Hi there!
New to the forums, searched around didn't find anything so I figured I'd ask. I have 6 generic LED "bricks" as I call them. The fixtures have a strobe function as found in basic shutter presets, 0-6 BO, 6-15 All LEDs @ Full, 16-255 Strobe Slow-Fast.
I've seen concerts where they have lights all strobe differently. They are slow flashes (maybe 2 per second) but no two lights are on at the same time, giving a pretty cool effect. Is that only a feature found in the higher-end lighting desks or can I replicate that in Compu Show?
What happens now is I set the strobe on the page, but all will flash at the same time. I guess I'm trying to set "phasing" for my strobes if that makes any sense!
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