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Tagged With "Flex Faders"


Re: SD3 Playbacks containing presets, selected fixtures question

sdman ·
Maybe try using a scene instead of a preset. If I recall, presets usually require you to select fixtures ahead of time before calling. Scenes will simply include whatever you put in the scene. It's been a while since I worked with this so I don't recall every detail. It should be in the instruction manual though.

Re: SD3 Playbacks containing presets, selected fixtures question

George Webb ·
Thanks SDMAN. I just tried using Scenes instead of Presets, but Scenes seem to have a few different problems: Scenes sometimes want to cancel each other when turning them on. (Does anyone know why this is?) This makes it hard to turn on multiple scenes simultaneously. When a scene fades out, it fades its channels down to zero, rather than letting them stay at their "color scene". I thought "HTP" would allow the highest value to control the channel, but apparently it means a controller will...

Re: SD3 Playbacks containing presets, selected fixtures question

George Webb ·
Here's a possible explanation: I noticed my fixtures' DMX channels are assigned to multiple fixtures, at least one of which is a single "32 channel DMX" fixture, which therefore contains all my 4 fixtures (7 channels each, channels 1~28). I don't know why they did that, versus setting up correct separate 7-channel profiles, but perhaps that would explain why the Scene recalls seem to be interfering with each other!? Maybe I should erase the whole console and start over? Still trying to get...

Re: SD3 Playbacks containing presets, selected fixtures question

sdman ·
Do you have the manual on pdf? That should cover every detail as to how it works.

Re: Midi Master

mikelights ·
Yes, any usb midi controller can be assigned to most buttons in the software to act as a dimmer or a trigger. If you right click on a fader in the program you will see a link to midi controller option which will then ask you to select a button on your midi console to assign it. The software even has some of the more popular midi controllers set up for you already in the show console window icon, all you have to do is assign the button.

Re: spot and wash 250

elationpro ·
Hi Gustavo, The power spots all have a channel that does movement. So if you have 1 fader with a lever of 10%, that fixture may move on its own. On the DMX operator, you need to be in program mode, then reset all the faders. I am only guessing that's what it is. If not try addressing them all to A001, to see if it stops.

Re: Compu Live Questions

Jingles8302 ·
hey and welcome to the board. well i can tell this is gonna be a long post for me lol! now i acn answer most of these with ways that have worked for me but we should also see what elation says about the best way ot do some of these things. 1) you can assign a fader to adjust the speed of each individual button u have created by right clicking on the fixture page or if u have it in a master scene the master page scrool down till u see live toolbar button. u will see a size and dimmer andspeed...

Re: Compu Live Questions

Jingles8302 ·
well does it affect the actual light when programming? like when it is in the home position on ur real life stage does it move to where the head is positioned on the visualizer? also to edit a scene in init u need to turn on the fader. cause in init everything is locked down. so to edit ur init scene so that way ur heads are the same as u would on stage u need to click on init so that way it is on then hit ctrl and then hold down alt at the same time then left click ur init button. (you can...

Re: Master Fade

elationpro ·
Hi Luis, This needs to be set up using the Console option. You can assign multiple funtions to one dimmer. Also you can purchase the SD6C 6 channel dimmer board and assign your dimmers to a fader.

Re: Audio

luisramirez ·
When you click the zoom function, do you click the fader and slide it or do you click the pallet then slide the fader? the proper way to do it is click the pallet then slide the fader. If none works maybe you need to go to the fixture and put it on a test mode and make sure that the zoom works that may be the problem, if it does work, then it is in the program, and you may need to edit if it is the program or re install it. As for the special (auto-music) it could be in the editing you may...

Re: DMX Operator Pro - Manual Fading

elationpro ·
Hi Mcqueena, I got this information from my DMX OPERATOR PRO GUY Yes… but he has to create a show first then follow the instructions below. Select the “SHOW” button that you wish to playback. The selected Show or Shows will begin to run immediately including the originally set speed and fade times. However, the selected Show speed and fade times can manually be adjusted on the fly by simultaneously pressing the “SHOW” # button followed by the “STEP/MIX/SEQ” button. A rapidly flashing Show...

Re: Lighting Newbie

jpal ·
I assigned the dimmer pack to A129 as stated in the manual. then i set the dimmer pack to work for only 2 channels. then i plugged in a par can light to channel 1 and another par can light into channel 2. as you said, the console should make the channel 2 light work on the next fader which is 130. but that's not whats happening. Fader 129 is turning on both of the lights, and fader 130 doesn't do anything. I know the next thing u guys might say is check what outlet im plugging the par can...

