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I created a scene using 4 different types of lights, a High End Systems Studio Spot 250, Martin Mania scanners, Elation Active Scan 250's & AMDJ Dj Scan 250's. I made the scene off of the master page using easy step. The problem I am having is once I make all the steps I want the scene looks great as long as I am in easy step & I hit play with loop. But once it is saved & I recall it on the master page the lights are no longer in sync. They are all running the program but not together so the Martin's are working in sync, and each of the other brands but not in sync together as they do when I am in easy step. Also if I speed it up with a fader on the master scene button the lights don't change colors as I programed them to. What do I need to do to keep all the lights synced as I programed them. Also is there a way to keep the moving head from speeding up with the mirrored scanners in a scene as the moving head can't keep up & it begins to look pretty odd as I speed up the program.

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Hey Ks, your best bet is to program it all in the Master page as that is where you are playing it back. Or set up a hot-key trigger to activate the master scene and all the other relevant scenes in the fixture pages at once. This is known to happen with some sequences but for the life of me I cannot remember the fix right now.
Would you be willing to send me your show file and I could see for myself about this easy step and speed issue?
my email is jamesk (at) elation lighting (dot) (com)

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