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Just purchased the Op Pro for an install, and have been spending some time getting to know the console.

Overall, I am thoroughly impressed with the intuitive operation, layout, and expected functionality. It has certainly met my expectations. I have made a few observations that I wanted to run by everyone to see what their thoughts/input would be.

1. When programming chases on the 'PAR' side, I notice that no matter what 'hold' time (speed) is programmed into each step of the chase, it will never operate that way because of the 'speed' fader, which overrides everything. Chances are, that speed fader will never be at the same setting as the programmed chase, and is impossible to match multiple chases.

So basically, every chase on that side has to have it's speed manually set when it is selected for operation (meaning, move the fader or hit the tap-sync)

2. On the 'INTELLIGENT' side, I've noticed that if a 'speed/hold' time is programmed into each chase step, you cannot manually change the chase's speed via fader or tap-sync while the chase is in operation.

So basically, one side requires a speed adjustment every single time, and the other will not accept speed adjustments at all. I suppose I can work around these things, but I was certainly expecting to have the ability to do both on each side.

The intelligent side doesn't bother me quite as much as the par side because the idea for this installation is for it to be virtually idiot-proof; meaning, turn the console on, hit one or two buttons and away you go. I'd much prefer to just program the hold times myself and have them be in effect every time a chase is activated. Then, if someone wants to tap-sync it or speed it up, that's fine, but once it's de-activated, then it will be reset to the programmed speed.

At any rate, it's just looking like I will be setting the speed fader where I need it for the par side, and then taping it in place so it won't be moved.

All in all, it would just be more useful if the tap-sync feature could be deactivated when not needed. In the current situation, it is always on and constantly overrides programmed chases.

Any ideas?
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