Re: Lighting Newbie

tylerherron ·
@JPal Congrats on getting you accu spots working. now for the dimmer pack. This particular pack has 3 modes (as you already know) 1 channel, 2 channel, and 4 channel. Here is how they work: 1 Channel This setting allows all the lights plugged into the pack to be turned on/off using one channel. Meaning that if you set your pack to 1 channel mode and the address is at A129, when you turn on that fader all the lights will come on. 2 Channel This setting allows the four channels to be turned on...

Re: Show Designer 3 manual question

elationpro ·
You want to record presets.. Page 18 of the manual. I am not finding missing letters in the manual.. can you let me know what pages? <b>CREATING AND RECORDING PRESETS</b> Before recording a preset you must first do some preparation. In order to be able to view certain moving light channels like color or gobo you will first need to raise the dimmer levels and set the pan and tilt positions in order to see the color or gobo selections. Do this by selecting the fixture or fixtures...

Re: Stage Pak 1 how to set up?

tylerherron ·
Oh man I can't tell you how much I laughed at that! Ok anyways, DMX, it really is a cool thing. Here are some basics. DMX stands for D igital M ultiple X . It is a way for each and every (DMX Compatible ) light, made by any manufacturer, to interact with an universal DMX controller. In a standard DMX protocol (called 512-DMX protocol) there are a total of 512 "channels" In order to get your lights to interact with the controller, you must address them. There are 2 ways (that I know of) that...

Re: COEmars and elation fixtures on the same control???

elationpro ·
ybravo, When you say your focus spots move slow, are you refering to the preset movements of the compu? Say for example the circle moves slow? If so, have you adjusted the speed fader to see if it speeds up? With the Coemars, you need to see if both the dimmer channel and the shutter channel are 100%. Click on the Center button for that fixture and then from the drop down menu choose button then edit. look for the dimmer and shutter channels and see if they are 100% if not make them 100%...

Re: Design 36 LED

Jingles8302 ·
very true don't worry. There is a master fader for the dimmer pack and the LEDs will have no prob on the console. Rain if I knew something wouldn't work I would tell u. sincerely,

Re: Request for basic newbie info...

manford ·
Thanks for the welcome James. The answer I found was actually from a post of yours from the other forum, so I appreciate it! Our music alternates between full tilt country (if there is such a thing) to moderately slow ballad type songs. I think what I may try is have the fast chases activate with the audio from the kick drum, and let the slow songs chase to the time set on the fader. More on this as I get further into it. Again, thanks! Manford p.s. I've found a few simple videos out on...

Re: basic console programing

serraava ·
Out of order isn't as much a problem on cue lists as one may think. As long as you label stuff and are fast, the 'Go to' button is your best friend. I did a dance concert last year with about 500 cues, and it went in a different order each night. So I named each scene and programed in blocks. Like scene one was cues 10 thru 19 with 19 being the blackout, allowing me to record pre-load cues from 19.1-19.9. Worked well. It also gave each number a block of cues that lined up numerically cue...

Re: Request for basic newbie info...

manford ·
Update! I have come up with a hardwired (literally) solution to the issue with fade time deactivation. I'll try to explain as clearly as I can, and apologize ahead of time if I lose anyone along the way. I'm using the Behringer FCB1010 to control the Operator 192 via MIDI. What I forgot about the 1010, is the ability to use the 2 built in "Switches" to control analog functions of amplifiers, just like a traditional stomp box that controls reverb/clean channel functions, etc. These are simple...

Re: Scene Setter 48 issues, less than 1 year

worldcreator ·
Well if you're starting to have fader issues just after 2 years then I'm thinking this might not be a dud. How many faders are you having a problem with? And what exactly is the problem?

Re: Scene Setter 48 issues, less than 1 year

elationpro ·
Hi World.. Elation guy jumping in here. in the world of consoles in general the faders and buttons you commonly use will need to be replaced sometime or another.. sometimes sooner than later. With the Elation consoles we strive to use the good components to do the Job and not the best component made.. That is why you will see some lighting consoles for alot more money than the Elation product, and some consoles for less money. We believe our consoles are a great value for the price. However...

Re: Scene Setter 48 issues, less than 1 year

worldcreator ·
How is it determined that problems are caused by manufacturer defects VS. wear & tear? The fader I'm having a problem with has barely been used, and the bumps that have lost their spring are the ones hardly used as well. BUT how can I prove this? What might potentially be the labor cost for repair of these? Now I'm thinking that in addition to the shipping costs it might not be worth sending it back for repairs... Can a regular lighting shop fix something like this pretty easily?

Re: Scene Setter 48 issues, less than 1 year

tylerherron ·
Oh No, We have had this controller for over 10 years (i think. . .at least 7). The problem is that when you push some of the faders up to 100% it skips down to 30% and flashes around. It is kinda hard to explain. You push it up and it hits 100 then jumps back and forth between 30 and 100. Does that make sense? We just need another one. About the 192 not being satisfactory, you would have fast control over lots of faders. All you would do is it one button, and then change the faders. There...

