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Tagged With "lamp switch replacement"


Re: E-Builder

Jingles8302 ·
Hi! Since Emulation has been discontinued for some time now, we are asking users to switch over to the developer version of the software as they have continued support and development of their programs, the Emulation software is called CueLux and the E-builder is simply called Builder, here is a link to their product page where you can download the latest CueLux release as well as the latest Builder software. https://www.visualproductions....ntertainment/cuelux/ If you switch Emulation over...

Re: Compu Pro Button Editor

schadow ·
Right now I have everything off. When everything is off (DMX output shows all channels off) I go to the Martin MX-1 page and click on "Center" and nothing happens. If you open the edit window for the Center switch all the settings look correct but its set to Blind-->Live and it wont change. Nothing else is open at this time so I don't have more than one button trying to do the same thing. This isn't a switch I created, this is the prerogrammed switch for the MX-1 from the Scanlibrary.

Re: Show Designer

Jingles8302 ·
hey wassup? and welcome to the elation lighting forums! first off for the sd1 and par cans and effects. meaning non dmx fixtures u will need dimmer/ switch packs as well. what they do is u can plug ur effects and pars cans to them and depending what fixtures u have they will either dim the cans or turn on and off the effects that u have. but don't ever try to use a dimmer on a effect light cause it really need to be just shut off and on dimming them could decrease lamp life i think. also...

Re: Help w/ DMX addys

homeboy ·
The first pack should have only the first dip switch up and the second should have only the first and third up. This will make the channel 1 for the first and 5 for the second, thus covering all 8 channels you want. No, you can't separate the two plugs so you get 8 channels out of each pack, its strictly 4 channels. However, yes you can add more packs and "piggy back" or "daisy chain" (which ever term you prefer) off of the DMX outs from the last dimmer pack. You should already be doing this...

Re: Upgrading to DMX operator 192- need guidance!

Jingles8302 ·
ok i will make this quick but if u need more info please ask! 1: yes it will. internal memory and that is what dmx boards do mainly. save show data. 2: nope! 3: no u cannot if u want ot do that get compuware. just my sugestion i love compuware. 4: i dunno the exact term if ur lights dim get the dpdmx20L if u just want to switch them off and on get a switch pack. peace! jingles! lighting guru! LOL

Re: Basics of Compu Live 06

elationpro ·
Hi D-Rey, You have a good start, but your way off. What you want to do is start all over. In begginer mode, you can't delete or start over, so you will need to switch to expert mode. In expert mode, you need to create a new show. You will be prompted to save information. Don't save anything. Also you don't want to have any demo stuff. So creating a new show will remova all demo fixtures. Now.. Create a new page with your coemar fixture, and when you get to this section, you need to say you...

Re: Basics of Compu Live 06

elationpro ·
You have to create a "switch" and name it follow spot. Then you need to select the "Ok and Edit" button. Look for a tab that says follow spot, and it should look like this. In this window you will see directions. Follow those directions.

Re: Basics of Compu Live 06

d-rey ·
i did that, when i setup that switch it just moves to 4 different points in a cycle, the type of spot i was looking for is one that focuses on a certain point stays there until i move it. i was able to achieve this by setting a scene with with 2 fixtures pointed to the same spot and then moving them with the x/y preset button but i'm only able to control one fixture at a time. is there a way to have them both follow one mouse movement?

Re: FC-192 Capability?

Jingles8302 ·
yes i believe that to be true. i believe you can switch between chasing your scenes to just playing them as a static scene. and you may also be able to access your chases you have programmed on the op. 192 aswell. if you need anything else ask. peace! jingles!

Re: Compu Live Questions

Jingles8302 ·
hey and welcome to the board. well i can tell this is gonna be a long post for me lol! now i acn answer most of these with ways that have worked for me but we should also see what elation says about the best way ot do some of these things. 1) you can assign a fader to adjust the speed of each individual button u have created by right clicking on the fixture page or if u have it in a master scene the master page scrool down till u see live toolbar button. u will see a size and dimmer andspeed...

Re: Compu Live Questions

matchless1 ·
Jingles, Thanks for your help. I tried what you said, and here's what I found: 1. I do have my Cycle created under the Master page, so I tried using the Live Toolbar Button. I do see the size, dimmer and speed controls, but only when I have a scene (like Blue) selected. When I click my "Cycle 1" button, the size, dimmer and speed controls disappear and are replaced with the text: "Cycle: Cycle 1". It's like all of those features are being disabled b/c I'm running a cycle instead of a scene...

Re: Design Spot 250 Fade Issues

elationpro ·
The sequence should be the same. If you have scene a all lights on in the master page. Then you set new postions, and turn the dimmers down on each page, and record a new scene in the master page, you should get dimming with not strobing, again unless your using the black out switch instead of the dimming switch. i don't really see any possible way of generating this scene. What steps are you taking?

