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Tagged With "Mac 250"


Re: Roller Rink Wash with LED?

elationpro ·
Hi Mikey, I have a customer who did a roller rink using Power Spot 250's and mainly the power wash 250 and cmy zoom 250 to color the floor. These would normally be ok for 20' distances, We actually recomend 250watt fixtures for up to 35' If you wanted to use LED's the DLED 36 delivers the best light output in LED using 36 1w luxeon LED's with reflectors. Best regards, JL

Re: question about the vision scan 250!

elationpro ·
Hi Jingles, with the Vision Scan 250 out of focus you will still have a spot. However you need to remember that when you project gobos, a lot of times you will want them out of focus to give you different effects. But to answer your question you will still have a spot.

Re: Color mixing

Jingles8302 ·
well actually if u look around the web site a lot of them have the color mixing. here are a few of them. the power wash 250 and 575E,the design spot 575E, he power spot 700, design washes. and one or two more im sure. so u have a good array of choices from elation if u ask me. peace jingles!

Re: Color mixing

elationpro ·
Hi Jonathan, I agree, I love the CMY color mixing feature. However this makes a lighting fixture a lot more expensive. Also, its dificult to fit all of these features in a light. So at Elation we are working on incorporating this feature into most of our lights. In the 250 range, if we incorporate CMY in a spot, it will be a bigger light, and be as much as a 575. So if you are already buying a big light, might as well bump up to a 575 fixture. The Elation Design Spot 575e, will be one of the...

Re: Design Wash 250 profiles

koolluu ·
Hi John, Thanks for the quick reply. Unfortunately the console has been part of the house system which they are using to control some prooven reliable Entours 250 and other Martin gears. They can't return the console. I'm trying to introduce/integrate the Elation professional products with other "industry standard" professional products. I just inquire to see if others have use this kind of set up. I will try to contact Marc of CASE console again for assistance. Regards,

Re: powerspot 250 lenses

flash ·
Yo Tap I have 2 power spot 250 and have around 150 hours on them. What lense needs to be replaced after 2 years or does it go by operating hours ??

Re: Design Spot 250 colour wheel

elationpro ·
Hi Toby, I think your question was more in lines of a color wheel with replaceable colors. This was suppose to happen to the Design Spot 250. However as it stands this feature will not be available with the current Design Spot 250. We have talks of a Design Spot 250LX which may be available by LDI in November. Best regards, John Lopez

Re: question about the vision scan 250!

djstelios70 ·
i recently purchased 4 mac entours, 2 visionscan 250`s and a magic 260 controller. i`m having trouble getting to show my scenes in action...i`m really not a software guy, more hardware. i also have a dmx 192 operator w/ joy. just looking for great advice since i upgraded my lightshow from 6 Trackspots w/ universal controller (which i mastered) and wish it didn`t have lightwave protocol. let me know guys...thanx

Re: question about the vision scan 250!

djstelios70 ·
guys, thanx for the input, i decided to use the Compu Live for my visionscan 250`s and mac entours...should be a little easier for me. thanx again....

Re: Compu Live Questions

matchless1 ·
John, Thank you and Jingles for your help. It all really helped! I actually went ahead and ordered the program about a week ago. Today was the first chance I've had to make sure what I had programmed matched what actually happened. I have figured out most of the bugs, but there is still one I can't quite get: My 4 moving heads (Design Spot 250) initialize to a different position than what is shown on the visualizer. For example, in reality when I look at the MH's they sit on the ground in...

Re: Compu Live Questions

elationpro ·
Hi Matchless, Yes, I know what your talking about.. and you have a few simple modifications to work with. 1. The Design Spot 250 has two pan degree settings. The degree is the amount of spin from left to right that the light can move. It should be set to 540 degrees on the light to match the 3D window. 2. Once this is done, then on the 3D window you may want to invert the pan and tilt to match the direction of the actual light. Here is a picture to help you find the pan and tilt inversion.

Re: Compu Live Questions

matchless1 ·
Yeah, I guess I don't have a choice. It would be really nice though to see Elation somehow fix this issue with the DesignSpot 250 fixture profile. Why have the option on the light if you can't use it in real life with Elation software? Anyway, thanks again for your help John and Jingles. Thanks, Brian

Re: Vision scan 250

elationpro ·
Hi Mike, On the Vision Scan 250 we use a Slot lock system. Just pull out the slot and pop out the gobo to replace. Our Gobos are 26.9mm OD x 23mm viewing image. So if the Qspot does not use that size then it wont fit.

