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Tagged With "Firmware V1.3.5"


Re: scene setter 24 dmx channel addressing

Carl N ·
Luis, I have tried that numerous times. Granted , it has been about 10 years since I have used DMX lighting. My last controller, An Election was a breeze to address. This is my second Scene Setter 24 in four weeks. The first one my salesperson and I assumed was defective. Now, for many years I have used XLR mic cables and I am learning that they may not work with todays new lighting components. I am assuming there is quit a difference between XLR and DMX cabling... So, I presently have...

Re: scene setter 24 dmx channel addressing

Luis ·
Hey Carl, To assign the DMX Channels on "ADJ" branded version of the Scene Setter you will need to do the following: 1. Enter Program Mode by pressing and holding the Record button and entering 1, 6, 6, 8. 2. Enter Channel Assign Mode by pressing and holding the Record button and entering 8, 8, 8. 3. Once this has been done the display will read 001, you can now use the Up or Down button to select the channel (1-512) that you want assigned. 4. Once your desired channel is displayed, tap the...

Re: Compu Pro 06?

Jingles8302 ·
ok first of all when u got to ur "pages" page and u see the 3 little boxes? make sure all ur lights have a mark in the box that looks like a king crown. that will link all ur lights to work in the "master" page. now that all ur lights are lined up to work in the master page u can click on the master page abnd hit the new scene button and then click empty. and then when you edit it you will find that all ur fixtures are lined up ready to progrma all together for one nice synched effect. yes...

Re: Compu Pro 06?

ebaclights ·
I am not using any lights yet, just the viewer. I am only working with conventional fixtures on the program right now, so there is no home position. The lights fade out fine when I make a "fade out" button, but changing between scenes is what I cant get to work. Basically Say if I fade up fixtures 1-5 on my first scene, but on my second I want fixtures 6-10 to fade in, but 1-5 to fade out.

Re: Compu Pro 06?

ebaclights ·
I have 5seconds in the first fade box(fades in just fine) and I have 5 seconds in the last fade box (does not fade out)

Re: Compu Pro 06?

Jingles8302 ·
try putting the last 5 sec. in either the first or second RED boxes. and i will do the same and let u know what works for me!

Re: Compu Pro 06?

Jingles8302 ·
ok i got it! what u want to do is put a 5 sec fade time in the second blue time box. the one with the solid blue line going up and then u want to put the last time (fade down) in the last red time box. the one with the solid RED line going DOWN! ok? try that and let me know!

Re: gel color in 3d visulizer

homeboy ·
For Compu Pro 06 You need to: 1. Open program and 3D visualizer 2. Enter build mode on the 3D visualizer 3. Select the fixture(s) u want to change the color of 4. Select the color on the pallet To help find the buttons...

Re: Help w/ DMX addys

homeboy ·
The first pack should have only the first dip switch up and the second should have only the first and third up. This will make the channel 1 for the first and 5 for the second, thus covering all 8 channels you want. No, you can't separate the two plugs so you get 8 channels out of each pack, its strictly 4 channels. However, yes you can add more packs and "piggy back" or "daisy chain" (which ever term you prefer) off of the DMX outs from the last dimmer pack. You should already be doing this...

Re: need to know???

Jingles8302 ·
hey guys im doin it now but i find cause i have three reds in this fixture i think i does not sem to want to let me use 3 of em just two! also am i to click on the channels and enter in the numbers and signs for the channels patched to several diffeent outputs?? so for example that says 1= 0+1/40/60 and i enter in that in the box?? am i doin this right??? help me!! peace! jingles out!

Re: Upgrading to DMX operator 192- need guidance!