Re: Compu: RGBMix colorwheels disappearing!!

elationpro ·
The only way to generate the RGBMix is by creating a new page. The only way to completly remove the RGB mix is by deleting it or deleting a switch button.

Re: Design 36 LED

pulighitng ·
switch 7 and 11 on for stand alone mode. 1+7 on = program 1 2+7 on = program 2... All of the programs except #8 (seitch 1+3+7+11) have a strobe part that makes the program look bad. If this is intended then it seems like a mistake.

Re: dj spot 250 & dj scan 250 HELP!

Jingles8302 ·
welcome to the forums. now your lights are american dj so next time your gonna want to post over on their forum. but your controller we help you out with over here. umm actually u can turn the lamp off via dmx as far as unplugging goes who ever did the install should have made a switch or something to make it easier to turn the fixture off. esp. if the fixtures are permanetely installed on the celing. but since i guess that didn;t happen u your gonna have to unplug them cause there is no way...

Re: dj spot 250 & dj scan 250 HELP!

elationpro ·
I agree with Jingles.. when the install took place there should have been a power switch installed. All you can do via DMX is turn of the lamp and restart it.

Re: dj spot 250 & dj scan 250 HELP!

gfuller2000 ·
Hey Jake, If you can't get the club to install switches,try a remote switch,you can get a generic wireless at the hadware store for about $25 each.If the lights are too far apart you may need 2 receivers,but it will be "Slick" Good Luck. Gary

Re: Playing Drums and Triggering Scenes - Can I Do It?

losjonz ·
Hi Folks, Making progress on this. - Got my scenes created and put them in a cycle. - Set my scenes to "Go" within the cycle - Right Mouse clicked on Master, then clicked on Settings - Selected "Trigger" from Extern Action and trigger box - Up came a table with tiggerable events. Did the following: X 3. Go to next scene (PGDN) Midi Channel X ALL Midi Note X 3 *Also did the same with 4. (PGUP, Note 4), 5. (PAUSE, Note 5), & 6. (PLAY, Note 6). - Then hooked my Roland PAD (Octopad II) to a...

Re: Playing Drums and Triggering Scenes - Can I Do It?

vince ·
Carlos, that's exactly what I want to do, exept I will be hitting a Midi floor pedal, as I play bass.... So i'm glad to ear that it's working... I think you've recorded scenes and you put them in order, so when you hit "go", it will switch to the next scene... I really newbie to midi stuff, and also to lightning stuff... so I'll probably have a lot of questions! Thanks Vincent Have fun with your stuff man!

Re: A couple of questions about design spot functions

stevelynch ·
Okay... I know how to program scenes and such, It was just that the design spot is my only light that resets when you switch parameters.. My accu scans and accu spots never did this... I'll get with James! Thanks!

Re: Show Designer 3 manual question

elationpro ·
You want to record presets.. Page 18 of the manual. I am not finding missing letters in the manual.. can you let me know what pages? <b>CREATING AND RECORDING PRESETS</b> Before recording a preset you must first do some preparation. In order to be able to view certain moving light channels like color or gobo you will first need to raise the dimmer levels and set the pan and tilt positions in order to see the color or gobo selections. Do this by selecting the fixture or fixtures...

Re: Operator Pro question

Jingles8302 ·
hello and welcome to the elation forums! now theoretically you can do this and it will work but however doin a straight patch will kind of cut down on some of the ease of some features. you will have to switch channel banks when programming 2 fixtures rather than hit the fixture button. and doing this will also make it that much harder to program all scanners at once. you will have to do it individually. i can think if more cons than prod of doin the addressing this way. BUT i suggest you...

Re: Riva 80

rain ·
Hey James - Yes, considering laptop or desktop computer for each Church this time around for ease of programming. Neither facility has ever used more than a light switch and a dimmer, so I hope by them NOT having experience, that the software is the easier route to go. The church in the pic above wants key light/features on the pulpit mainly. Then they want to be able to feature the orchestra pit (drums,bass,guitar - keyboard,piano - choir) Praise singers are just infront of the band. For...

Re: DMX Operator Pro

Jingles8302 ·
OK WELL THE PRO BLOCKS THE FIXTURES IN 16 CHANNELS EACH. THAT MEANS THAT FIXTURE BUTTON ONE CONTROLS CHANELS 1-16 AND FIXTURE BUTTON CONTROLS 17-32 and so on and so on. so if you wanted to put 1 led one each fixture button they would need to be addressed as follows. (assuming they are 6 ch's) led 1:001 led 2:007 led 3:017 (that would be on fixture button 2) understand where im goin with this? if you have dip switches here is a helpfull tool DIP SWITCH CALCULATOR Sincerely,

Re: black lights

pacman ·
We have controlled fluorescents with our lighting system by simply changing the dimmer to non-dim mode (it comes on full when the channel is at 50% or more - like a light switch). Would this work in your situation?

