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Tagged With "PARAGON S"


Re: Roller Rink Wash with LED?

Jingles8302 ·
mikey wassup man? long time no see huh? how ya been. ok down to business. i would look at the design led 36 moving heads and a bunch of octo strips. what is ur budget? also look at the ELED blinder and the design panel and also the trackpod 81. jingles! and how i would mount em is put the heads towards the center of the rink and line the outside with either strips or trackpod 81's. my opinion. jingles!

Re: Roller Rink Wash with LED?

elationpro ·
Hi Mikey, I have a customer who did a roller rink using Power Spot 250's and mainly the power wash 250 and cmy zoom 250 to color the floor. These would normally be ok for 20' distances, We actually recomend 250watt fixtures for up to 35' If you wanted to use LED's the DLED 36 delivers the best light output in LED using 36 1w luxeon LED's with reflectors. Best regards, JL

Re: Compu Pro Button Editor

schadow ·
Right now I have everything off. When everything is off (DMX output shows all channels off) I go to the Martin MX-1 page and click on "Center" and nothing happens. If you open the edit window for the Center switch all the settings look correct but its set to Blind-->Live and it wont change. Nothing else is open at this time so I don't have more than one button trying to do the same thing. This isn't a switch I created, this is the prerogrammed switch for the MX-1 from the Scanlibrary.

Re: gel color in 3d visulizer

homeboy ·
For Compu Pro 06 You need to: 1. Open program and 3D visualizer 2. Enter build mode on the 3D visualizer 3. Select the fixture(s) u want to change the color of 4. Select the color on the pallet To help find the buttons...

Re: powerspot 250 lenses

flash ·
Hey John I think you should send us all Elation Black Satin Jackets for that find. Only Kidding I seen you at the NAMM show again this year. I was sorry to hear about SMOKIN JOE The Power Spots are working great I used them for a Bowling for Soup show with 8 active scans and 50 par 64's I will be running the same set up for this weekend for two good local bands Take care. FLASH / Pete Wrobel

Re: Compuware04 and SCX500's

Jingles8302 ·
do ur lights have 8 bit or 16 bit pan/tilt resolution. maybe u havw that feature turned off on the 1st 4 fixtures?? we are talking about the martin scx500's right?? if so check what dmx mode u have all the lights in. this is ali can think of right now. don't think it is the software. peace! jingles out!!!

Re: Design Spot 250 colour wheel

toby ·
Hi John, Thanks for that. Bit of a shame, but oh well. I am really really happy with our DS250's. We have used them on a few jobs now and our clients have been impressed with them also. Will you guys be at PLASA this year at all, as I will be there and would like to meet the Elation crew. Regards, Toby.

Re: question about the vision scan 250!

djstelios70 ·
i recently purchased 4 mac entours, 2 visionscan 250`s and a magic 260 controller. i`m having trouble getting to show my scenes in action...i`m really not a software guy, more hardware. i also have a dmx 192 operator w/ joy. just looking for great advice since i upgraded my lightshow from 6 Trackspots w/ universal controller (which i mastered) and wish it didn`t have lightwave protocol. let me know guys...thanx

Re: question about the vision scan 250!

djstelios70 ·
guys, thanx for the input, i decided to use the Compu Live for my visionscan 250`s and mac entours...should be a little easier for me. thanx again....

Re: pics of my designs on compuware.

Jingles8302 ·
hey flash i was just messing around with like 16 of those demo moving heads. you know the one that load up when you first install the software. i just love those. and i got another 16 performance scans spread out across the stage as well as over 10 (forgot how many lol) par 64's flash let's see some of your renderings my brother!! LOL. i am curious to see others work on compu. peace! jingles!

Re: Stupid Question but help

deleriousfishman ·
Hey jingles! wow thank you so much! your info was great and i cant thank you enough. i will of course need your help :S im unsure with things. I am from Stirling Scotland wbu and finally are you jingles8302 on youtube?

Re: White Balance issues

mikelights ·
Discharge lamps will always operate at a higher color temp then halogens. You need to use the color correction filter on the color wheel (if the fixture has one) and warm up the color temp to 3250k-3050k to match your S4's. What elation fixture are you using.... we don't have a product just named Color Wash. Thanks!

Re: Compu Live Questions

Jingles8302 ·
hey brian just let me know if u have any more ?'s for me. i'll be here all weekend but nobody from elation works the weekend. peace! jingles!