Re: compu 2006

evolution78586 ·
Thanks jingles.First of all I have 6 Power Spot 250 and 4 Power Wash 250..Is there anyway to edit that one fixture when I'm creating the page for the spots? you know, after it ask me to enter the DMX address and the # of fixtures then it takes me to the next step that asks me if all the fixtures are on and facing up. My concern is, if i edit just the center button once the page is created,the fixture s still gonna be out of sync with the other pre set cycles/scenes. The fixture giving me the...

Re: compu 2006

Jingles8302 ·
is the one power spot in a different position or orientation then he rest that would make the center buton different? like where is it mounted? no if u mess with center it just changed the setting in the center button it shouldn;t effect other buttons unless they ae included in the scene. like i said after you create ur fixture page and thern mess with center just fix the one that you are having problems with. also here is what the manulasays for RSER "RSER This message informs you that one...

Re: Audio

kkiger ·
I have another question. We have CMY Zoom 250. I can get to it with the software but when I try to zoom with it, I get nothing. I also have a button for Special called 'auto music'. It also does nothing. Any ideas? Thanks

Re: Out of sync Power Spot 250

elationpro ·
It really does not make any sense. Have you tried addressing it the same as one of the other Power Spot 250's? This way you know if its the light or the controller?

Re: Design Spot 250 Color Correction

elationpro ·
Hi TW, The Design Spot 250 does not have color correction. The easiest solution would be to have a 32K dichroic filter cut to the size of a Gobo 26.9 x 23mm viewing. Your best bet would be to contact Rosco or Apollo to get the best filter. Best regards,

Re: Design Spot 250

Jingles8302 ·
hey esteban can you tell me exactly what values channels 11 and 12 are on when u progrma this black out? also about the CMY, on the design spot 575 elation offers CMY mixing. i don't believe they have CMY as a option to be put in on the design spot 250. thanks. jingles.

Re: Nedd Help with scene transitions Newbie needs help

Jingles8302 ·
you could just program a blackout scene in the sequence befroe you want it to be on. just put it on a short hold time or fade time. also im not too sure about the power spots but in some lights there is whats called a "vector mode" which if u have that value selected it will black out when a either pan or tilt motor is moving or even color/gobo wheels moving. it is a cool effect, but again i didn't see it in the values of the power spot 250. peace! welcome to the forums. jingles.

Re: Replacing my controller

dan ·
Forgot to mention, for now it would be controlling 6 mac 250's, 24 par 56's and 16 pinspots. In the near future all the pars are being replaced with LEDs.

Re: Design spot 250

elationpro ·
That's what I was thinking you were doing. The Design spot 250's have 2 different pan rotation settings. 1 is 540 degrees 2 is 630 degrees I believe they are set to 630 degrees from us here at the factory. this 630 degree pan setting makes alot of things not match very well. So look for the degr setting on your fixtures and set them both to 540 degree's. See how that works for you. Best regards,

Re: Hey Guys!!! I'm Back . . . again

tylerherron ·
Hey John, James told me to tell about this. It is a quick story that I experience on tour. Our lighting guy is 16 (yes they put a 15 and 16 year old in charge of all that equipment, scary huh?) He really isn't a lighting guy he just knows how to run the software. He really just wants to play in a band. Anyways for awhile I have been learning from him, but now it is different. Since I've been on these forums as well as the ADJ forums I have learned ALOT. Well at one of our shows we had the...

Re: Magic 260 Issues

colorpalv10 ·
Lopez, Don't know how much field experiance you have had with elation lights but yes, we are referring to position correction. The little sensor that elation uses for all of its position correction... moving heads position correction, gobo homing, color homing, proton color wheel from high humitity. Most elation users that are 5 or less miles from the ocean will be extremely effected. Especailly if there is no outdoor housing for the light. The salty air will destroy the sensor...

Re: Lighting Newbie

tylerherron ·
Welcome to the forums! For the dimmer packs, whatever address you set it to (129 for your example) tells you all the address for each light. light one will be 129 and light 2 will be 130, 4 - 131, 5 - 132. so just use the faders (channels 129 - 132) to turn on the par cans. Make Sense? For the ADJ Accu Spot 250 II's, I'm not entirely sure how to do what your thinking but what I would suggest is to set some scenes and just recall your scenes. Set the first light to the left of the runway and...

Re: Lighting Newbie

estrello ·
hello I need to know if the DMX Partner works wid 2 american dj moving heads 250 spot

Re: Lighting Newbie

tylerherron ·
@JPal Congrats on getting you accu spots working. now for the dimmer pack. This particular pack has 3 modes (as you already know) 1 channel, 2 channel, and 4 channel. Here is how they work: 1 Channel This setting allows all the lights plugged into the pack to be turned on/off using one channel. Meaning that if you set your pack to 1 channel mode and the address is at A129, when you turn on that fader all the lights will come on. 2 Channel This setting allows the four channels to be turned on...

