setter 24 dmx channel addressing

Carl N ·
I've watched both videos twice. I can find nowhere where it shows how to address the DMX channels. I did see that in program mode you need to hit program Flash 8 (not 6) three times. This allows access to the DMX channel programming but the manuals stes do not work. I may have a bad "new" unit and am currently awaiting a replacement.

Re: scene setter 24 dmx channel addressing

Luis ·
Hey Carl, To assign the DMX Channels on "ADJ" branded version of the Scene Setter you will need to do the following: 1. Enter Program Mode by pressing and holding the Record button and entering 1, 6, 6, 8. 2. Enter Channel Assign Mode by pressing and holding the Record button and entering 8, 8, 8. 3. Once this has been done the display will read 001, you can now use the Up or Down button to select the channel (1-512) that you want assigned. 4. Once your desired channel is displayed, tap the...

Re: Compu Pro 06

schadow ·
I have the Elation Compu Pro 06. DMX out only. I thought it was the one that had DMX in and out but after I bought it I found out that this one is discontinued and I don't see a DMX in module for sale anymore. Bummer.

Re: gel color in 3d visulizer

homeboy ·
For Compu Pro 06 You need to: 1. Open program and 3D visualizer 2. Enter build mode on the 3D visualizer 3. Select the fixture(s) u want to change the color of 4. Select the color on the pallet To help find the buttons...

Re: gel color in 3d visulizer

homeboy ·
Thanks! and No Problem. I made a design for a theater I help with, but as it got closer to the show the use of Compu Pro was tossed and I never got rid of the program. Its not very detailed and no lights are actually ploted except the work lights, but it helped who it needed to so I guess its a sucsess after all! -Homeboy

Re: Some compulite questions

Jingles8302 ·
ok to adjust a circle movement: you create a blank scene and then you go ino edit and then you will click on the east time editor tab then once u do that u right click on the box that says "right click here to automatically create motion" and select automatic circle. assign how many points u want to then click ok. then once again right click on a pont in your circle and select shape properties. and then u can manaually adjust where you want the beam to stay within a certain area. understand?

Re: Help w/ DMX addys

homeboy ·
The first pack should have only the first dip switch up and the second should have only the first and third up. This will make the channel 1 for the first and 5 for the second, thus covering all 8 channels you want. No, you can't separate the two plugs so you get 8 channels out of each pack, its strictly 4 channels. However, yes you can add more packs and "piggy back" or "daisy chain" (which ever term you prefer) off of the DMX outs from the last dimmer pack. You should already be doing this...

Re: powerspot 250 lenses

flash ·
Hey John I think you should send us all Elation Black Satin Jackets for that find. Only Kidding I seen you at the NAMM show again this year. I was sorry to hear about SMOKIN JOE The Power Spots are working great I used them for a Bowling for Soup show with 8 active scans and 50 par 64's I will be running the same set up for this weekend for two good local bands Take care. FLASH / Pete Wrobel

Re: powerspot 250 lenses

flash ·
Jingles I talked about two bands Bowling for soup / I just worked one show Our After / 7 or 8 shows at TINKS in Scranton PA. If you look at ( ) click on Pics click on Tinks official Pictures scroll down to Oct 17 Bowling for Soup Click on it These are some pics of the Lighting rig. This weekend I will be working a different club sat. night with BLISS ( ) C/ya

Re: Compuware04 and SCX500's

Jingles8302 ·
do ur lights have 8 bit or 16 bit pan/tilt resolution. maybe u havw that feature turned off on the 1st 4 fixtures?? we are talking about the martin scx500's right?? if so check what dmx mode u have all the lights in. this is ali can think of right now. don't think it is the software. peace! jingles out!!!

Re: Basics of Compu Live 06

elationpro ·
Hi D-Rey, You have a good start, but your way off. What you want to do is start all over. In begginer mode, you can't delete or start over, so you will need to switch to expert mode. In expert mode, you need to create a new show. You will be prompted to save information. Don't save anything. Also you don't want to have any demo stuff. So creating a new show will remova all demo fixtures. Now.. Create a new page with your coemar fixture, and when you get to this section, you need to say you...

