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With the scene fade toolbar, is there a way to enter a global fade time on the fly rather than setting each scenes times individually?

MY next question is about the effect manager. I have created a simple two point pan swing for my moving lights. IS there a way to make the pan swing relative to the lights individual x/y position rather than having it be an absolute value? Meaning, lets say i have all my lights pointing upward. I want the pan swing to just manipulate the x value so that they stay at their position?
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Dunn, sorry for the late reply. I had read this but completely forgot to reply. Lol. There is no sort of global fade time on the scene fade toolbar. And I know of no way to adjust the times live on the fly unless you simply click on them and change it. Let me look into that.

Do you remember my explanation for making switches using the on/off channels? Well if you generate that sequence in a blank switch using just the pan or tilt (channel which ever one your gonna put the sequence on) channel in the sequence it should override just that pan or tilt channel with the sequence you generated. Make sense? If not let me know. Again sorry for the late reply. Smiler
no worries on the late reply.

im not at my Compu computer at the moment, but from your explanation of the on/off switch i am not sure if we are talking about the same thing. I dont, want it to override my x/y channel, but more adapt to the x/y channel.

I want to create an effect switch that makes a pan swing to go from +10% to -10% of the value it is already at.

So if i have scene 1 where the pan value is at, say 30%, i want the effect to make the pan value swing from 20% to 40%. And then if i have a scene 2 where the pan value is as 50%, it will swing from 40% to 60%.

With this effect, it will manipulate the pan value of my scanners, depending on what scene im in. Is this possibe?(hopefully i am making sense)
Originally posted by jingles:
Don't get me started on the "real" console vs. software console's debate. haha.

Hahaha. They both have their ups and downs. There are so many things i wish i could do on the pearl that i can do on compu and vice versa.

lately i have been learning GrandMA2 and it is so different than either the pearl or compu that sometimes i feel like my head is gonna explode.
This might help.

You can set your movements to additive instead of LTP.

Program their smallest value to be 0.

Go into your switch settings and set the priority control to additive.

Do it to your Position Control while your at it.

I hope this helps, it works for me.

JC Campbell
Project Manager/Lighting Designer
Midnight Lighting - Austin
synaesthesiax - Austin

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