I have a stage setter 8 I've had it for 6 months or so and I am haveing trouble getting it to work at all. Ive tried new cables, terminators, (several of different values)different length of cable, resetting the unit, and every DMX address I thought the thing would recognize. Nothing??? I have considered the fact that this is a low end piece but it still cost $$$ and should work out of the box. Do I have a defective unit? My DMX tester says that signal is getting to my dimmers, also the dimmers led is showing that a DMX signal is presant? yet nothing. Is there a preferd address? because the dimmers came out of the box with a sticker that says "tested" and gives an address of 1-4? or 4-8? as far as I know these are NOT DMX address's what test did you do? I appologize for rambling but I'm very frustrated by this and I know the system worked because I as all others, set it up in my basement and after some trial and alot of geuss work/error got the thing working and programed. Took it to use at a show I was paid for and "DEAD" nothing came up at all! exept when you set the dimmer pack address's to 1 and even then the only thing that worked was the "all on" button? Has anyone ells had this problem addressing and programing this device? And lastly, The manual that came with the system is very vauge and does not go into any specific details of how to use this device. Most people who would by this system are not rocket scientists, nor are they veterans of the theater guild/Union. Please Please help! I'm ready to collect all my elation gear and open an e-bay account...NSI who?
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