I've been playing around with trying to make the sound to lights usable for quite a while today
I disconnected my mic and connected an Ipod instead to get away from any background noise triggering the lights
I found that one of the issues was that the fade time was longer than the period between audio events and this was causing what seemed to be "spaz" triggering of the lights. I shortened the fade in time and now the lights go from one color to the next instead of skipping and "spazzing".
They still trigger too often.
On my low budget light controllers that have a volume control, you can turn the knob down and get the lights to trigger less often, sort of like making the time between trigger events 2 or 4 or 8 times as long.
I cannot get the lights to trigger less than about 1/4 of a second between events without it totally losing any semblance of following the beat.
If I send an insert from the kik drum, our drummers happy and syncopated kik drum will make the lights "spaz" big time so that's not an option.
Basically, I'm trying to get the lights to sense the tempo of the music and I'd like to be able to adjust a control to double or quadruple the time between trigger events. Hope this makes some sense!
Any help on this?
Also, can anyone tell me how the areas that my arrow is pointing at are selected?