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Tagged With "rewiring a lamp"


Re: Show Designer

Jingles8302 ·
hey wassup? and welcome to the elation lighting forums! first off for the sd1 and par cans and effects. meaning non dmx fixtures u will need dimmer/ switch packs as well. what they do is u can plug ur effects and pars cans to them and depending what fixtures u have they will either dim the cans or turn on and off the effects that u have. but don't ever try to use a dimmer on a effect light cause it really need to be just shut off and on dimming them could decrease lamp life i think. also...

Re: led moving head idea

elationpro ·
Hey Jingles.. What's new?? Color mixing is interesting. When you have RGB. This is considered addative color mixing. What this means is, if you have Red at 100%, Green at 100% and Blue at 100% you get white. CMY is subtractive color mixing.. If you do all the colors at 100% this will give you black, or the colors go away. CMY is only useful if you have a white source to back it up, like in a moving head, the source is comming from the lamp.

Re: Why dosen't Elation have a parts section

rc ·
To whom it may concern, At this point in time Elation Service is limited on parts for the ACTIVE SCAN. That light has been discontinued for quite sometime and some parts are currently out of stock and on order. We do have the lamps in stock. The mirror and socket are also available. The main PCB's are currently out of stock and are on order. If you like to place and order for this lamp or any of these parts feel free to contact Elation Customer Support at 866.245.6726 (8AM - 4:30PM PST.)...

Re: compu 2006

Jingles8302 ·
well u can edit the center button to ur needs. in fact most or all buttons on compuware u an edit to fit ur needs.what u want to do is hit ctrl-alt left click on the center button and a window should come up so u can edit it. now take the one spot that is out of place and put it in place wit hthe rest. should work. what fixture was giving u the RSER message? could be reset error. im not too sure on that so don't quote me. for the lamps u couldn't get them on by hitting the lamp on button? or...

Re: compu 2006

evolution78586 ·
Thanks jingles.First of all I have 6 Power Spot 250 and 4 Power Wash 250..Is there anyway to edit that one fixture when I'm creating the page for the spots? you know, after it ask me to enter the DMX address and the # of fixtures then it takes me to the next step that asks me if all the fixtures are on and facing up. My concern is, if i edit just the center button once the page is created,the fixture s still gonna be out of sync with the other pre set cycles/scenes. The fixture giving me the...

Re: remote Lamp kill for power spot 700CMY

Jingles8302 ·
i believe in the manual it says if the shutter is closed or off and u have the value of ch. 22 i think to the lamp off function if u wait 3 mins it will shut off. have you tried that? peace! jingles.

Re: dj spot 250 & dj scan 250 HELP!

Jingles8302 ·
welcome to the forums. now your lights are american dj so next time your gonna want to post over on their forum. but your controller we help you out with over here. umm actually u can turn the lamp off via dmx as far as unplugging goes who ever did the install should have made a switch or something to make it easier to turn the fixture off. esp. if the fixtures are permanetely installed on the celing. but since i guess that didn;t happen u your gonna have to unplug them cause there is no way...

Re: dj spot 250 & dj scan 250 HELP!

elationpro ·
I agree with Jingles.. when the install took place there should have been a power switch installed. All you can do via DMX is turn of the lamp and restart it.

Re: Beam size

elationpro ·
Good question.. that would probably be on the website for of the lamp manufacturer.. say, if the lamp is from GE, then it would be on GE's website. If the lamp is osram then it would be on osram's site..

Re: Lighting Newbie

jpal ·
ohh, ok thanks, i thought they were speaking of the par can. now has the acuspots 250II's had any problems b4 of overheating or just shutting off the power, bcause i used it for 1 program, and it shut off after a little while meaning the lamp shut off, and then it went to stationary position. Has there been any other complaints or worries like this.


serraava ·
Problem is jingles that your middle men don't do their job real well. I can tell you I ordered a PS575, within one month, the lens in the front had fallen out, and the dimmer didn't work. It also had a few other issues. They sent my advanced replacement out late, despite saying it would be there a certain day, and because it that, it hurt a show I was doing and lost money on it. About 6 months later, I ordered 2 PS575IEs. One light, 2nd show I used it for, about 3 weeks old and under 50...