Re: Basics of Compu Live 06

d-rey ·
Ok I have added the 8 fixtures I think there may be a problem with the dmx protocol's the coemar manual shows them as a 13 channel fixture while the ssl file shows it as a 6 channel fixture?

Re: eNODE 4 different firmwares

Zach.S ·
The different Software shouldn't be an issue, but we do always suggest you update your enodes the the most recent version. Do you have the enodes running in line? I would suggest testing it individually just to check to see if you get a different reaction.

Re: eNODE 4 different firmwares

Frose ·
Thank you for the reply, still finding time in our schedule to test them individually. I can't find firmware info on your website, can you point me to the download and/or instructions?

Re: eNODE 4 different firmwares

Zach.S ·
Unfortunately we don't have that information online at the moment, but if you reach out to me at then I can give you further information.

Re: eNODE 4 different firmwares

Zach.S ·
https://forums.elationlighting...ode-4-fixture-update The firmware is now Online. Please make sure that you use the correct file, depending on the version you already have.

Re: Opto Branch

elationpro ·
TAP is correct. However you should have both 3 and 5 pin outputs. If you get a 3 to 5 pin turn around you can actually use all 8 outputs making it an OPTO BRANCH 8. works great.

Re: Why dosen't Elation have a parts section

flash ·
Rafael I was wondering why you dont have a parts section on all Elation fixtures? Like on American DJ's site even discontinued ones. The 8 active scans we have are still in use. They still look great and work well. Every now and then i pull them out and clean them and take care of any repairs.

Re: Compu Live Questions

matchless1 ·
Jingles, Thanks for your help. I tried what you said, and here's what I found: 1. I do have my Cycle created under the Master page, so I tried using the Live Toolbar Button. I do see the size, dimmer and speed controls, but only when I have a scene (like Blue) selected. When I click my "Cycle 1" button, the size, dimmer and speed controls disappear and are replaced with the text: "Cycle: Cycle 1". It's like all of those features are being disabled b/c I'm running a cycle instead of a scene...

Re: Compu Live Questions

matchless1 ·
Hi John, Thank you for your responses as well. 1. I tried what you said and made my chase a Scene using Easy Step. After that I was able to control the speed via the Live Button Toolbar. So, in other words, I did not need to do anything further using Easy Time. I tried it any way (yellow button making the channels Easy Time), but it just seemed to mess up my chase, so I went back to making all channels Easy Step. I notice that the F7 and F8 keys allow me to adjust the speed up and down. Is...

Re: DMX Operator 192

djinsomnia ·
That def helped a huuuuuuuge amount. So basically there are 8 scenes on the 192. So I can only do 8 movements and changes total for 1 chase?

Re: DMX Operator 192

Jingles8302 ·
no on the op u have 30 banks of 8 scenes each. and 12 chases that can hold up to 240 scenes. so basically u cna have 1 chase full to the max of 240 scenes which is like putting every scene u can record on the operator into a chase. so let me break it down even further for ya. u cna store any scene as many times as u want and in any order u want in a chase as long as don't go over 240 scenes but u can also continue on ur chase into the next one. i have done that and it works fine. do u know...

Re: Comp U Pro questions

gfuller2000 ·
John, Thanks for your help,apparently there are several issues running Compu pro on Vista,Bottom line.........too much "hassle for me" The good news is The re-sale value was great & my Brand new Magic 260 meets my needs & learning curve etc VERY WELL !!! Thanks again GARY

Re: Help with buying the best controller

is-real ·
hello, i would apretiate any help from you guys. i have 12 colorsplahjr by chauvet, 8 par cans, and 4 fusion scans. i'm currently tempted to buy the Elation DMX operator Pro, seems it can do all the work, but i'm also looking at a sotware option, easy stand alone by nicolaudie with its cheapest version.... cant really aford any of the other suits. which of those two would you recommend? Thanks, is-REAL

Re: Help with buying the best controller

elationpro ·
I think you hit it on the nail with DMX operator pro. I believe this will easily do what you want. Software is ok also, but the easystand alone will not allow you to run your color mixing LED's and have the par cans stay on at the same time unless you program that into the scene. Easy stand alone will probably be easier to get started on. its pretty simple. Best regards,

Re: Help with buying the best controller

is-real ·
sorry to keep bugging, but i'm new on all of these... can i run multiple scenes at the same time, say, fixtures 1-4 doing something, while 5-10 something else? plus the 8 cans?

