Hi, I have asked the company (ADJ in this case) and they have always just made me profiles rather than explain, here are some on going problems I have.
1 I use jamstar elites as cans, they have CH 1 as strobe, dimmer, scroll, etc. When I first made profiles they dimmed a bit then off, the profile I made is gone, the one from ADJ just works on/off on the dimmer, but will disrupt strobe, so can tell its still effecting ch 1, but not dimming. Should I maybe assign dim to RGB and dim those chs, and if so how?
2. I have 3 Mega Pannels, have gotten 2 profiles from ADJ. It thinks its in 13 mode, but when u change values for red,g,b 2-4 nothing happens, when I got the first profile, same thing, except it read ch 4 data, not 1-3. CH 1, although visible on the screen, does nothing, it can't dim or strobe, etc. It also does not respond to scene off or blackout, the only way I can turn them off is to go to a scene where they werent programmed. (Basically functions in 3 ch mode despite displaying 13 ch)
3. I have generic RGB 6 ch cans and use the generic profile for it, ONLY red dims smoothly and correctly, GB stay on, but do respond to scene off/blackout
4. When I first did my profiles, if u taped the same scene button twice, it would stay on the same scene but say it was off on the screen, now when I do this, it shuts all the lights off (except the pannels which wont go off), this is a big deal b/c if I accidentally hit one twice, the band is in near darkness!!!!
5. When I did my profiles they all changed via turning the knob, now some profiles are on off by pressing the button, how does that happen.
I'd be so greatful, been plaugued by all this since day one (almost 3 yrs now!) it didnt occur to me to post here HELP!!!
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