Howdy To The Forum! We are glad to be a part of this online community and hope to get some good discussion through this post!
So, a problem we are running into when using the older software compared to the CompuShow is when we program certain midi note triggers on our Akai APC 40. We are using it as the main control surface for smaller shows that go out, and the issue is changing between multiple lighting setups and interfacing to the program.
We basically have to reprogram the whole controller per show because it will not allow you to save the triggers and selections between shows. It would be nice to start fresh when reprogramming a show as well, but we have to right click on each button in the interface and de-select things that we have already done, eliminating the ability to re-use that previous setup in the future.
Is there anything we are missing in the software, or is there a workaround to this issue? We have seen the tab saying "default" under the Akai APC 40 and were curious if that had anything associated with it as well.
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