Re: Programming a Button Fader

ebaclights ·
Right click on the page for your hazer, then go to settings. On the top left click on channels, and you will see the channels for that unit. On the channel you want the fader to control, select "enable DIMMER function". Once this is done, go to the edit page for that switch and set the level 100%, then your fader will control it.

Re: DMX Duo

lightech ·
Not to rob Jingles of business, but I think it would be beneficial for you to just buy a small DMX controller that will allow YOU to program your own scenes and chases. For one, you will learn a lot about DMX lighting and how to accomplish many different things. Plus, you will be able to modify, remove, and add to your current banks of scenes and chases without having to rely on someone else providing designs for you. You will then know how it all works inside and out, plus have the...

Re: Is there a 250 spot that will mix color like this?

bdunard ·
Jingles, I am recreating your youtube video and I am curious how when you touch one fader it effects all the lights (i.e. when you open the dimmer it opens all the dimmers on all the lights) When I do it it only opens one light. Is there something that you did to link them?

Re: Is there a 250 spot that will mix color like this?

Jingles8302 ·
oh ya sorry I guess I Musca forgot that part in the video. Sorry. Yes you simply hold down the shift key and it will move all the relative faders for the same fixture types. For e ample if u have 4 ds250's and 2 power spot 250's and u click on a ds 250 fader and hold shift it will move all the ds 250 faders for that channel. Sincerely,

Re: Is there a 250 spot that will mix color like this?

bdunard ·
Nevermind I tried holding Shift and that did it.

Re: Fading to black

jaym ·
I was back it again this evening and tried several of the recommendations with no luck. ronr -- those where the exact steps I took. Even with my dimmer set to 0 and a fade time to 30 sec, it snaps to a black out. No slow fades. John -- could not find any snap or cross fade feature on the Magic 260 and nothing is mentioned in the documentation. Since we open the show this Friday. I have trained the operator to use the master fader. I'll keep looking for an automated solutions. Let me know if...

Re: Compu Live Question

partime ·
Is there a low voltage fader that could be used instead of toggles? Can I get that through the suppliers or does Radio Shack have them? I want to keep it small as possible. I'm on vacation and will be back in the routine in a week.

Re: Global Edit of Values for One Light + Right Click to Fade

ebaclights ·
There is a way to do fade/no fade using the Midi controller. You can either do it with the virtual controller on the screen, or have an external one. Unfortunately you cannot use a single button to turn the fade on and off with the virtual board, you will have to use 2 buttons, or one of the faders on the board. You can use one button for On/off using the external board because it will latch when you press the button. To set this up... 1. launch the midi controller on the screen. 2. If you...

Re: Global Edit of Values for One Light + Right Click to Fade

tonyharvey ·
Don't know if this is helpful but here goes. I use the BCF2000 and Compu06. To control dimmers I have a 'always clicked' switch that only controls the dimmer for the channel I want. Then I hook that switch up to my MIDI controller on a fader. When I move the fader on the BCF2000 the lights move accordingly since the button is 'always clicked' in the software. We do this on a couple of different things (chase speed on knobs [always clicked switch], but clicking the knob invokes the...

Re: Global Edit of Values for One Light + Right Click to Fade

ebaclights ·
You can use the board to control dimmers/channels without making an always on switch by using the general output option. This bypasses the program and puts dmx out to that channel. Here is how to put the X/Y control on the knobs. You make an always on switch for pan and one for tilt and put a fader on them. You can then assign the knob to control that fader. Justin

Re: Understanding the DMX Operator

litesnsirens ·
Thanks James, I think I get it. I'm not sure where I got the 32 from ... looking at the online manual for that I can clearly see it's 16 ... which is plenty. So to build on your explanation, if I turn on fixture button 1 and 2, then fader 1 is acting as a fader for channel 1 and 17 at the same time, correct? Is it safe to assume that fader one is actually designed to continually send out data on channels 1, 17, 33, 49, 65, 81, 97, 113, 129, 145, 161 and 177 and then the scanner buttons just...

Re: Understanding the DMX Operator

studio42 ·
I'm jumping into this a bit later than I normally would, but I don't normally read this forum, despite the fact that I should. I have the DMX Operator. So, I know how it work quite well. I can't say I know it 100% inside and out, but I can get around it quite easily. I need to refer to the manual for programming it because I can't recall those steps. Other than that, the DMX Operator is my buddy. It is my reliable fall back for MyDMX. Issue 1: The scanner buttons. Each scanner buttonis...

Re: DP-415?

serraava ·
Have you checked the fuses in the packs? They might be blown. The next question is have you tired the console with other packs/fixtures to see if it is outputting? Also make sure that your master fader, preset fader, memory fader, and cross fade fader are at 100% as well, otherwise the lights won't turn on depending on what mode you are in. Lastly, make sure the blackout key isn't on.