Re: DMX Operator 192

djinsomnia ·
Oh ok makes sense now. Now this is a new question, I have 5 lights right. So lets say I hook up all 5 lights one way at one event. I assign the pan/tilt channels to the joystick. Now if I move the setup around, and the units are running under different #'s, do I have to re-assign the pan/tilt to the joystick again?

Re: compu 2006

evolution78586 ·
Thanks jingles.First of all I have 6 Power Spot 250 and 4 Power Wash 250..Is there anyway to edit that one fixture when I'm creating the page for the spots? you know, after it ask me to enter the DMX address and the # of fixtures then it takes me to the next step that asks me if all the fixtures are on and facing up. My concern is, if i edit just the center button once the page is created,the fixture s still gonna be out of sync with the other pre set cycles/scenes. The fixture giving me the...

Re: Out of sync Power Spot 250

elationpro ·
It really does not make any sense. Have you tried addressing it the same as one of the other Power Spot 250's? This way you know if its the light or the controller?

Re: Help with buying the best controller

Jingles8302 ·
yes i did! also those weren't all ur exact fixtures. i had to sub out the scanners cause the profile for the scanners u have does not give me a good real representation. it would be fime if u oen the lights just for visualzation purposes i used vision scans 575's lol. and the leds were elation design 36 leds. no profile for the jr's yet. but if u e-mail in the dmx values chart they will make one for ya. what u think? time spent total on all that a lil over an hour. and those were just quick...

Re: Design 36 LED

Jingles8302 ·
PU about ur previos question i believe all DLED36's have 7 channel capabilities. u just have to address them in 7 channel mode. now are you running all 20 of these with no DMX controler or are you using a dmx controler if so which one. try adressing them in 7 channel each and see if u have the master dimmer function on ch. 7. peace! jingles.

Re: Design 36 LED

Jingles8302 ·
ok actualy i was talking with elation today and it looks like there is an error of some kind there in FACT is no 7 ch. configuration for this unit. i apologize. i figured since there was an offical trait cut sheet then it had to be true. i don't work directly in l.a. with the rest of the guys im out in WI. and sometimes get out of the loop on things and i haven't had the chance to really demo the DLED 36's. i apologize for any confusion due in my part. elation will be taking the 7ch trait...

Re: Two BCF2000 controllers with CompuPro??

Jingles8302 ·
are you tryin to hook up both controllers to the dongle at the same time and then have it go out to ur lights? WOW i dunno. i kno you can go in then out to ur board then out to ur lights but i never heard of someone tryin to do 2 boards and compu and lights all at once. can u link me to a web page for the BCF2000's? peace! jingles.

Re: Two BCF2000 controllers with CompuPro??

schadow ·
The BCF2000's are USB controllers. I have each one plugged into a USB port on the computer. I thought that each controller could be assigned a different MIDI channel but I can't find where to do that. Thanks Link to controller:

Re: Design 36 LED

Jingles8302 ·
you know PU i always liked the challenge of making and programming and editing my own programs. the DLED 36's are nice lights and you can program them easy but if there not for you then they are not for you. peace! sincerely jingles.

Re: Replacing my controller

dan ·
Forgot to mention, for now it would be controlling 6 mac 250's, 24 par 56's and 16 pinspots. In the near future all the pars are being replaced with LEDs.

Re: Design spot 250

elationpro ·
That's what I was thinking you were doing. The Design spot 250's have 2 different pan rotation settings. 1 is 540 degrees 2 is 630 degrees I believe they are set to 630 degrees from us here at the factory. this 630 degree pan setting makes alot of things not match very well. So look for the degr setting on your fixtures and set them both to 540 degree's. See how that works for you. Best regards,

Re: Octopod 80 with Magic 260 profile?

lemonjello ·
Ok, this might be considered a gripe but the website calls the octopod 36 "small" and different dimensions, the octopod 80 is the exact same housing! the only big difference is the # of LED's . And of course related power used. And they both home run to the pixel drive box. The previous octopod 30's daisy chained. Nice for accent/uplighting in a ballroom and for wedding etc. The 36 and the 80 makes for an annoying run of cables since the the cables all home run. Means a bunch of extensions...

Re: Octopod 80 with Magic 260 profile?

elationpro ·
lemon, thanks for finding that.. I'm having it fixed. Its not recommendable to daisy chain the octpod 80's.. however I heard from a customer that did it, and it worked fine for an install. But I'm not supposed to recommomend it. Best regards,

Re: Hey Guys!!! I'm Back . . . again

tylerherron ·
Hey John, James told me to tell about this. It is a quick story that I experience on tour. Our lighting guy is 16 (yes they put a 15 and 16 year old in charge of all that equipment, scary huh?) He really isn't a lighting guy he just knows how to run the software. He really just wants to play in a band. Anyways for awhile I have been learning from him, but now it is different. Since I've been on these forums as well as the ADJ forums I have learned ALOT. Well at one of our shows we had the...