Jingles8302 ·
ok i will make this quick but if u need more info please ask! 1: yes it will. internal memory and that is what dmx boards do mainly. save show data. 2: nope! 3: no u cannot if u want ot do that get compuware. just my sugestion i love compuware. 4: i dunno the exact term if ur lights dim get the dpdmx20L if u just want to switch them off and on get a switch pack. peace! jingles! lighting guru! LOL

Re: Show Designer 3, Fixture Profiles

elationpro ·
Hi David, Check out this download when you get a chance, it's the Showdesigner 2 and 3 library creater. You can easily create your own profile. SD LIBRARY CREATOR Best regards,

Re: Opto Branch

elationpro ·
TAP is correct. However you should have both 3 and 5 pin outputs. If you get a 3 to 5 pin turn around you can actually use all 8 outputs making it an OPTO BRANCH 8. works great.

Re: Stupid Question but help

deleriousfishman ·
thanks mate. u are a great help. well its 4 30 am here so i am off to bed and when i get up you will be sleeping so i wanted to ask u a couple more things i can check the answers to later and if you could answer them then it is much appreciated. 1. i accidentily crossed off the real time screen that shows you the stage and your light show how do i get it back 2. how do i add music to the programme 3 how do i set the lights to follow the music jingles i cannot tell you how grateful i am to...

Re: Stupid Question but help

Jingles8302 ·
ok gn. del. 1) you se in the pic i posted at the top the lil circle with "3D" in it. click that that will re load ur 3d viewer. it looks like this: 2) your gonna want to use the program that comes with the emo called "easy show" it should be on your desktop. 3) to synch the lights to the music u have to first program some scenes and name them or just remember which ones they are. i use the master page alot for this. this is a really deailed part of programming on compuware. maybe i wil make...

Re: Magic 260

surgeprotech ·
Domi, 1. 1.02 is currently the latest version. 2. When using a preset, the fixture profile must match the fixture. What fixture are you controlling? 3. You'll need to initialize the channel names. When opening the Magic 260 uploader program, close the Ulink Ver 1.08 window. Go to show forms (located on the top left corner) and select EditChName. Select Init and save. The Channel names will now appear when creating a profile. Please call me if you continue to have any problems Sergio C.

Re: Compu Live Questions

Jingles8302 ·
hey and welcome to the board. well i can tell this is gonna be a long post for me lol! now i acn answer most of these with ways that have worked for me but we should also see what elation says about the best way ot do some of these things. 1) you can assign a fader to adjust the speed of each individual button u have created by right clicking on the fixture page or if u have it in a master scene the master page scrool down till u see live toolbar button. u will see a size and dimmer andspeed...

Re: Compu Live Questions

matchless1 ·
Jingles, Thanks for your help. I tried what you said, and here's what I found: 1. I do have my Cycle created under the Master page, so I tried using the Live Toolbar Button. I do see the size, dimmer and speed controls, but only when I have a scene (like Blue) selected. When I click my "Cycle 1" button, the size, dimmer and speed controls disappear and are replaced with the text: "Cycle: Cycle 1". It's like all of those features are being disabled b/c I'm running a cycle instead of a scene...

Re: Compu Live Questions

matchless1 ·
Hi John, Thank you for your responses as well. 1. I tried what you said and made my chase a Scene using Easy Step. After that I was able to control the speed via the Live Button Toolbar. So, in other words, I did not need to do anything further using Easy Time. I tried it any way (yellow button making the channels Easy Time), but it just seemed to mess up my chase, so I went back to making all channels Easy Step. I notice that the F7 and F8 keys allow me to adjust the speed up and down. Is...

Re: Compu Live Questions

elationpro ·
Brian, I am really impressed on how you picked everything up. So to move forward, you can achieve the tempo your looking for by activating the Audio function in Compu Live. Step 1. In the "controller" drop down menu look for "Starting parameters". Then in the Options box, choose "Audio/Midi" and in this new window, click on the check box with the speaker icon. Then close all windows. You will be prompted to restart, and the Audio Analizer box will open automaticly. Minimize this for a...