Re: black lights

serraava ·
I apologize in advance for the very long and off topic post I am about to post. SCR dimmers work by chopping the sine wave of AC. This is how they 'dim'. AC is a wave. DC is a line. Now when power is created, is is created by a magnet spinning in a coil at 60 times per second, thus 60hz AC. This is how and why the wave is created. The little sine wave above, the start as 0 degrees, the first peak point as 90 degrees, the next mid point as 180 degrees, and the bottom peak point is 270 degrees...

Re: black lights

serraava ·
Continuing on now: The buzzing noise is known as lamp sing, it's caused by the power being turned on and off really fast. The way this is fixed is more expensive dimmers have what is known as a choke after the SCR so the power change is as dramatic as on/off. The better the quality of dimmer, the less lamp sing you will get. Now why non-dim isn't really non-dim. Despite you setting a dimmer to non dim, either via the pack or the console, the power still passes through the SCR and choke. So,...

Re: problems with power spot 575?

dannyb ·
im using martin lightjockey i tried to turn the lamp from martin there is a small icon for the lamp but that doesnt work..

Re: problems with power spot 575?

elationpro ·
Hi Danny, You need to pull out the user manual for the light. The fixture it self has to turn the lamp on as soon as power comes on is a feature called "Lamp on Automatically" The one fixture has this feature off, so you need to turn it on. Another feature is lamp on off by DMX.. its a feature that needs to be turned on. when this feature is turned on your Light Jockey button should work if its configured correctly best regards

Re: Is there a 250 spot that will mix color like this?

serraava ·
I would look into the DS 250 Wash for that effect on the cheap. It is the cheapest CMY moving head out I believe. The CMY might not be that punchy on dark colors do to the 250w lamp however. If you are really set on that effect, and it is a great effect, I would look into the washes. Remember, washes can be used for other things too. Stuff like fading in between colors for stage washes smoothly vs color scrolling which you would need twice as many fixtures to do without being seen scrolling...

Re: ADJ X-Move LED moving head...will there be an elation version soon?

serraava ·
The other major thing I have heard is that in order to get LEDs to projector gobos, they have to be bounced off of glass mirrors or something like that. This would also cause a loss of light. So I don't think it will out put like an arc lamp any time soon. Optic trains on arc lamps just keep getting better and better. The other major thing lamp companies will have to look at is they will never have the sales like they do now if everything goes LED. They will continue to improve lamps for the...

Re: lighting intensity and throw distance

serraava ·
Well, that all depends on beam size and throw distance. How bright something is over distance is can be determined by lumen's. How bright something is over a given area is foot candles or lux. Foot candles are lumen's/ft^2, so it is a more actuate method of how bright something will be over just lumen output which is based off of a single point instead of actually beam size. FC is considered old, but one FC equals 10.764 lux, though some just use a factor of 10 to simplify things. Warning,...

Re: design 108

serraava ·
Ok bdunard, here are the shots. Sorry it took a while to do, been really busy. First is white. The Opti 30 RGB on the left and DLED36 on the right. The target is about 5 feet away. As you can see, the DLED 36 is brighter, though not by much. The beam is also bigger, as would be expected in 25 degree angle vs 39 degree angle. Next is red. Then green. And lastly blue. One interesting thing I learned while doing this, the Opti 30 RGB is much better at matching the gel colors in the gel selector...

Re: design 108

serraava ·
Yes it does. I am still wondering if they are going to make different plates for them like Coemar has for their ParLite LED series, which is the direct comparison to Elation's DLED36. I have actually found that musicians love the LEDs over conventionals do to the lack of heat. They also love that I can get 'high' powered lights into a space with little to no power and not have to worry about tripping breakers. The nice part when someone thinks something is too bright, dim it. And then when...