Re: Octopod 80 disaster

elationpro ·
Dear Ben, All Elation lighting fixtures are covered with a 2 year limited warranty that cover “manufactures defects”. The nature of the problem with your lights is not a manufacturers defect, it is corrosion cause by salty air near the ocean. This is caused with any lighting fixture not IP 65 Rated. In your case the installation was indoors, yet was proven to have been damaged as if they were mounted outdoors. Neither you, the installer nor Elation could have predicted such an outcome...

Re: Color blast 12 profile for Magic 260

lemonjello ·
wow, thanks for answering none of my questions. Any profiles for the magic 260 for CB 12's. simple 3 channel, no strobe/fade funct. They work similar to octopod 80's. the pds 750 auto addresses fixtures xxx, xxx+3, xxx+6 etc.

Re: Riva 80

Jingles8302 ·
Cant go wrong with a few sets of the riva 80's and about 4-6 design spot 250's and we even have them in a white case to help them blend in to your celing. my two watts. you could even get white truss.

Re: snow machine

visage ·
Nick, All snow machines will leave some type of residue. All the guys are correct, the snow fluid is basically soap and water (with a few other added chemicals). The snow machines aerate this fluid to simulate the snow. When the fluid lands it will take a while for it dissipate, when it dissipates on black surfaces it will leave marks but it will not damage any surface. The S-200 by Antari has a quieter operation then all other snow machines on the market and it will shoot out about 25 feet...

Re: snow machine

nickcarbone ·
so lets say i went with the antari s-200 ... 25 feet is a good distance, but like my other equipment, id probably be shooting this from or close to the floor, do you think it would still work like this? i dont want to just make a pile of snow on the ground lol

Re: Design 36 LED

rain ·
John - should get an email from Tony Strong or me. Having some communication problems and such with our order(s). Thanks for your attention Rain

Re: Design Spot 250 PAN Problem, Help!!

gfuller2000 ·
Hello, Herm IU, I just bought 2 B-stock Design 250's One has the "Pan sensor issue" I would hate to think I got your lemon???>>>> Could you please e-mail me the Company you purchased yours from. appreciate it.......... Thanks GARY

Re: Pre recorded shows

serraava ·
Generally pre-programing refers to patching the console and setting up a few basic cues, effects, chases, scenes, submasters, and/or palettes depending on your console. This is generally done with off-line editors. Just about all my shows are pre-programed in this fashion, so I simply have to load the show from disk or USB drive and start the fun programing. It is a great time saver. The type of pre-programing islanddj is talking about is done with virtualization software, like Elation's...

Re: Request for basic newbie info...

manford ·
Update! I have come up with a hardwired (literally) solution to the issue with fade time deactivation. I'll try to explain as clearly as I can, and apologize ahead of time if I lose anyone along the way. I'm using the Behringer FCB1010 to control the Operator 192 via MIDI. What I forgot about the 1010, is the ability to use the 2 built in "Switches" to control analog functions of amplifiers, just like a traditional stomp box that controls reverb/clean channel functions, etc. These are simple...

Re: Riva 80

Jingles8302 ·
butter rain had decided to go with DLED 36's. but i want to see the pics.

Re: A silly question about polarity on a Show Designer 1.

bimmerboi77 ·
Dear John Lopez, Will the 48 factory chases (and factory presets) work with the Martin 812's if I use the 812 definitions that are already in the fixture library? (remember this unit was sold in 2005 which DID include the Martin 812's fixture definitions) - OR - would it be better for me to use the "MODIFY FIXTURE" feature to modify the definitions of a ADJ or Elation fixture that does include FACTORY PRESETS? Just curious! Thanks again! John S. Leslie Jr. Lighting Designer - Martha's...

Re: dxm operator pro

serraava ·
32 max is pushing it. I generally start having problems with LEDs at 8 fixtures, depending on length of the run and fixtures in question. Dimmers, I daisy chain those things forever and they don't care, and I am talking racks upon racks upon racks. Movers, depends on the brand and length of cable in question. Some days it's 16, others it's 20, sometimes I can only get 6 on before the 7th starts acting up. If your last fixture in line is acting funny, and a terminator isn't helping, chances...

Re: General uplighting for sanctuary - suggestions?

