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I guess this is more of an idea than a request. I know that there is support through the rigger remote for iphone and such, but is there any way we could get better support on the ipad? I just bought one and would really like to make the large touch screen a useable tool. The internet based riggers remote is often slow depending on the internet connection. Maybe Elation/cuelux could design an ipad app that allowed more than just playbacks ie programing cues, controlling fixtures without cues.
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At this point, I am in the process of working out a deal with the maker of Emulation where he would give me an extra Emucable for my work. It took me over two months to get my interface to fully work. Getting faders to move was very simple, some other things not so much. . . Hopefully we will make a deal and everyone can use this interface (or at least have the files to tweak it to their own likings)
Stuff like smart phones and these touch pads are becoming rapidly accepted by almost all aspects of this industry, especially lighting and sound. It's in the best interest of many vendors to try to support some sort of interface and platform allowing mobile device support to help out. Us small guys benefit because we can work solo. The big guys, it just gives them more options.

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