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I have a Hog 500 with 4 LED pro movers. I had to make the profile for them which i do believe i made right. All the pan/tilt and built in effects work but not just the individual RGBW intensity control. Can anyone help me try to fix this asap. Here is the profile i wrote...

version = 40
Count = 1

fixture = Elation
manufacturer = 55
product = 25
name = Elation LEDPro
yoke = yes

//Created using Denis Hessberger's Wholehog2 Library Generator application!

output = dmx

parameter = Pan
default = 0
highlight = 0
crossfade = 0
movement = normal
type = ltp8bit
range = 0, 255,%

parameter = Panfine
default = 0
highlight = 0
crossfade = 0
movement = normal
type = ltp8bit
range = 0, 255,%

parameter = Tilt
default = 0
highlight = 0
crossfade = 0
movement = normal
type = ltp8bit
range = 0, 255,%

parameter = Tiltfine
default = 0
highlight = 0
crossfade = 0
movement = normal
type = ltp8bit
range = 0, 255,%

parameter = Red
default = 0
highlight = 0
crossfade = 0
movement = normal
type = ltp8bit
range = 0, 255,%

parameter = Green
default = 0
highlight = 0
crossfade = 0
movement = normal
type = ltp8bit
range = 0, 255,%

parameter = Blue
default = 0
highlight = 0
crossfade = 0
movement = normal
type = ltp8bit
range = 0, 255,%

parameter = White
kind = f
default = 0
highlight = 0
crossfade = 0
movement = normal
type = ltp8bit
range = 0, 255,%

parameter = Strobe
default = 0
highlight = 0
crossfade = 0
movement = normal
type = ltp8bit
range = 0, 31, LEDs Off
range = 32, 63,LEDs On
range = 64, 95,strobe effect
range = 96, 127,shutter open
range = 128, 159,shutter pulse
range = 160, 191,shutter open
range = 192, 223,random strobe effect
range = 224, 255,shutter open

parameter = Intensity
default = 0
highlight = 100
crossfade = 0
movement = normal
type = ltp8bit
range = 0, 255,%

parameter = Rainbow
kind = f
default = 0
highlight = 0
crossfade = 0
movement = normal
type = ltp8bit
range = 0, 7,no funtion
range = 8, 231,rainbow colors
range = 232, 255,cross fading colors

parameter = Speed
default = 0
highlight = 0
crossfade = 0
movement = normal
type = ltp8bit
range = 0,225,max to min speed
range = 226, 235,blackout by movment
range = 236, 255, no funtion

parameter = Reset
kind = f
default = 0
highlight = 0
crossfade = 0
movement = normal
type = ltp8bit
range = 0, 79,normal
range = 80, 84,all motor reset
range = 85, 87,scan motor reset

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Hi bearse and welcome top the forums.

Make sure the dimmer channel is up to start. I am sure you have it up but might be one of those little things you forgot to do.

Otherwise, it looks right to me and unfortunately I don't have access to a Hog 500/1K/2/IPC in Hog 2 Mode to try it out. Try this, instead of RGB, use CMY but make the ranges reversed. So it will be Cyan would equal Red but the range is 255, 0, % Magenta is Green with the same range and Yellow is Blue with again the same range.

The reason for the above is Cyan is negative Red or lack of red since it is a combination of blue and green, Magenta is negative Green because it is red and blue, and Yellow is negative Blue since it is a combination of red and green. On the Hog 3, to get the gel picker/color wheel to work, you have to do this with LEDs. The Hog 500/1K/2 predates LEDs in the industry and was added a couple years before HES discontinued support of the line. So it might be a little buggy, especially when making profiles. I had a client that had a Hog 1K and rented a bunch of DLED 36 MHs from us. They made the profile for them but couldn't get it to load/work correctly, and I ended up running out my Road Hog to them just before their show started.
I tried making the profile CYM instead but when i loaded it in it said that there was an error with the 255, 0,%.... I guess it wont accept that.
I only get any type of color when i turn channel 12(speed) at full. Then it just randomly changes color and position on its own kinda like a build in effect.
Last week i did try these on a road hog and that was the same type of problem. The profile for them where off the site though so i decided to maybe make my own for the Hog 500 and hopped it worked out.
Any other suggestions?

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