Re: design 108

serraava ·
Doubtful. If the Impression run about 180w worth of LEDs can go color for color to a 575w discharge, I think the DLED108 will edge out over a 250w discharge. 250/575=.43; 108/180=.6. I know the math isn't as simple as that thanks to differences in the color temperatures of the discharge lamps, but it gets the general idea across. The DLED108 in theory will be about 20% brighter color for color over the 250w. Things to remember about the higher color temperature of the 250w lamp is that it...

Re: Stagesetter 8 problem, help plz

serraava ·
Couple things to try. First, did you check you dimmer for that channel? Maybe the dimmer just tripped or the fuse blew and you need to reset it or replace it. Next, did you check the lamps? It is possible that all the lamps on that channel blew out. Also, when a lamp blows out, sometimes it will take the fuse or trip the breaker on the dimmer. Lastly, have you tried anything else in that channel? Try moving the DMX addresses around so another set of lights comes up on that channel. If...

Re: Design Spot 250 rotating prism noise

nhnaz ·
Gines, Is it possible that a new unit right out of the box would need oiled? I am one of those who reads the manual from cover to cover. The cleaning and maintenance section of the manual makes no mention of anything other than frequent cleaning. It also states that there are no serviceable parts inside the fixture with the exception of the lamp. It is a good thing you brought this to my attention. Is there any documentation on opening the unit and oil points?

Re: Help with getting current software???

jonpasbrig ·
I've had the system for about 7 months but have really only used it for a major show last April and am gearing up for the use throughout the school year. I am the fine arts director and technicians and ...... for a 9-12 high school. For our show last year the flickering happened very randomly but I thought it might because I was loading my dimmers pretty heavy. I just started to fire everything back up again this past weekend and the lights are just on a on or off setting for church use.

Re: Multiple Shutters

serraava ·
You can grab some barn doors for the LED fixtures if you get something like Opti RGBs or Opti Tri Pars. Beam shapers will give some of that control, but not like shutters or barn doors will. Maybe a dealer in your area or someone who has some fixtures can demo say a DW250 or any light with a beam shaper for you to show you what exactly the beam shaper does. It might give you the control you need. Can't hurt to look. Cheapest fixture with shutters would be a Revolution. Personally however, I...

Re: strobe

serraava ·
That would be do to voltage leak. The little voltage leaked by the dimmer builds up the capacitors in the strobe unit it fills up and fires off a burst. Simplest way to solve this is put a ghost light on the same channel on the pack as the strobe is. The voltage leak will go towards that instead of the strobe then. Any filament lamp will work.

Re: Design Spot 575E won't lamp on - err TILT

serviceg ·
hi, did you inspect the lamp. if you have another unit try swaping the lamp first. also regarding the tilt, did you by chance have the tilt lock on at any time when you powered up the unit, if so this will induce a code as well. let me know if this works. Gines Gines elation service manager 323-213-4593 (tech support direct line)

Re: Tri Par Question

serraava ·
Okay, so got out an Opti Tri Par and a Opti 30 to try and white balance the camera a little. The Opti 30 has the stock lamp and is just plugged into the wall. The Opti Tri, I just used a simple 8x8 channel NSI console with the fixture in 3 channel mode. So the colors aren't spot on, but it gets the idea across and shows that this can be done without expensive consoles like the Hog. This shot is the Opti Tri doing roughly a bastard amber (R02 to be exact). It is remarkably close, and what you...

Re: Design Spot 300 Pro Cooling

serraava ·
Hi TVLD, Inc and welcome to the forums. The Design moving head series's fans power down after the fixture cools to a certain point with the lamp off. It is nice because it allows you to leave the fixtures on all the time without the fans running. Just simply turn off the lamps and walk away. It also let's you know when the lamp is cool enough to power down. You should be able to change this setting in the menu if you want the fans to run all the time.