Re: Help with buying the best controller

is-real ·
Thanks. now, as far as lightning..i've got not very much experience. i'm trying to light up a stage which is 30ftx20ft. my setup will be, 8 par cans on the back, 2 scanners on the back each one on the sides, 3 colorplash jrs on each side of the front towards the band an the other 2 scanners in te front facin each other, so they'll cover the band and the audience... what do you think? will this give me a nice coverage, im specially concern with the coverage of the LEDs.. don't know if theyll...

Re: Design 36 LED

pulighitng ·
I have took another look at a unit and in stand alone mode program 1- 7 have this neurotic strobing thing going on. This renders them almost useless in stand alone mode except program 8 unless your gig requires a neurotic theme I will ad a controller and look at the programs that way also

Re: Design 36 LED

pulighitng ·
switch 7 and 11 on for stand alone mode. 1+7 on = program 1 2+7 on = program 2... All of the programs except #8 (seitch 1+3+7+11) have a strobe part that makes the program look bad. If this is intended then it seems like a mistake.

Re: Design 36 LED

pulighitng ·
So i guess in the long run i will not find my answer here. How about elation pro you were going to give it a try what did you find?

Re: Design 36 LED

Jingles8302 ·
elatin pro and a bunch of the other people from elation and american dj are now in orlando for this week's LDI. so you may or may not get a response from him sometime this week. also it never hurts to shoot a call to our service department and there is a toll free number. give them a call see if they have a Dled they can use while your talking to them and see if they see the problem too. best regards. jingles.

Re: Design 36 LED

pulighitng ·
I think it is program 8 that does not flash

Re: question about mixed lighting

elationpro ·
It sounds like you need the DMX operator Pro. It does exactly that. Or the DMX DUO FX, it does the same thing as the Pro but without faders to dimm the pars.

Re: question about mixed lighting

elationpro ·
We'll now that I think about it, I don't think the DMX Duo will work. its intended for Intelligent lighting on one side, and effects lighting on the FX buttons. This customer has effects lighting, and par cans.. So his best bet would be Dmx operator pro. He can create chases for his effects lights on one half of the board and par can chases on the second half of the board.

Re: question about mixed lighting

mrkeyz ·
This is probably a stupid question... but since all of the lights we own are not dmx, i have to ask :P What is the significance of whether a controller is intended for intelligent/fx/par cans? For instance, why is the operator pro not capable of running par cans except on the last 8 channels? The operator pro looks like it has a street price close to some pc-controlled systems i've seen. Would we be better off just lugging one of our laptops with us and running things that way?

Re: question about mixed lighting

Jingles8302 ·
hey. actually there are no stupid questions here. we try to teach all we can to the customers so no worries about questions ok? also on the op pro the reason the faders are on the right side is just for convience of having two controller sides to the board it doesn't mean they are the last 8 channels. you can assign the pars cans dimmer packs to start at any channel on the board through your dimmer packs. if you wanna go for convience and low equipment carry around try compuware if you want...

Re: DMX Operator Pro - Manual Fading

elationpro ·
Hi Mcqueena, I got this information from my DMX OPERATOR PRO GUY Yes… but he has to create a show first then follow the instructions below. Select the “SHOW” button that you wish to playback. The selected Show or Shows will begin to run immediately including the originally set speed and fade times. However, the selected Show speed and fade times can manually be adjusted on the fly by simultaneously pressing the “SHOW” # button followed by the “STEP/MIX/SEQ” button. A rapidly flashing Show...

Re: Color Spot 250

elationpro ·
They will work, but I recomend pro clamps. They are not as long.

