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I was able to figure out the MIDI control needed to associate the fader on the NanoKontroller with the dimmer function of the light. I have not figured out how to get the color change of the LED light to work with the knob on the NanoKontroller yet. I have been totally frustrated by the lack on documentation on MIDI in Elation's manual. I am doing this totally by guess-work as I go. The manual says to use EasyControl, which did not come with my software and I cannot find on Elation's website.

The NanoKontroller works with MIDI channels by default. So I used the MIDI inspection function of CompuLive 2006 to see what controls on the NanoKontroller are on what channel. There are one knob (pan), two momentary buttons and one fader on each of the 9 channels on the NanoK. I ended up in the Settings Page > Trigger > MIDI for the fuctions of my lights (like dimmer) and added the Channel, Command (which is where each button on the NanoK is different) etc. to make it work. It basically was trial and a lot of error to make it work. It's tough that the documentation is so lacking.

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