Well, I've found a way to match up a light show with the bohemian rhapsody. There are 14 layered cues. I edited the cuelist and in chase mode you can delay each cue till a custom time.
The first cue is at HALT. The next shift in the song is 14 seconds into the song. (Is this the real life....) so cue2 is delay 14 seconds then begins. voila!
So basically I mapped out how many seconds into the song eac cue is and delayed it till that point.
I am playing the Mp3 from another machine and I just hit play at the same time on both "controllers".
My question! Surely I can point emulation to an mp3 on the HD and it'd all play at once?
If I can tell a fog machine to come on I should be able to force a program to open and play.
Any ideas?
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