Re: Octopod 80 with Magic 260 profile?

Jingles8302 ·
hello lemon! welcome to the forums. i think the problem your running into is the magic 260 controls only 16 channels per fixture. so if u want to run all the octopods as individuals you would have to buy more pixel drives in order to achieve this. because to control one set of octopods individually u would need a console that allows up to 48 DMX channels per fixture. u see the pixel drive and all 8 pods are considered (as far as your controller is concerned) as 1 fixture in the DMX line.

Re: Octopod 80 with Magic 260 profile?

lemonjello ·
thanks for your reply, so far I can control all 8 pods on one "fixture" second group on 2nd "fixture". is there any way to assign one pod to one fixture? the magic has 24 fixture buttons so theoretically could it be programmed channel 1-6 as fixture 1; 7-12 as fixture 2, etc? it seems pretty logical. According to dmx language or does the pixel drive override this? in 48 channel mode it allows for this, 6 ch per pod. Anyone else with experience or info?

Re: Octopod 80 with Magic 260 profile?

elationpro ·
Hi Lemon, Yes.. right now, you can control each pod individually. if you use the 48 ch. mode. So each pod will be 6 channels each. So pack 1 will start at 001 pack 2 will start at 049 pack 3 will start at 097 Ch 1 is rainbow ch 2 red ch 3 green ch 4 blue ch 5 strobe ch 6 chase If you use ch 6 to engage a chase of which you have 8 chases. ch 1 becomes speed time, and ch2 becomes fade time.

Re: Octopod 80 with Magic 260 profile?

elationpro ·
Hi Jingles.. That's actually incorrect. He can assign 1 pod per fixture button. in the 48 channel mode, basically every octopod becomes its own fixture with 8 channels to operate. so if he uses the alkalite profile on his magic he basically needs to set each fixture to be an alkalite fixture. so if he has 24 fixtures then he has control of each pod. Each pixel drive can be one fixture, two fixtures, 4 fixtures or 8 fixtures. Best regards,

Re: Hey Guys!!! I'm Back . . . again

Jingles8302 ·
actually you use the compu pro dongle with no DMX in. not the 2048FC lol

Re: Lighting Newbie

Jingles8302 ·
jpal welcome! and merry christmas. you could also try setting the light in the right on reverse pan and tilt. it should be either a feature on the op pro or you can do it on the lights in the system menu aswell. and the par cans was pretty well explained by jthtiger so i will leave it at that. if there is anything you dont understand or need further explaining let us know. peace! sincerely,

Re: Lighting Newbie

Jingles8302 ·
jpal you gonna want to program all those looks into the op pro. but what u can do is program those scenes and then add a fade time and hold time and create i think it is either caled chase or show on you pro and then have those run like that. anything else just ask. sincerely,

Re: Lighting Newbie

elationpro ·
Hi Jpal, That's what the guys were trying to explain to you. Your controller does not have pre generated movements. The feature you are asking about is only found in the Showdesigner series controllers and Compu live software. In your situation you will need to record multiple scenes. for example, if you want a circle on the wall or cieling. you need to position the light in one spot..then record that position into a scene, you then follow the same process till you have made about 4 - 8...

Re: Design 36 LED

pulighitng ·
I guess that is what i was waiting for it is a shame that 7 of the 8 programs are bad and that is that. I will be ordering the next twenty units sometime this week only i will be going with the Colorado1 from chauvet. I have ten of this units and the feature sets and service are way better and the price is $100+ better then the design 36. I am also starting to have problems with my design 60 units and will be shoping for another brand to complete my need for 15 more units.

Re: Stage Pak 1 how to set up?

tylerherron ·
Oh man I can't tell you how much I laughed at that! Ok anyways, DMX, it really is a cool thing. Here are some basics. DMX stands for D igital M ultiple X . It is a way for each and every (DMX Compatible ) light, made by any manufacturer, to interact with an universal DMX controller. In a standard DMX protocol (called 512-DMX protocol) there are a total of 512 "channels" In order to get your lights to interact with the controller, you must address them. There are 2 ways (that I know of) that...