Re: Lighting Newbie

estrello ·
Thank's Then what is the controller that you suggest for 2 moving-heads 250 spot american dj?

Re: Stage Pak 1 how to set up?

tylerherron ·
Oh man I can't tell you how much I laughed at that! Ok anyways, DMX, it really is a cool thing. Here are some basics. DMX stands for D igital M ultiple X . It is a way for each and every (DMX Compatible ) light, made by any manufacturer, to interact with an universal DMX controller. In a standard DMX protocol (called 512-DMX protocol) there are a total of 512 "channels" In order to get your lights to interact with the controller, you must address them. There are 2 ways (that I know of) that...

Re: Stage Pak 1 how to set up?

Jingles8302 ·
on a side note. your spot 250 uses 6 DMX channel and the vue 3 uses 9. 9+6=15 DMX channels total. so you only have room for maybe one or two pars on the stage setter 8. might want to look into a bigger controller. like jthtigers DMX operator 192.

Re: Riva 80

Jingles8302 ·
Cant go wrong with a few sets of the riva 80's and about 4-6 design spot 250's and we even have them in a white case to help them blend in to your celing. my two watts. you could even get white truss.

Re: For Rain

rain ·
FAR OUT! yes, with that stage (Northside Assembly) I will have 2 Design Spot 250 lights out front and a pair of DLED 38 MH lights as well. The stage might get 8 DLED fixtures but I'm pushing for a grid of 12 Acclaim X-EYE HD lights(RGB and a few Cool White). Thats the start anyhow. LOOKS GREAT!

Re: Demo Download?

rain ·
WHEW - Im a bit overwhelmed but I think its because Im on a tiny notebook. Gotta hook up to a couple of 20" flat panels to get all these windows open. Will the demo let me put the 3D model you made in it? Client wants to use Design Spot 250 (2), DLED 36 (8), DLED MH (2) and Im working on getting him to use the software over the ShowDesigner board. (I'm also trying to get him to drop the DLED fixtures in favor of Acclaim X-EYE HD lights too.. about 12 of them) Will the demo let me put these...

Re: Demo Download?

rain ·
There was a list of MASTER and about 4 or 5 other fixtures below that. As I double clicked each one, a list of Custom, Elation, and a few others came up. In the Elation list I saw the DLED lights but not the Spot 250 or the Acclaim lights. Did see the RIVA80 lights though, which are similar to the X-eyeHD lights from acclaim.

Re: COEmars and elation fixtures on the same control???

ybravo89 ·
So i went out and bought the Compu 1024EC program, the programs is great, however i am having a little problem. My Focus Spots 250 move extremely slow. The Coemars are not as bright as they are suppose to be (they move good though). The manual doesn't give much help. Any suggestions on how to fix this problem. I have them set as 1,17,33,49,65> (thesse are the channels for the coemars) then the focus spot 250 continue as : 81,92,103,114. Am i seeting the channels wrong. Please help if you can.

Re: Design 36 LED

rain ·
Yea, going in two diff. churches. (order will be for Magnolia Music Center - Gulfport, MS) We are new so I'm sure we have to pay for it all up front a few times before we get "terms". HAHA! 8 DLED 36, 2 DLED MH, and 2 Design Spot 250 fixtures go to one church. 10 DLED 36, and 2 Design Spot 250 fixtures go to another church. Both will go Compu Live for control. (and yes, James has laid out one 3D for me and might be working on the 2nd one soon) Plan on having both installed and trained by...

Re: Design Spot 250 PAN Problem, Help!!

gfuller2000 ·
Hello, Herm IU, I just bought 2 B-stock Design 250's One has the "Pan sensor issue" I would hate to think I got your lemon???>>>> Could you please e-mail me the Company you purchased yours from. appreciate it.......... Thanks GARY

Re: Magic 260 Chauvet Q-Spot 250 Profile Needed

djscottc ·
OK Well I guess i am just a little slow I have a Chauvet Q-SCAN 250. LOL Hope someone can help Scott

Re: DMX Controller Rec for DJ Scan 250

elationpro ·
My DMX is to difucult for James. James, I think you need to order a preprogrammed DMX partner from American DJ for the DJ Scan 250. They already have this as a shelf item. 8 buttons for programms and an off button. Best regards,

Re: Is there a 250 spot that will mix color like this?

bdunard ·
Is the "rainbow effect" that is listed on the elation site for the design wash 250 the same smooth color changing that I see in the video? Or is the color change in the video a carefully programmed chase? The design 300 looks great! However I don't think I can pull the trigger on a fixture that is that much more. It's a bit out of my range at this point as I see it lists for $2k more than the Design Spot 250. At the end of the day I would like to have more beams of light I think than just a...