Re: COEmars and elation fixtures on the same control???

ybravo89 ·
No, all the preset movements on all those switches (i think thats what they're called)have been set to go as fast as they can, but the focus spot still moves slow. When i activate the Circle Swtich, The coemars move fast, but the focus spot move slow and i moved the speed on the bottom of the circle switch to as high as it goes for both pages. Even when i use my mouse to move them, the focus spot still rspond a lil slow, the move faster with the mouse but not as fast as they suppose to. Help?

Re: basic console programing

lightech ·
One of the other ways that lighting works for bands is the method I had to work with. Since a lot of bands do not adhere to a set list and like to switch things up and call things on the fly, the lighting director (and sound engineer as well) has to be just as equally flexible. So, I would have to just program a number of scenes and keep them available on submasters and bump buttons so I could create the appropriate scenes, chases, and punches on the fly. If I operated off of a cue list, I...

Re: A silly question about polarity on a Show Designer 1.

lightech ·
As far as I can remember, the polarity switch should take the place of the polarity reversing cable to get the Robos to listen. However, other fixtures in the chain would then need to have a reversed polarity cable to 'un-reverse' the signal. You'll just need to do some creative lighting plot design and daisy-chaining to get 'regular' and 'reversed' polarity to work in the same show. You will just need to daisy-chain all the Robos together and then put the reversing cable in between the...

Re: Programming a Button Fader

ebaclights ·
Right click on the page for your hazer, then go to settings. On the top left click on channels, and you will see the channels for that unit. On the channel you want the fader to control, select "enable DIMMER function". Once this is done, go to the edit page for that switch and set the level 100%, then your fader will control it.

Re: Power Distribution Help

ebaclights ·
Esteban, Do you have the model number of the switch system?

Re: Is there a 250 spot that will mix color like this?

Jingles8302 ·
ok since you want to make this effect on the software here is what you do. on your dled36 page create your scenes like you had specified and then make a "switch" it is the middle button on the top of the page in between scene and cycle. ok once you have your switch edit window up. (click on the switch and then go to buttons and then select edit) open the effects generator and on the dimmer channel make a sinus wave using efx gen. and if you had wanted to you can make all the other channels...

Re: Is there a 250 spot that will mix color like this?

bdunard ·
I tried what you said but had some problems. I created a scene with all my DLED 36's in red. Then I opened the switch page and selected empty and link to easy step and click the ok+edit button. I then opened the FX generator and applied a dimmer effect. (All the while I am doing this I have 6 DLEDs with red beams showing in my 3D viz). So after I click on the dimmer chase I notice that it is not showing it in the 3D viz...I must be doing something wrong. btw, I ordered the software today.

Re: Is there a 250 spot that will mix color like this?

Jingles8302 ·
OH No problem! its what i do. lol. ya you missed a step there. if you made a effect using just the dimmers and had all the other channels linked to easy step they will take over the channels in the scene you are overriding with your switch. so try it again this time do not link to easy step like i did in the video. this is something different. leave all the channels "OFF" adn then go into the efx gen then create just the dimmer sine wave, then save it close the switch, hit ur scene button...

Re: Is there a 250 spot that will mix color like this?

bdunard ·
Should I see the dimmer effect when I am programming the switch? At this point I am still not seeing it. I ordered the 1024 EC. Is there a page that lists all the scenes?

Re: Is there a 250 spot that will mix color like this?

Jingles8302 ·
umm you can turn on a color to see if that is what u want to but make sure you turn it off before saving other wise that color will be in the switch too. scene page list? i dont think so. master page perhaps but if you have numerous pages you will either have to save EVERYTHING to the master page or scroll you fixture pages.congratulation's on your purchase. sincerely,

Re: Is there a 250 spot that will mix color like this?

bdunard ·
I am tring to create a rainbow effect using the effect editor for my design wash 250's. However, when I open the switch window I can't move any of the faders like I can when following the steps in your window. Should you be able to move the faders in the switch window. I need to be able to do that so I can open the shutters and see what the effect is doing. Thanks!

Re: Is there a 250 spot that will mix color like this?

bdunard ·
I keep trying but I am going to need more help creating a switch with a dimmer chase. No matter what I seem to do I can't see what I am doing in the Viz. I opened the shutters, then selected new switch and I still can't see what I am doing. I might need step by step instructions because this isn't going well.

Re: Is there a 250 spot that will mix color like this?

bdunard ·
Got it to work but I can't see what I am doing. If I press the "center" button to turn on the fixtures before going into create and save the switch it just shows up with white fixtures. I am sure there is something going on that I am not doing.