Re: Design Spot 300 Pro Cooling

tvldinc ·
To be clear the fans shut off immediatly after lamp off. We can change the fan default, but it seems like an improper initial factory setting.

Re: Design Spot 250 discolored

serraava ·
Check the hours on the lamp first. If it is up there, then it is most likely a lamp. If it is low hours, then it might be the lens. There was a bad batch that went out in which the lenses where discoloring, actually a couple topics on here about it. If that is the case, I would give service a call and they should be able to get you an RA and have it fixed for you.

Re: Platinum Spot

serraava ·
Hey EBAC, check out Luxim for info on the first Plasma lamp. This is the way of the future, not LEDs. Glad to see Elation jumping on it quick. LEDs have too many issues surrounding them and also can do quite a bit of harm as well with over exposure/LED only buildings. For those wondering, see here for some info as well as a picture of the fixture itself.

Re: Platinum Spot

eloader ·
Dear All. No... The Platinum Spot does not use Plasma. The new lamp in this fixture is called the MSD Platinum 5R by Philips and is a 160-180w lamp with output comparable to a 575w discharge lamp fixture. It has double the efficacy of the plasma source and the fixture is half the size also. We had a very successful launch of this product at LDI and more info will come out very soon.

Re: Platinum Spot

ebaclights ·
Very nice. I also heard that there was a "design spot led" with a 90 watt source at LDI! I hope to see info on this soon. Im not sold on leds for moving lights, but this sounds promising. Still disappointed thats its a not a plasma lamp, but the double the efficiency sounds good.

Re: Platinum Spot

serraava ·
Ahhh, makes more sense now, just a shorter arc source lamp. Make the point source smaller, make the light brighter. It would also be interesting to say that this new lamp is more efficient then plasma since they have Luminaire Efficacy Rating great then 90%, while arc lamps are normally around 55%. Since I have no specs on the new lamp, I can't calculate an LER for it, but I am sure it is higher then 55%. Ballasts still kill the efficiency of arc lamps and always will. Plasma likewise keeps...

Re: Platinum Spot 5R PRO

Zach.S ·
I believe that you have a bad fan. I would check the fans closest to lamp. Especially the one behind the vent.

Re: PowerSpot 575

renatofernandez ·
There should be a thermal cutoff on the lamp lead wires. Check that for continuity.

Re: Platinum 5r beam lamps off randomly

Zach.S ·
Seems like you might have a bad fan that is causing the unit to lamp off. Open the head covers to see if you see any fans not working. If you don't see anything, shut down the unit and check the fans by spinning it with your finger. If you are still having issue, please feel free to contact me at .

Re: Platinum Spot

eloader ·
We appreciate your comments but are missing something very important! Raw lamp measurements are great but until you get a lamp in a fixture and in its optic system and then see how the lamp and look at the fixtures at the same beam angle you can't really tell the proper perofrmance. When you measure the TOTAL lumen output of the Platinum Spot 5R accross the entire light field then you start to see the advantage. This is why we say you have to see it to believe it! Yes the DS300 and...

Re: Platinum Spot

Jingles8302 ·
I have a picture I can post of the lamp performance. It is from a American Dj shoot out but the new ADJ fixture has the new 5R lamp. You will see that it beats out a 575 watt discharge moving head from ADJ. keep in mind this is the ADJ vizi spot not the platinum spot. This will just give you an idea of the lamp performance. Sincerely,

Re: Platinum Spot

serraava ·
If that is the case, then they would be cheaper then an MSD 250 and closer in price to par 64 lamps. As much as I hope is the case, I just don't see it working out that way. Philips would completely under cut every other lamp they have out right now and make it pointless to buy anything else then, shattering the bigger half of their business for entertainment lamps. MSR 575/SA2 DE are some of the most expensive arc lamps though.