Re: DMX Operator 192

djinsomnia ·
Oh ok makes sense now. Now this is a new question, I have 5 lights right. So lets say I hook up all 5 lights one way at one event. I assign the pan/tilt channels to the joystick. Now if I move the setup around, and the units are running under different #'s, do I have to re-assign the pan/tilt to the joystick again?

Re: Compu 06 Help

ebaclights ·
Its a lightronics RD-121 12x1.2 Ive been at the church today messing with it, and if I do anything for then 4-5 seconds, its really jerky, like its dimming in small steps instead of a smooth fade.

Re: Compu 06 Help

ebaclights ·
Its not the dimmer... I plugged in an Elation pack and tried it and its doing the same thing. If I do a fade time of 5 seconds or so, its there but its real hard to notice because its so fast. If I do anything above that, around 60 seconds, its real noticible. Its like . . . . . . . . . . . Any ideas?

Re: Help with buying the best controller

elationpro ·
12 par 64, 4 trackspots and 3 martins, puts you at 19 intelligent fixtures and 16 conventional fixtures. It sounds as if you buy the operator, you can get away with using the operator and nsi 6128 and not use the universal controller. Or if you want to go with one board, you will need the SHOWDESIGNER 3. If that to big, you may want to consider Compu 1024EC. Not many consoles offer controll of 16 par cans with moving lights.

Re: Help with buying the best controller

is-real ·
sorry to keep bugging, but i'm new on all of these... can i run multiple scenes at the same time, say, fixtures 1-4 doing something, while 5-10 something else? plus the 8 cans?

Re: Help with buying the best controller

Jingles8302 ·
on the operator u can run your scene and take over a fixture on the fly. and manually run your pars i believe. but about your earlier question about having fx1-4 do something while 5-10 do something else that u can achhieve but would have to program all within the same scene. understand? let me know if u have any more question. peace! jingles.

Re: Help with buying the best controller

is-real ·
Thanks. now, as far as lightning..i've got not very much experience. i'm trying to light up a stage which is 30ftx20ft. my setup will be, 8 par cans on the back, 2 scanners on the back each one on the sides, 3 colorplash jrs on each side of the front towards the band an the other 2 scanners in te front facin each other, so they'll cover the band and the audience... what do you think? will this give me a nice coverage, im specially concern with the coverage of the LEDs.. don't know if theyll...

Re: Design 36 LED

pulighitng ·
switch 7 and 11 on for stand alone mode. 1+7 on = program 1 2+7 on = program 2... All of the programs except #8 (seitch 1+3+7+11) have a strobe part that makes the program look bad. If this is intended then it seems like a mistake.

Re: Design 36 LED

pulighitng ·
My units are 6 channels like the manual says. 1= red 2= green 3= blue 4= FX 5= strobe 6= dimmer .I have had them on an Avolites Pearl, a strand 550, a Elation Magic 260 , a dove systems IQ512 and a Baxter systems pocket console. I love the light and am using them on a bunch of shows but as far as the internal programs go they are not performing in a manor that is suitable of a professional quality unit. Is it possible to upgrade the chip to function in seven channel mode? I also have 6 of...

Re: Compatibility Issue solved.

pulighitng ·
Mike, This might be a stupid question but have you addressed the units and the dimmers so that they overlap addresses? Dimmer DMX address 1 along with one of the scans If they overlap they will act like they are carping out when you use an attribute in a moving light. Dimmer unit 1 address =1 Unit 2 address=5 scan 1 address =9 and scan 2 address=15… The magic 260 will allow you to chose what the start address is for each fixture.

Re: Design 36 LED

serraava ·
I have the same problems as well with a few Design LED 36s I just ordered. Great lights, but the standalone programs have strobing in them as well as the internal programs via DMX. Also, according to one of the paper manuals I have in front of me right now, there are two DMX modes. The first is 6 channel mode: R, G, B, Programs, Strobe, Dimmer. The second mode is 3 channel mode: R, G, B.