Jingles8302 ·
no i know that i was just givin u S**T! LOL yup DLED 12 BRICK. check it.

Re: Is there a 250 spot that will mix color like this?

Jingles8302 ·
oh ya sorry I guess I Musca forgot that part in the video. Sorry. Yes you simply hold down the shift key and it will move all the relative faders for the same fixture types. For e ample if u have 4 ds250's and 2 power spot 250's and u click on a ds 250 fader and hold shift it will move all the ds 250 faders for that channel. Sincerely,

Re: Is there a 250 spot that will mix color like this?

bdunard ·
Ok, last question before I go to bed. Since I don't have any moving head fixtures just yet it was hard to justify buying the software. However, I threw up some of DLED 36's and I can do some great effects with these that are not possible on my show designer 1. Ok tell me how to accomplish this in the real world. 1. I want to create a dimmer chase for Design LED 36's that I can save and then overlay on any of my other static DLED 36 scenes. i.e. Say I have 3 scenes programmed for my DLED's.

Re: Is there a 250 spot that will mix color like this?

bdunard ·
I tried what you said but had some problems. I created a scene with all my DLED 36's in red. Then I opened the switch page and selected empty and link to easy step and click the ok+edit button. I then opened the FX generator and applied a dimmer effect. (All the while I am doing this I have 6 DLEDs with red beams showing in my 3D viz). So after I click on the dimmer chase I notice that it is not showing it in the 3D viz...I must be doing something wrong. btw, I ordered the software today.

Re: Is there a 250 spot that will mix color like this?

bdunard ·
I am tring to create a rainbow effect using the effect editor for my design wash 250's. However, when I open the switch window I can't move any of the faders like I can when following the steps in your window. Should you be able to move the faders in the switch window. I need to be able to do that so I can open the shutters and see what the effect is doing. Thanks!

Re: What are some other uses for moving heads at weddings?

serraava ·
Lighting doesn't just light. It helps set the mood and accents the room as well. Movement is also a part of lighting, and with it adds another dimension. I have done a ton of shows which I just have movers slowly moving around the room for glow and effect, other times just changing and shooting gobos on different targets for effect like this: Sorry for photo quality, camera phone. But the center piece I have 2 Mac 700's shooting on it using different gobos and colors for different things at...

Re: What are some other uses for moving heads at weddings?

esteban ·
it depend on the location too. It amazes me the amount of money people put into weddings. We did this one HUGE set up with lighting. the wedding was in a 3 acre backyard. there was a pond with a water fall, tons of trees, a stage for the band, a huge dance floor and all the seating area. what we did was for every group of trees of 3 or more we would light with century colour 2500's. individual trees we used the design 250 (PR) . the pond and waterfall was all LED lit. front truss was pars...

Re: What are some other uses for moving heads at weddings?

bdunard ·
I definitely know how important lighting is to a wedding...however it's hard to sell a mom on some lights on a band. However, I have found it easier to sell the mood of a room, their name on a gobo, a spotlight on the first dance, uplighting the backdrop or rear wall the same color as the bridesmaid dresses...this is the stuff that makes sense to the purchasers. However, I want the lights for the show! On a side note...I went to demo a design wash 250, and design spot 250 today. If found out...

Re: ADJ X-Move LED moving head...will there be an elation version soon?

bdunard ·
I've actually never heard of a single 20W LED that does RGB mixing. I am more curious as to what it really is. That being said if there are such things as 20W LEDS then it would just seem that they would eventually replace conventional bulbs. This would be different than the Impression. Basically take a design spot and replace the bulb with a bright led - less power and no fans! I appreciate you letting me know as I just bought 4 design spot 250's and was going to be mad at myself for not...

Re: Newbie looking for help/advice

christianpyro ·
Ok I'm back... sorry for all of the dumb questions. I am expecting 2 power wash 250's in the mail (should arrive any day now), and now need to look towards buying the rest of my equipment. I was going to try to purchase American DJ PAR64 LED's (8 of them to be exact), and the compulive software (Elation Compu 1024EC PC DMX Lighting Control System). I would then hang the pars ona couple of trees. Would this set up work? Is everything compatible? I was looking at teh forum on American DJ's...

Re: Where do I get fixture profiles for Elation DLED TriBrick 36 and Tri64B?

Jingles8302 ·
hmm the TRi bricks i dont know if i have a 15 chanel profile done for those. you cna try to make one if you would like. all you do is enter the presets and there values for each channel. just like you see in the manual. and what is wrong with the dled 36's? do you own these fixtures? sincerely,