Re: Platinum Spot

eloader ·
The replacement cost of the Platinum Spot lamp in the market will be comparable to an 575 lamp to start. Remember, this lamp includes a reflector so you basically get a new optical system each time you replace the lamp - unlike a standard MSD250 or 575 plus it is rated at 2,000hours to start - Philips hopes to get it to 3,000 hours.

Re: Looking for Par64 Replacements, sort of

serraava ·
Well, the Opti RGB would probably be closer to a 300w Par 56 lamp. As for beam sizes of Par 64 lamps, they are roughly as follows: VN: 12 Degree N: 14 Degree M: 24 Degree W: 50 Degree Keep in mind they are rough numbers. Also remember that Medium and Wide lenses spread in an oval, not a circle. Here is a Cheat Chart for Par 64s. Granted, it is for 1000w, but the dimensions are the same for a 500w lamp.

Re: Bored, so I figured I would post some photos

serraava ·
Those are ETC Source Four ParNels. Great fixtures, work like a Fresnel but are in a Par frame. Zoom range is 25-45 degrees. They also put out more light then a 1000w 6" Fresnel does with a 750w lamp, coming closer to a 2k 8". The beam isn't as soft and even as a Fresnel however. It also has less intensity do to the refractor then an 'equally' lensed S4 Par would. But since it puts out a circle and has a zoom, much easier to work with then Pars a lot of times. I still, however, use Pars for...

Re: Platinum Spot Videos?

serraava ·
As soon as I get them, you can believe I will post pictures of them and pit them vs my DS 575s. Optics, colors, and intensity are what I am most interested in. Bang for the buck, low power consumption, and size/weight of the fixture are next on the list. Going from 64 lb fixtures to 28 lb that performs similar will be a great help. I can live without CMY, but zoom would be nice. CMY would be the next feature I would want followed by another rotating and animation wheel. Then its a DS 575...

Re: Platinum Spot Videos?

serraava ·
Cool, thanks Jim. I really liked the theme of the video too which matches prefectly with the company. Its not anything new, just an evolution of something that has been around since the start of the moving light era. I would love to see more fixtures of this caliber, washes and fixtures with CMY and zooms for example. I am sure however the optics for a wash might be a little tricky. I would also love to see what, say, a 250w and 300w version of the lamp is capable of. At 250w, it should be...

Re: Temperature sensor

serviceg ·
the temp sensor is located on the lamp housing. adjacent to the fan. any questions, give us a call at 323 213-4593. thank you gines gines

Re: Changing gobos on E-Spot

elationpro ·
Does sound like a great exhibit. Well all we can say at the moment is that the E Spot is in its new stage, meaning we just started shipping them so our failure rate is set at zero. we won't know what if anything goes bad on them for a while. The concept of the e-spot is to eliminate any failures. Its a revolution of all issues that cause a unit to fail. its light weight and cool inside.. 2 of the major issues with moving lights is the intense heat inside and the weight these movers put on...

Re: short lamp life for UV Wash?

serviceg ·
hi Batty, THE UV LAMP is rated at 1000 hours. if the unit is "jolted" or handled in a rough manner the fluorscent tubing can come loose from the socket base (creates a vacuum leak). give us a call at 323-213-4593 and we can see how we can help. Thank you, Gines Gines Elation service manager.

Re: Starting New Business

elationpro ·
Hi NewEarth, The main challenge is control. At this point stay away from lamp par cans. to hot and to much power consumption. For your A design. Add Qty 12 OPTI TRI PARS - LED PARS Qty 6 DLED TRI BRICKS - LED BRICKS WITH EFFECTS Qty 12 OTPI TRI 30 - Mini LED PARS for uplighting if needed. Qty 2 X-310II - Fazer Qty 1 COMPU CUE - OR - SHOWDESIGNER 2CF This is about $15K if that. So if you have more $$ buy Qty 8 DLED 60 TRI STRIP FOR SCENIC/CYC lighting and visuals. For your B Design You can...