Re: Design 36 LED

serraava ·
That just explains channel issues, not the strobing with internal programs and stand alone. The revision of the manual is from 12/06, and the 7 channel list is from 5/07, so the manual has yet to be updated for 7 channels or 6 channel lights are still being made/sold. What I stated is merely what was in black and white in front of me and what was sent with the product. It is also quite possible that PU lighting has an older, 6 channel version of the light and not the 7 channel. I know that...

Re: Design 36 LED

pulighitng ·
I have a great idea Jingles why dont you tell us how to put them in seven channel mode. My options are 3 and six and it does not matter how you address the control if the light can not be put in seven channel mode itself. I am standing by to buy 20 more units but it is now a long stand by.

Re: remote Lamp kill for power spot 700CMY

Jingles8302 ·
i believe in the manual it says if the shutter is closed or off and u have the value of ch. 22 i think to the lamp off function if u wait 3 mins it will shut off. have you tried that? peace! jingles.

Re: Design 36 LED

pulighitng ·
John and Ron , Thank you for your help on this problem. I am excited to hear that this might have a simple solution. I know that it is hard to please everyone with pre program effects but I feel strongly that this was a design flaw, and not just my picky personality trying to have my cake and eat it to. Given the time I would often write my own effects but when it comes to the people I am renting these units to just having them change colors without the strobing would make life allot easer.

Re: Fixture Profile for ADJ Dynasty Scan DMX?

Jingles8302 ·
NP glad to see we are both up late. lol it is 3 am here in WI lol. peace! good night lol jingles.

Re: Dmx basic positioning and termination

level10 ·
yup me l337 soldering skillz and a bunch of luck!! only had to re-make one or two ends in the whole club. god im glad to be done pulling cable tho!!! had to make a ton of 5-pin ends for octopods/rivas though. WHAT A PAIN!! (note to elation: MAKE OCTOPODS WITH STANDARD ENDS!!!!!!!)

Re: Playing Drums and Triggering Scenes - Can I Do It?

losjonz ·
Hi Folks, Making progress on this. - Got my scenes created and put them in a cycle. - Set my scenes to "Go" within the cycle - Right Mouse clicked on Master, then clicked on Settings - Selected "Trigger" from Extern Action and trigger box - Up came a table with tiggerable events. Did the following: X 3. Go to next scene (PGDN) Midi Channel X ALL Midi Note X 3 *Also did the same with 4. (PGUP, Note 4), 5. (PAUSE, Note 5), & 6. (PLAY, Note 6). - Then hooked my Roland PAD (Octopad II) to a...

Re: Octopod 80 with Magic 260 profile?

elationpro ·
Hi Lemon, Yes.. right now, you can control each pod individually. if you use the 48 ch. mode. So each pod will be 6 channels each. So pack 1 will start at 001 pack 2 will start at 049 pack 3 will start at 097 Ch 1 is rainbow ch 2 red ch 3 green ch 4 blue ch 5 strobe ch 6 chase If you use ch 6 to engage a chase of which you have 8 chases. ch 1 becomes speed time, and ch2 becomes fade time.

Re: Magic 260 Issues

colorpalv10 ·
Lopez, Don't know how much field experiance you have had with elation lights but yes, we are referring to position correction. The little sensor that elation uses for all of its position correction... moving heads position correction, gobo homing, color homing, proton color wheel from high humitity. Most elation users that are 5 or less miles from the ocean will be extremely effected. Especailly if there is no outdoor housing for the light. The salty air will destroy the sensor...

Re: Lighting Newbie

tylerherron ·
Welcome to the forums! For the dimmer packs, whatever address you set it to (129 for your example) tells you all the address for each light. light one will be 129 and light 2 will be 130, 4 - 131, 5 - 132. so just use the faders (channels 129 - 132) to turn on the par cans. Make Sense? For the ADJ Accu Spot 250 II's, I'm not entirely sure how to do what your thinking but what I would suggest is to set some scenes and just recall your scenes. Set the first light to the left of the runway and...

