I have four Design Spot 250 Pro's, and they all work alike, but ever since day one, one of the fixtures has had an issue where the color wheel indexes fine when it is started and put into it's home position. It's all fine until I trigger the rainbow/color scroll effect. If I go from the scroll to a solid color, the color wheel is off a little bit, and about a third of the image is a different color. To fix it, I usually climb up on the truss, re-home the fixture, and usually it works. Sometimes it goes totally unresponsive and I have to power down the truss to get everything working again.
Anyone have a solution to this? I could do a manual adjustment to offset the color wheel index, but because it happens only after a rainbow effect, doing it would only reverse the problem.
Also, one of my fixtures is slightly out of focus. Where do I go about getting the password to match it up to the other fixtures?
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