Re: Pan Limit on DS250

Jingles8302 ·
tell me have you changed any of the values for re INIT button? Because when you create a scene it included the valued of the last active scene or switch which if you have INIT on it will include those values. Also lf the problem still persist try clicking on "link all channels to east step function" it should be a small square button on the upper right hand side on the easy steptab when you edit or create a new scene or switch in the edit window. Let me know. Sincerely,

Re: Dip Switch Calculator

serraava ·
This is provided the lights use binary, switch one=1, two=2, three=4, four=8, five=16, six=32, seven=64, eight=128, and nine=256. Some lights use there own 'odd' settings, like HES Trackspots for example. Both the settings for a Universal Controller and DMX are different from binary. Read your manual before you assume it is binary, or look on the back of the light by the dip switches. A lot of lights tell you what the 'code' is for their dip switches.

Re: Compu Live Question

partime ·
July 14, 2008 Help! I am sending this to 3 or 4 people I hope can help. I have installed a lighting system utilizing the following components: 1. – Acclaim s-fade6 at the entrance door 2. – Elation Compu -1024c 3. – an A-B switch 4. – Elation RMD620 Arc dimmer for house lights 5. – 6 Elation Pro Bar 4 – for an assortment of pars and ellipsoidals. 6. – 3 Elation RGB LED at various points in the path - They are addressed as 101, 108, 115 Problem: When the x-fade is operational it controls more...

Re: Compu Live Question

ebaclights ·
So the house dimmer is tied into the same line as the rest of the lights, and you have both the x-fade and compu controlling them with an a/b switch? You are saying all the lights work ok when controlling with compu, but when you switch it to the x-fade the leds go nuts? If so, they are probably losing dmx since the x-fade is only 6 channels. The only option you have is to set the leds so that when they lose dmx they do not go to auto mode. Finally, you can also add a wall panel from the...

Re: Compu Live Question

ebaclights ·
No you can't use faders with the Compu Box. It simply senses the momentary closing of the switch to change the presets, it will not allow you to manually fade. You can get the low voltage buttons at Radio Shack, and MAYBE they can order the 10 pin IDC connector.

Re: Compu Live Question

partime ·
I'm trying to control the house house so that other ministries coming into the room can control those 6 dimmers without turning on the computer and Compu. I have an A/B switch to disconnect from the wall control and use the compu to control all house and stage lights.

Re: Compu Live Question

elationpro ·
Partime, Seeing as you have an A/B switch this would be easy. I would recommend the AR 32 System. You can use Compu live to set your preset intensity levels, and mount this on the wall. When Compu is Off and your set to B, then the AR-32 can run your house lights.

Re: Compu Live Question

ebaclights ·
I understand what his problem was and I understand what you are saying. Yes, he did buy the incorrect wall controller for the job, but I seriously doubt he wants to drop another $500 dollars and be stuck with the x-fade still. That is why I recommend he build his own switch panel to work with the Easy Stand Alone box. Like I said it cost under $50, and can be put together in about an hour and works great!

Re: Global Edit of Values for One Light + Right Click to Fade

matchless1 ·
Justin, Thanks for that info. I was able to get it working with the MIDI controller. Unfortunately, it actually takes longer to switch b/n fade on/fade off using the MIDI controller than it does to just find the fade-equivalent scene I already have created. It's actually more clicks using the internal MIDI controller. I realize the external controller is probably the best way to go. Unless there was a way to assign a trigger key to the fade channel I just created on the MIDI controller. Then...

Re: Global Edit of Values for One Light + Right Click to Fade

tonyharvey ·
Don't know if this is helpful but here goes. I use the BCF2000 and Compu06. To control dimmers I have a 'always clicked' switch that only controls the dimmer for the channel I want. Then I hook that switch up to my MIDI controller on a fader. When I move the fader on the BCF2000 the lights move accordingly since the button is 'always clicked' in the software. We do this on a couple of different things (chase speed on knobs [always clicked switch], but clicking the knob invokes the...

Re: Global Edit of Values for One Light + Right Click to Fade

ebaclights ·
You can use the board to control dimmers/channels without making an always on switch by using the general output option. This bypasses the program and puts dmx out to that channel. Here is how to put the X/Y control on the knobs. You make an always on switch for pan and one for tilt and put a fader on them. You can then assign the knob to control that fader. Justin

Re: Okay, I think this is a bug. (cycles)

misebeam ·
Hi Jingles, I was clicking the scene button, becuse I thoght I had to choose what type it was..i.e. scenes, or switches. Anyhow, unfortunatly it will not let me send the bug report out, keeps trying, and I do not have an e-mail client on this machine. It would be nice if it wrapped up the errors and saved it into a file I could e-mail on my "connected" machine. On the other issue, I tried to open the cycle, and run but, all I got was a blank page no buttons at the top! I tried running the...