Re: DP-415?

geek3 ·
I have read that the chanels are not nesseiarly direct on this board they can be remapped. so maybe you need to setter fader 1-4 as dmx ch 1-4 not sure

Re: How to fade lights when turning off.

mdthomas ·
James, I have some LEDRAIN36 spot lights and using the "red" colored fader (which effects the turn off) I have set the fader to 5 seconds (05.00) and checked the box. The spots still do not fade off. I also noticed that the only time the fader section is active is when I click on INIT. They are grayed out when I click on one of the fixture buttons. Any ideas?

Re: DS250 v. DS250 Pro

len ·
When I program intensity I just keep the shutter open through the cue and control the dimmer through a fader. For some reason, when I pull the fader down on the 250pro, the shutter doesn't close all the way. Will have to investigate further tomorrow and see if it's the entire rig.

Re: Chauvet Scorpion LG-60 and Colorstrip

markofthewild ·
The colorstrips are not set up to dim UNLESS you ARE using the RGB mode. There is no separate dimming/intensity channel on them as you have found out. I had the same issue. My fix was to set up a scene with the strip channel 1 at 210(RGB Mode)and the other channels 2,3,4 RGB respectively at full. I the added a dimming fader in the button settings. Now i can dim the RGB individually. I haven't tried to dim any RGB mixing yet though. Also you may want to change the profile for the strips. I...

Re: cycles

ug2k ·
yes thats the point. the way you describe is a possibility, but when the runtime of a szene is changing, because of the speed fader or the sound to light modus the timing will not work anymore. is there any possibility that a ciclye only step to the next szene when the last step of the actual szene is reaced?

Re: Newbie Help... please!

studio42 ·
Just a few thoughts. I have 2 of these spots and they don't give me any problems, and I use them with the ADJ Software: MyDMX. First, this light has two operational modes: MANUAL(where you run it yourself) and DMX. Ensure you're in the right mode. That's your first step. MANUAL operation means that besides moving it on your own MANUALLY, you are also operating the dimming and colors on your own. That is manual operation. I think you're referring to "DMX Operation", but you want to bring up...

Re: DMX Operator Slider problem

studio42 ·
Well, try this: Rapidly move the faders full up and down many times. Do this to ALL faders. How old is this fixture and what sort of use/abuse has it seen? Does this live in a rack? Does it move covered? How often do you use yours? Another idea is to use Caig's De-Oxit to spray into the fader(under the fringe, use the straw) and repeat. Short of that, the Radio Shack TV Tuner cleaner works good as well. Spray a little bit and move the faders a lot. If using the Caig's De-Oxit, it comes in a...

Re: DMX Operator Slider problem

studio42 ·
Wow. Maybe you should abuse it. Mine's been through hell and back and it carries on like a trooper! I've had mine since beginning of 2002 or end of 2001. I can't recall. Either December of 2001 or January of 2002. Either way, it's lived in a rack, then moved around bounced around in a plastic case with cables, before going back into a rack again. The power supply was dropped and replaced by a Radio Shack unit of the same specs. Mine has been used at darn near every event you see on my web...

Re: Easy Time Editor

Jingles8302 ·
No it won't show up in the scene unless it was part of how you had the switches on before you selected new scene. To get to the EFx Gen. You need to just simply click on the area just above the fader to get to the EFX Gen. In the above picture the area that is circled Red. that is the area that you left click on to activate the EFX gen. I should also have a video on this too. Any questions let me know. Sincerely,

Re: Problem getting XMove LED to cycle lights, gobo, etc

sasquatchproductions ·
Sergio, After many headaches, my problem ended up being a fader issue. With the lights I am using, fader 5 controls the size of the shutter (open closed strobe, etc.) and fader 6 controls the dimmer 0-100. For the lights to work, fader 5 must be at 255 and fader 6 must then be up to 255. It basically took trial and error to get it goin but we are up and running now!!! Thanks for the help!!!

Re: Setup Korg Nanokontroller with CompuLive

genes ·
I was able to figure out the MIDI control needed to associate the fader on the NanoKontroller with the dimmer function of the light. I have not figured out how to get the color change of the LED light to work with the knob on the NanoKontroller yet. I have been totally frustrated by the lack on documentation on MIDI in Elation's manual. I am doing this totally by guess-work as I go. The manual says to use EasyControl, which did not come with my software and I cannot find on Elation's...

Re: Strobe Problem

Jingles8302 ·
Do you mean you made a cue list? Explain to me program on a fader please. Thanks. The better I understand what you are doing the better I can help you. Sincerely,

Re: Strobe Problem

michaelmoore ·
Yes, I mean I made a cuelist and assigned it to a playback fader.