Re: Lighting Newbie

tylerherron ·
@JPal Congrats on getting you accu spots working. now for the dimmer pack. This particular pack has 3 modes (as you already know) 1 channel, 2 channel, and 4 channel. Here is how they work: 1 Channel This setting allows all the lights plugged into the pack to be turned on/off using one channel. Meaning that if you set your pack to 1 channel mode and the address is at A129, when you turn on that fader all the lights will come on. 2 Channel This setting allows the four channels to be turned on...

Re: Need .SSL file American DJ Revo III

elationpro ·
This is an easy one guys. create a profile in the 4 ch mode. ch. 1 = mode.. do you want to be in pattern mode or chase mode. You can select this using ch1. Ch. 2 = the pattern or chase your secting. Ch. 3 = speed of either the pattern or chase. you need to select this after you select a pattern or chase. ch. 4 = dimmer.. if you don't have the dimmer on full then you wont see any pattern or chase. The 10 Ch mode is confusing.. I put a call into the ADJ pros and waiting to here back. Best regards,

Re: Stage Pak 1 how to set up?

tylerherron ·
Oh man I can't tell you how much I laughed at that! Ok anyways, DMX, it really is a cool thing. Here are some basics. DMX stands for D igital M ultiple X . It is a way for each and every (DMX Compatible ) light, made by any manufacturer, to interact with an universal DMX controller. In a standard DMX protocol (called 512-DMX protocol) there are a total of 512 "channels" In order to get your lights to interact with the controller, you must address them. There are 2 ways (that I know of) that...

Re: Stage Pak 1 how to set up?

Jingles8302 ·
on a side note. your spot 250 uses 6 DMX channel and the vue 3 uses 9. 9+6=15 DMX channels total. so you only have room for maybe one or two pars on the stage setter 8. might want to look into a bigger controller. like jthtigers DMX operator 192.

Re: Color blast 12 profile for Magic 260

lemonjello ·
wow, thanks for answering none of my questions. Any profiles for the magic 260 for CB 12's. simple 3 channel, no strobe/fade funct. They work similar to octopod 80's. the pds 750 auto addresses fixtures xxx, xxx+3, xxx+6 etc.

Re: Wireless DMX problem

tylerherron ·
Ok, I'm assuming you are using the Elation W-DMX products (since your posting in the Elation forums!) The manual is kinda confusing but I think I may have worked it out. Here is the excerpt from the manual that I read and this is where I came up with this fix. Tell me if you have already tried it: So what this tells me (very vaguely) is that to fix it, you may need to do something to your transmitter. Since your receiver is showing solid red, that should mean it is "free" According to the...

Re: EasyShow

nickcarbone ·
IBM Thinkpad 2.4Ghz CPU 1GB Ram 40gb HD barely used Video Card is onboard and probably crappy Windows XP 2005-ish 12-21-07 CompuLive The show ran great yesterday as well, playing through 3 different shows changing tracks no problem with no glitch or skip... just that one time it happened worries me.


serraava ·
Problem is jingles that your middle men don't do their job real well. I can tell you I ordered a PS575, within one month, the lens in the front had fallen out, and the dimmer didn't work. It also had a few other issues. They sent my advanced replacement out late, despite saying it would be there a certain day, and because it that, it hurt a show I was doing and lost money on it. About 6 months later, I ordered 2 PS575IEs. One light, 2nd show I used it for, about 3 weeks old and under 50...

Re: EasyShow

nickcarbone ·
we built little floor mounts for our led par196 lights, clamped one on the back of the bass amp for me (The drummer). we have 4 moving head mini wash lights that are also on the floor. there are 2 colorstrips on each guitar amp. It is a really easy setup, once our instruments and amps are in place we drop the lights and hook them up in less than 5 minutes. our next step i think is black lights.