Re: Is there a 250 spot that will mix color like this?

serraava ·
I would look into the DS 250 Wash for that effect on the cheap. It is the cheapest CMY moving head out I believe. The CMY might not be that punchy on dark colors do to the 250w lamp however. If you are really set on that effect, and it is a great effect, I would look into the washes. Remember, washes can be used for other things too. Stuff like fading in between colors for stage washes smoothly vs color scrolling which you would need twice as many fixtures to do without being seen scrolling...

Re: Is there a 250 spot that will mix color like this?

Jingles8302 ·
oh ya sorry I guess I Musca forgot that part in the video. Sorry. Yes you simply hold down the shift key and it will move all the relative faders for the same fixture types. For e ample if u have 4 ds250's and 2 power spot 250's and u click on a ds 250 fader and hold shift it will move all the ds 250 faders for that channel. Sincerely,

Re: Is there a 250 spot that will mix color like this?

bdunard ·
Question regarding the best way to organize scenes. I will have 20 or so scenes. I will have 20 or so switches that I can press at any given time to give my scenes a different look with gobos, prisms, dimmer fx editor chases, cmy fx editor chases, etc.... I see that when I save a scene it puts a button that set of fixtures. If I make a scene that use three pages (say design wash 250, dled 36, and generic dimmer) where should I save that button for that scene. It shouldn't just go on the...

Re: Is there a 250 spot that will mix color like this?

bdunard ·
I am tring to create a rainbow effect using the effect editor for my design wash 250's. However, when I open the switch window I can't move any of the faders like I can when following the steps in your window. Should you be able to move the faders in the switch window. I need to be able to do that so I can open the shutters and see what the effect is doing. Thanks!

Re: What are some other uses for moving heads at weddings?

esteban ·
it depend on the location too. It amazes me the amount of money people put into weddings. We did this one HUGE set up with lighting. the wedding was in a 3 acre backyard. there was a pond with a water fall, tons of trees, a stage for the band, a huge dance floor and all the seating area. what we did was for every group of trees of 3 or more we would light with century colour 2500's. individual trees we used the design 250 (PR) . the pond and waterfall was all LED lit. front truss was pars...

Re: What are some other uses for moving heads at weddings?

bdunard ·
I definitely know how important lighting is to a wedding...however it's hard to sell a mom on some lights on a band. However, I have found it easier to sell the mood of a room, their name on a gobo, a spotlight on the first dance, uplighting the backdrop or rear wall the same color as the bridesmaid dresses...this is the stuff that makes sense to the purchasers. However, I want the lights for the show! On a side note...I went to demo a design wash 250, and design spot 250 today. If found out...

Re: Newbie looking for help/advice

christianpyro ·
Thanks for the advice! Do these expensive movers only run off of computer programs? Or is there a simpler way of running them with simple functions? Such things as a board in the back of the room that turns them on/off, press a button and the twirl with this design, press another and the twirl with a different design... such things as that? If there is this easier function how hard is it to set up? I really don't have a lot of computer experience, truth be told I am the muscisian not the...

Re: ADJ X-Move LED moving head...will there be an elation version soon?

bdunard ·
I've actually never heard of a single 20W LED that does RGB mixing. I am more curious as to what it really is. That being said if there are such things as 20W LEDS then it would just seem that they would eventually replace conventional bulbs. This would be different than the Impression. Basically take a design spot and replace the bulb with a bright led - less power and no fans! I appreciate you letting me know as I just bought 4 design spot 250's and was going to be mad at myself for not...

Re: ADJ X-Move LED moving head...will there be an elation version soon?

elationpro ·
haha.. You made a great choice my freind. No LED moving heads will compare to Design Spot 250.. maybe in 2013.. maybe. Anyways.. its 20 1watt LED's really close together on one circuit board.. I have not seen it yet, but I confirmed it was 20 1watt LED's on a square grid.. Something like that. Best regards,

Re: Newbie looking for help/advice

christianpyro ·
so this trial version wouldn't work for me. it would just give me an idea of how it works? Then If I liked it I shoulg go buy a more expensive version, such as the elation compu 1024EC ($600 doller model). And this package includes the dongle that will work for me? I am using 2 elation 250 wash lights and several smaller led lights. I will be purchasing other things in the near future however... fog machines, and moving bogos (elation 250 spot).