I have the Compu Live software at my church. Most of the time I run the lighting so I use all the features with the Par cans + DS250's.
If I go on vacation or am not able to attend church for whatever reason I have another .ssh file which is only the par cans (precation for the DS250's).
I set the back-up .ssh file to beginner mode, it has no option other than playing the par can scenes.
I now go into my .ssh file with my Par + DS250 and that is now in beginner mode too and I cant edit any of my scenes or anything.
The option for allowing the starting parameters is gone. Is there a key shortcut to secretly open the starting parameters?
Basically I just want the basic .ssh in beginner mode, but I want MY .ssh with the DS250's in expert mode. I can not do that due to the fact that the "Starting Parameters" option is invisible from the main menu.
I really need help with this.
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